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Where are Migrants Distributed?

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1 Where are Migrants Distributed?
Chapter 3 Key Issue 2 Where are Migrants Distributed?

2 Global Migration Patterns
At a global scale people generally migrate from the developing to the developed world. The three largest flows are from Asia to Europe and North America, and from Latin America.

3 Immigration by country

4 U.S. Immigration Patterns
More than most other countries, the United States is a land of immigrants. There have been two major eras of immigration to the United States, from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century and from the 1970s until the present. Both eras have involved people coming to the United States from countries that were at stage two of the demographic transition. There were three peaks of this first era of immigration. (1) From the time of the earliest immigration until 1840 and consisted of people largely from Western Europe. (2) The second peak was during the late 1800s and again most migrants were from western Europe, especially Germany and Ireland. (3) The third peak was from the late 1800s until the early 1900s and consisted of people largely from southern and eastern Europe who came to work in the factories of the Industrial Revolution.

5 Migration to the U.S. by region of origin

6 Recent Immigration from Less Developed Regions
Recent immigration to the U.S. has been from less developed regions, especially Asia and Latin America. During the 1980s and 1990s the three leading sources of U.S. immigrants from Asia were the Philippines, Vietnam, and South Korea. In the 1980s Mexico became the leading source of immigrants to the U.S. During this time people have been pushed from their homeland by economic and political conditions.

7 Migration to the U.S. from Asia

8 Migration to the U.S. from Latin America

9 Impact of Immigration on the U.S.
Today’s immigrants to the U.S. are clustered in California, New York, Florida, and Texas. New immigrants often move to places where family members and friends from their home country have already migrated. This is called chain migration. There have been increasing numbers of illegal or undocumented immigrants to the U.S. In 2005 the Urban Institute estimated that there may have been as many as 9.3 million undocumented immigrants, including 5.3 million from Mexico.

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