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United Maintenance and Contracting Company Business Process Reengineering Employee Affairs Business Processes The Input area of the Beam is a shape.

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Presentation on theme: "United Maintenance and Contracting Company Business Process Reengineering Employee Affairs Business Processes The Input area of the Beam is a shape."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Maintenance and Contracting Company Business Process Reengineering Employee Affairs Business Processes The Input area of the Beam is a shape with a picture fill. To change this, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 1:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. When choosing an Input image, follow the principles on The Branding Zone. Customize the Input area of the Beam as described below. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the Input graphic and select Format Picture. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the Input area. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the Input graphic should now be visible on the slide.

2 Contents Objectives Introduction to Business Process Flows
Employee Affairs Business Process Flows

3 Objectives This is a predetermined divider slide and should not be modified.

4 Objectives The key objectives of the Employee Affairs processes are as follows: Provide UNIMAC personnel with a reference document for an overview and understanding of key Employee Affairs Department processes. Ensure that employee affairs activities are conducted effectively and efficiently within a controlled environment. Facilitate the automation of employee affairs processes.

5 Introduction to Business Process Flows
This is a predetermined divider slide and should not be modified.

6 Introduction to Business Process Flows
A process is a series of related activities that “flow” through an organization. Processes are not limited to a single function or department and allow a view of activities from their initiation to their conclusion. Process flows allow a diagrammatic view of vital information pertaining to a process, including activities, responsibilities, inputs and outputs. It represents the sequential steps involved in converting a specific input into a required output. Process flows assist in breaking down functional areas to focus on a process view of the organization, aiding in assessing efficiencies and required controls. The employee affairs business processes have been developed taking into consideration the existing functions at UNIMAC.

7 Process Symbols This symbol starts the process
This symbol represents a group of steps or activities to perform work (i.e. a process). Activity This symbol represents an activity to perform work defined in detail. This symbol may represent automated or manual activity. Decision This symbol represents a decision. Decisions are typically phased as “yes/no” questions. Look for a “yes” path and a “no” path out of this symbol This symbol represents information input / output, such as a report or document. This symbol does not always imply hard copy, as some are verbal. Input / Output Ref This symbol represents an off page reference. Indicates a cross-reference with another page of the flowchart This represents an input or output symbol of “Information Entered into System” or “Information Received from System”. Database End This symbol concludes the process.

8 Employee Affairs Process Flow Charts
This is a predetermined divider slide and should not be modified.

9 Employee Affairs Process Flow Charts
The Employee Affairs Department at UNIMAC will perform the following functions and major processes as indicated in the following table: Employee Affairs Department Employee Affairs Department Processes 1.1 Employee Record Administration 1.2 Time and Attendance 1.3 Payroll 1.4 Leaves 1.5 Allowances and Benefits 1.6 Disciplinary Actions and Grievance 1.7 Resignation and Termination of Services

10 Employee Record Administration
The graphic on the divider slide is an AutoShape with a solid fill. To insert an appropriate image, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 2:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the graphic and select Format Shape. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the divider slide graphic. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the divider slide graphic should now be visible on the slide.

11 1.1 Employee Record Administration
The following section displays the Employee Record Administration Processes as indicated in the following table: Process Name Process Number Employee Record Creation 1.1.1 Employee Record Maintenance 1.1.2

12 1.1 Employee Record Administration
إدترة الموارد البشرية Inputs Employee Record Maintenance (1.1.2) Employee Record Creation (1.1.1) Employee Affairs Department Outputs

13 1.1.1 Employee Record Creation
إدترة الموارد البشرية Inputs Work Commencement Form (R&S 05) Employment Offer (Signed) (R&S 04) Human Resources System 6. Issues an identification badge to the employee and finalizes the remaining procedures related to the new employee 4. Sends the work commencement form to the respective department manager 3. Creates a record for the new employee 2. Reviews and completes the required information 1. Receives the employment offer and contract Employee Affairs Officer End 5. Fills the work commencement form and sends it to Employee Affairs Department Respective Department Manager Outputs Work Commencement Form (R&S 05)

14 1.1.2 Employee Record Maintenance
إدترة الموارد البشرية Inputs Human Resources System Documents 1. Receives any documents necessitate amendment of the employee's record 3. Amends the employee's record 2. Reviews and completes the required information Employee Affairs Officer End Outputs Human Resources System (Updated)

15 Time and Attendance The graphic on the divider slide is an AutoShape with a solid fill. To insert an appropriate image, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 2:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the graphic and select Format Shape. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the divider slide graphic. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the divider slide graphic should now be visible on the slide.

16 1.2 Time and Attendance The following section displays the Time and Attendance Processes as indicated in the following table: Process Name Process Number Time and Attendance 1.2.1

17 1.2 Time and Attendance إدترة الموارد البشرية Inputs
(1.2.1) Employee Affairs Department Outputs

18 1.2.1 Attendance إدترة الموارد البشرية Inputs Outputs
Attendance Reports 4. Sends copies of the updated reports to every one of department managers for review and validation 3. Updates the reports as per Employee Affairs Department Manager's recommendations, 1. Produces all attendance reports for different departments and forwards them to the Manager of Employee Affairs Department for Review 1.1.2 Updates the employee’s record Employee Affairs Officer Employee Affairs Department Manager 2. reviews the reports and provides his recommendations Respective Department Manager 5. Reviews the reports and returns them to Human Resources Department Upon approval Outputs Attendance Reports (Updated)

19 Payroll The graphic on the divider slide is an AutoShape with a solid fill. To insert an appropriate image, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 2:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the graphic and select Format Shape. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the divider slide graphic. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the divider slide graphic should now be visible on the slide.

20 1.3 Payroll The following section displays the Payroll Processes as indicated in the following table: Process Name Process Number Social Insurance 1.3.1 Payroll Preparation 1.3.2

21 1.3 Payroll إدترة الموارد البشرية Inputs Payroll Preparation (1.3.2)
Social Insurance (1.3.1) Employee Affairs Department Outputs

22 1.3.1 Social Insurance Inputs End Outputs Employee Affairs Officer
Human Resources System 1. Issues the monthly annual social insurance reports and forwards them to Human Resources Department Manager for review 3. Corrects such errors through Human Resources System Employee Affairs Officer Yes 2. Reviews and approves the reports Employee Affairs Department Manager 6. Sends approved reports to the General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI) 4. Sends the reports to Finance and Information Technology Department for final review and approval There are errors End No 5. Review and approve the reports Finance and IT Department Outputs GOSI Reports

23 1.3.2 Payroll Preparation Inputs Payroll Manager
HR/ Employee Affairs System Attendance Reports 1. Reviews and verifies the calculation of all deductions, allowances and increments within the last 2 weeks of every month 5. Validates information and updating of Payroll 3. Prepares the full payroll and forwards it to the Manager of Employee Affairs Department for review 2. Enters all deductions, allowances, and salary increments in the Human Resources System Payroll Manager No Differences are justified Employee Affairs Department Manager Yes There are Differences 4. Reviews the payroll and ensures non-existence of unjustified differences from the previous month Yes Cont 1.3.2 No Outputs Payroll (Updated) Payroll

24 1.3.2 Payroll Preparation (Cont)
Inputs 6. Prepares the final updated payroll Cont 1.3.2 Payroll Manager 7. Reviews the final payroll and forwards it to Human Resources Development Manager for approval as per DOA Employee Affairs Department Manager Human Resources Department Manager 8. Approves the final payroll as per DOA Processes Payroll Finance and IT Department Outputs Human Resources System (Updated) Final Payroll

25 Leaves The graphic on the divider slide is an AutoShape with a solid fill. To insert an appropriate image, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 2:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the graphic and select Format Shape. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the divider slide graphic. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the divider slide graphic should now be visible on the slide.

26 1.4 Leaves The following section displays the Leave Processes as indicated in the following table: Process Name Process Number Leaves 1.4.1

27 1.4 Leaves إدترة الموارد البشرية Inputs Employee Affairs Department
(1.4.1) Employee Affairs Department Outputs

28 1.4.1 Leaves Inputs Immediate Supervisor Employee Affairs Officer End
Leave Request Form 1. Completes the relevant leave form and forwards it to his immediate supervisor for initial approval Employee 3.Iinforms the concerned employee if the request is rejected No 2. approves or rejects the leave request based on work requirements and pressure Approval Immediate Supervisor 4. Informs the Employee Affairs Department in case the request is approved Yes 6. Informs the concerned employee if the request is rejected. No 5. Checks the request to ensure its correctness and completeness and verify the eligibility of the employee to avail the requested leave after viewing his current leave balance Approval Employee Affairs Officer 7. Revises the employee's leave balance in Human Resources System, and ensures updating of the payroll and informs the employee accordingly End Yes Outputs Payroll (Updated) Human Resources System (Updated) Leave Request Form

29 Allowances and Benefits
The graphic on the divider slide is an AutoShape with a solid fill. To insert an appropriate image, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 2:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the graphic and select Format Shape. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the divider slide graphic. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the divider slide graphic should now be visible on the slide.

30 1.5 Allowances and Benefits
The following section displays the Allowances and Benefits Processes as indicated in the following table: Process Name Process Number Advance Payments 1.5.1 Occupational Injury Allowance 1.5.2

31 1.5 Allowances and Benefits
إدترة الموارد البشرية Inputs Occupational Injury Allowance (1.5.2) Advance Payments (1.5.1) Employee Affairs Department Outputs

32 1.5.1 Advance Payments Inputs End End Outputs Employee
Advance/Leave Request Form 1. Submits an advance / loan request to Employee Affairs Department Employee 4. If the request is approved, it will be forwarded to Finance and Information Technology Department Yes Employee Affairs Department Manager Approval 2. Examines the request and takes the necessary decision. No 6. Notifies the employee with the final decision, whether positive or negative 3. the request is rejected, notifies the employee accordingly Employee Affairs Officer End End 5. Examines the request. and approves it as per DOA Finance and IT Department Outputs

33 1.5.2 Occupational Injury Allowance
Inputs "Investigation data on legality of Injury" form An Employee Injury Occupational Health Section Officer 1. Takes the employee to the medical clinic in the plant Occupational Health Section Head (Yamama Physician) 5. Upon receiving the medical reports from GOSI, the Company Physician notified Employee Affairs Department 4. Coordinate s transporting the injured employee to GOSI hospital via Company's ambulance 3. Prepares an initial report on the injury by completing the form "Investigation data on legality of Injury" 2. Provides first aid treatment for the employee 6. Forwards the report to Finance and Information Technology Department to process payment of the remaining employee entitlements Employee Affairs Department Accountant 1.3.2 Prepares Payroll Finance and Information Technology Department 7. Finalize payment of the remaining employee’s entitlements End Outputs "Investigation data on legality of Injury" form

34 Disciplinary Actions and Grievance
The graphic on the divider slide is an AutoShape with a solid fill. To insert an appropriate image, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 2:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the graphic and select Format Shape. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the divider slide graphic. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the divider slide graphic should now be visible on the slide.

35 1.6 Disciplinary Actions and Grievance
The following section displays the Processes relating to Disciplinary Actions and Grievances as indicated in the following table: Process Name Process Number Disciplinary Actions 1.6.1 Grievances 1.6.2

36 1.6 Disciplinary Actions and Grievance
إدترة الموارد البشرية Inputs Grievance (1.6.2) Disciplinary Actions (1.6.1) Employee Affairs Department Outputs

37 1.6.1 Disciplinary Actions Inputs Respective Department Manager End
Violation Form 1. Informs Employee Affairs Department about his intension to take disciplinary action against an employee in his department Respective Department Manager 5. Forwards his decision to the employee's immediate supervisor and the employee will be notified in writing with the decision 4. Determines the disciplinary action against the employee based on the result of interview, according to the Kingdom's regulations and Company's polices 3. Validates, during the meeting, the breach incident and inquires from the employee on the causes of his misconduct 2. Notifies the related employee with the content of the complaint raised against him and asks him to attend a disciplinary action interview 6. The disciplinary action decision will be formally issued Employee Affairs Department Manager End Yes 1.6.2 Grievance Employee Approval Employee No Outputs Disciplinary Action Form (PA Affairs 02) Employee Notification in writing

38 1.6.2 Grievances Inputs End End Outputs Employee
Grievance Form (P.Affairs 01) Grievance Form (P.Affairs 01) 1. Submits a written complaint to the relevant department manager 3. Resorts to the Manager of Human Resources Department Employee No Resolve Grievance 2. Tries to resolve the complaint Respective Department Manager End Yes Cont 1.6.2 No Resolve Grievance 4. Tries to resolve the complaint Human Resources Department Manager End Yes Outputs Grievance Form (P.Affairs 01) Grievance Form (P.Affairs 01)

39 1.6.2 Grievances (Cont) Inputs Employee Company General Manager End
Grievance Form (P.Affairs 01) 6. Raises the matter to the Ministry of Labor Employee No Yes Resolve Grievance 5. Tries to resolve the complaint Company General Manager Cont 1.6.2 End Outputs

40 Resignation and Termination of Services
The graphic on the divider slide is an AutoShape with a solid fill. To insert an appropriate image, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 2:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the graphic and select Format Shape. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the divider slide graphic. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the divider slide graphic should now be visible on the slide.

41 1.7 Resignation and Termination of Services
The following section displays the Processes relating to Resignation and Termination of Services as indicated in the following table: Process Name Process Number Resignation 1.7.1 Termination of Services (Based on Immediate Supervisor Request) 1.7.2 Termination of Services (Based on Employee Request) 1.7.3

42 1.7 Resignation and Termination of Services
إدترة الموارد البشرية Inputs Termination of Services (Based on Employee Request) (1.7.3) Termination of Services (Based on Immediate Supervisor Request) (1.7.2) Resignation (1.7.1) Employee Affairs Department Outputs

43 1.7.1 Resignation Inputs End Outputs Employee Immediate Supervisor
Resignation Form Yes Accept Rejection 4. Reevaluate the resignation causes and take the final decision 1. Complete and send the resignation form to his immediate supervisor End Employee No 2. Seeks to know the causes of resignation Immediate Supervisor No No 5. Approves the resignation request and postpone it according to work requirements 3. Investigates the resignation request and responds to it 6. Issues the termination decision as per DOA Yes Accept Resignation Yes Accept Resignation Respective Main Department manager 7. Arranges the termination of the employee services through finalizing the necessary actions (end of service certificate, clearance, etc.). Employee Affairs Department Manager Cont 1.7.1 Outputs Human Resources System (Updated) Clearance Certificate (Admin 01)

44 1.7.1 Resignation (Cont) Inputs Outputs
Personal Interview Exit Form (P. Affairs 04) Human Resources Department Manager / Employee Affairs Department Manager 8. Conducts the exit interview with that employee Cont 1.7.1 1.2.2 Update Employee Record Employee Affairs Department Outputs

45 1.7.2 Termination of Services (Based on Immediate Supervisor Request)
Inputs Personal Interview Exit Form (P. Affairs 04) Reasons of Termination of Services 1. Informs the Human Resources Manager of his desire to terminate the services of an employee in his department Respective Department Manager Employee Affairs Department/ Employee Affairs Department Manager 1.1.2 Update Employee Record 3. Arranges for termination of the employee's services through finalizing the necessary actions (end of service certificate, clearance, etc.). 2. Notifies the relevant employee of the resolution on terminating his services and causes for that based on the instructions of the Human Resources Manager Yes 1.6.2 Grievance Accept Termination No Employee HR Department Manager/ Employee Affairs Department Manager 4. Conducts the exit interview with that employee Outputs Human Resources System (Updated) Clearance Certificate (Admin 01)

46 1.7.3 Termination of Services (Based on Employee Request)
Inputs Personal Interview Exit Form (P. Affairs 04) Reasons of Termination 1. Informs his immediate supervisor of his desire not to renew his contract Employee 2. Inquires on the causes of that and notifies Employee Affairs Department accordingly Immediate Supervisor 3. Arranges for termination of the employee services through finalizing the necessary actions (end of service certificate, clearance, etc.). after obtaining the required approvals as per DOA Employee Affairs Department/ Employee Affairs Department Manager 1.1.2 Update employee record HR Department Manager/ Employee Affairs Department Manager 4. Conducts the exit interview with that employee Outputs Human Resources System (Updated) Clearance Certificate (Admin 01(

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