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Year 11 Independent Learning Support

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1 Year 11 Independent Learning Support
“Independent learning is pupils having an understanding of their learning; being motivated to take responsibility for their learning; and working with teachers to structure their learning environment.” (DFSC).

2 ‘Consistent actions create consistent results’
Independent Learning ‘Consistent actions create consistent results’ It is our intention that in year 11 we encourage our students to go ‘above and beyond’ to exceed their own expectations and the expectations of others. We encourage independence and consistency in our approach to learning, with the hope that students achieve consistent results that they can be proud of. Consequently, as a school we are looking to promote and develop the skills needed to become a successful independent learner. Evidence suggests that independent learning has many benefits, including improved academic performance, enhanced confidence and increased self motivation. These are all highly desirable characteristics for further education and employers alike. It is crucial that students have the opportunities to learn and develop their knowledge at their own pace and it is our job to provide them with the foundations to do so. It is with this in mind that we have created this booklet to empower parents and students by providing the resources and opportunities to test their own learning outside the classroom. This in turn will help them to develop a true understanding of their subjects. We hope that you can support us in encouraging your child to take full advantage of the opportunities provided and highlight the benefits of dedicating even just a little extra time each week to focus on the areas they feel less confident in.

3 Independent Learning Activities: The 3 Phases of Practice
Reading through class notes Watching online video and accessing relevant websites Reading through course text books Making mind-maps, diagrams and graphic organisers Making and remaking class notes Highlighting and colour coding information/notes/books. Creating flashcards to cover what you have learned Completing revision walls to display your learning Writing under exam conditions Reading through model answers Planning responses to past questions Making your own mark schemes Study mark schemes or examiners’ reports Working with other pupils in groups/pairs to compare work Comparing model answers against your own work Creating your own exam questions Handing in extra exam work for marking One-to-on discussions with teachers or tutors Phase 1 (content): use to memorise information. Good practice is more than memorisation. Phase 2 (skill): Test yourself against the demands of the exam Focus on the things you don’t know. Not what you already do. Phase 3 (feedback): Check the quality of activities in phase 2. Identify areas of weakness.

4 Independent learning opportunities at Nottingham Academy
Revision Timetable Subject Teacher Room Time Maths Ms Buxton Ms Bird Mr Gordon Ms Briggs B164 B166 B105 B104 Lunch – Every day After school – Tues, Weds & Thurs After school – Thurs English Ms Imtiaz Ms Wedderburn B153 B131 After school – Wednesday &Thursday Science Sci – Ezy Ed HW Rotation Science Corridor B102 B103 After school – Wednesday After school - Fridays French Spanish Ms Gangneux Ms Geary Mr Bollati A168 Lunch – Monday & Tuesday Lunch - Friday Sport Ms Beldham B157 After school - Tuesday Geography Mr Sturtivant A182 After School - Tuesday History Mr Loscalzo A143 Lunch – Wednesday

5 Independent learning opportunities at Nottingham Academy
Revision Timetable Subject Teacher Room Time Food Ms Johnson A158 After School - Wednesday Business Ms Davis A180 Lunch – Tuesday & Wednesday After School Tuesday & Wednesday Media Ms Griffiths A179 After School - Thursday Urdu Mr Khan Mr Arif B128 Lunchtime: Wednesday Afterschool: Thursday Tuesday Health & Social Ms Cupit A167 After school: Wednesday Tuesday (After Christmas) RE Ms Khan A142 After school: Friday Art Mr Newall B159 After School – Wednesday & Thursday Psychology Ms Smikle A173 Music composition Ms Watson B117

6 Art Key information Exam board AQA Topics
Natural Form (artist research, observational drawing and developing ideas) Specification: Independent learning It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. However, homework will be set once a week to support this. Revision/ catch up sessions After School – Wednesday & Thursday Revision books Sketchbooks given to students for free. Students able to work at home. Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites

7 Business Key information Exam board Edexcel Topics Topics to cover
Unit 1 – Enterprise in the Business World (Year 10) Unit 2 – Finance for business exam in (Year 11) Unit 3- Promoting a brand (Year 10) Unit 6 – Introducing retail business- (Year 11) Specification: Independent learning Weekly for students to complete their coursework to the deadlines. Support is available for them to do this. Students can access Moodle from home where they can improve coursework and upload onto the system link:- Revision & catch up sessions Lunch – Tuesday & Wednesday After School Tuesday & Wednesday Revision books Students have the opportunity to buy revision books for unit 2 in year 11 at a cost of £3.00. Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites

8 (Certificate in Digital Applications)
CiDA (Certificate in Digital Applications) Key information Exam board Edexcel Topics This course promotes the creative use of digital applications, covering imaging, multimedia, website and computer game development. Unit 1: Developing web products (mandatory) Unit 2: Creative multimedia (optional) Unit 3: Artwork and imaging (optional) Unit 4: Game making (optional) Specification: Independent learning It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. However, homework will be set once a week to support this. Revision & catch up sessions Revision books NA Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites

9 Computer Science Key information Exam board OCR Topics
Computer systems Memory Programming languages Translators Specification: Independent learning It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. However, homework will be set once a week to support this. Revision & catch up sessions Revision books Python IDLE book Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites If students have access to a computer at home they may want to install the Python IDLE - there are lots of resources available online, as well as a lot of books available too.

10 English Key information Exam board AQA Topics
English language - creative reading and writing, writer's viewpoints and perspectives Shakespeare - either Macbeth or Romeo and Juliet Poetry anthology – poems from Conflict and Power. Modern text - Blood Brothers, An Inspector Calls or Animal Farm  Pre-1900s text - A Christmas Carol or Frankenstein  Unseen Poetry Specification: Independent learning It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. However, homework will be set once a week to support this. Revision & catch up sessions After school – Wednesday (Poety – Ms Imtiaz & Ms Wedderburn) &Thursday (blood brothers –Ms Wedderburn) Revision books Please see page 6 for a comprehensive list of revision books and prices. These can also be ordered from Amazon or WH Smiths. Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites

11 English Guide Price English Literature: Drama
An Inspector Calls – Text Guide £2.75 An Inspector Calls Workbook (includes Answers) A Christmas Carol – Text Guide A Christmas Carol Workbook (includes Answers) Blood Brothers – Text Guide Blood Brothers – Workbook (includes Answers) English Literature: Shakespeare Macbeth – The Complete Play Macbeth – Text Guide Macbeth Workbook (includes Answers) Romeo & Juliet – The Complete Play Romeo and Juliet – Text Guide Romeo and Juliet Workbook (includes Answers) English Literature: Poetry Poetry Power & Conflict Anthology Guide Poetry Power & Conflict Anthology Workbook Poetry AQA Unseen Poetry Guide English Language: English Language Complete Revision & Practice £5.50 English Language AQA Revision Guide: Grades 9-1 English Language AQA Workbook: Grades 9-1 English Language AQA Study & Exam Practice: Grades 5-1 £3.25 English Language AQA Answers for Study & Exam Practice: Grades 5-1 £1.00 English Language AQA Practice Papers: Grades 9-1 GCSE English Writing Skills Study Guide £2.25 SPaG Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar for GCSE Complete Study & Practice Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar for GCSE Study Guide Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar for GCSE Workbook (includes answers)

12 French Key information Exam board AQA Topics
Theme 1: Identity and culture. Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest. Theme 3: Current and future study and employment. Specification: Independent learning Students are expected to access whenever possible to boost their grammar skills. It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. However, homework will be set once a week to support this. Revision & catch up sessions Lunch – Monday & Tuesday Revision books Pearson AQA French 9-1 Revision guide and revision workbook can be bought from the Department or directly from Amazon for the same price of around £5.99. Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites - login: password: ng2 4gl Quizlet/ Games/ vocab  verb trainer/ workouts/ games set yourself 5/10 minutes a day/ set yourself a daily challenge Improve your listening comprehension and practice with different accents interacting with the best musical videos, filling the gaps in the lyrics and using the Karaoke. 

13 Geography Key information Exam board AQA Topics
UK physical landscapes, river landscapes in the UK, Urban issues and challenges in an LIC/NEE. Resource management, water, the changing economic world: development and LICs/NEEs. Costal landscapes in the UK, The changing Economic World: UK economy. Specification: Independent learning It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. However, homework will be set once a week to support this. Revision/ catch up sessions After School - Tuesday Revision books Available from the class teacher £5.50 Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites

14 History Key information Exam board AQA Topics
Medicine from Medieval to Modern, Conflict and tension from 1918 to 1939, Elizabethan England, Germany Specification: Independent learning It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. However, homework will be set once a week to support this. Revision & catch up sessions Lunch – Wednesday Revision books 'CGP GCSE AQA History Grade 9-1 Course Revision Guide' £5 WHSmith and amazon. Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites

15 Maths Key information Exam board AQA Topics Foundation grades 1-5
Higher grades 4-9 Specification: Independent learning Homework is set weekly on Maths Watch. Every student has been given a login by their teacher. Mr Gordon's groups are also doing a weekly DRT (Direct Response Task) exam paper. This will be extended to other groups as the year progresses. Revision & catch up sessions Lunch – Every day After school - Tuesday & Thursday Revision books These can be ordered in WH Smiths or online by visiting: Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites Maths watch - Maths Genie - PIXL maths app -

16 Media Key information Exam board Pearson’s Edexcel Topics
Digital media sectors and audiences. Planning and pitching a digital media product. Digital moving image production. Website Production. Independent learning All student are encouraged to consume a wide variety of media products in their own time. It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. Revision & catch up sessions After School - Thursday Revision books N/A Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites

17 Psychology Key information Exam board OCR Topics Year 10
Criminal Psychology Development Psychological Problems Research Methods Year 11 Social Influence Memory Sleep and Dreaming Specification Independent learning It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. However, homework will be set once a week to support this. Revision & catch up sessions After School - Wednesday Revision books Revision books provided by department Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites This is a new course so there are very few up to date resources online. However, articles and resources may be found on individual studies if searched on google.

18 Photography Key information Exam board AQA Topics Year 10 Detail
Out of Place Motion Assembled Creative landscape Architecture Shelter Specification Independent learning It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. However, homework will be set once a week to support this. Revision & catch up sessions Revision books N/A sketchbooks are provided and can be used at home. Past exam papers and mark schemes N/A Useful websites Pinterest at home. Goole is useful for most research and the AQA Art and design website for examples and grade boundaries.

19 Religious Education Key information Exam board Edexcel Topics
Syllabus A Religious Studies Islam - Beliefs, Practices, Sources of Wisdom and Authority, Living the Muslim Life, Christianity: Beliefs and practices, Philosophy and Ethics through Islam Syllabus B Religious Studies Christianity -beliefs, practices, Marriage and the family, Matters of life and death, living the Christian way of life, Muslim beliefs and practices, Peace and Conflict through Islam Specification: Independent learning . Students should complete exam questions at end of the topic which are in the booklets provided. It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. Revision & catch up sessions After school: Friday Revision books Revision book will be given by the department - no fee. Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites

20 Science Key information Exam board AQA Science Topics
Independent learning It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. However, homework will be set every two weeks to support this via Ezy Education. Revision & catch up sessions Ezy Education HW – Fridays Wednesday after school Open to all session Personal Invite session Revision books Revision Books – £5:50 for combined science, £8.25 for three triple science books. Exam Practice Books – £4.50 for combined science, £11.25 for three separate science books. Cash needed to the science department and orders are made regularly. Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites – all pupils have usernames Bbc Bitesize Focus Learning – password is 123 Free Science Student Common Drive Independent tasks for each module Check lists for each module Knowledge Mats for each module

21 Spanish Key information Exam board AQA Topics
Theme 1: Identity and culture. Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest. Theme 3: Current and future study and employment. Specification: Independent learning Students are expected to access whenever possible to boost their grammar skills. Revision & catch up sessions Lunch - Friday Revision books can be loaned out from MFL department or purchased from Amazon. Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites (Click on Oyé for Spanish link) login:1523 password: ng2 4gl - Spanish account ID: 1436 Pupil password: gwdschool Quizlet/ Games/ vocab  verb trainer/ workouts/ games set yourself 5/10 minutes a day/ set yourself a daily challenge Improve your listening comprehension and practice with different accents interacting with the best musical videos, filling the gaps in the lyrics and using the Karaoke

22 Sport Key information Exam board OCR Topics
Coursework units: Sport Psychology (R044); The principles of training (R042); Sports nutrition (R045) Exam units: (Sports injuries R041) topics and revision can be found on > Search NACPE > Classes R041 (see below). Specification: Independent learning It is the students responsibility to identify whether or not they are up to date with their coursework. If they are not it is the expectation that they dedicate time during lunch or after school to catch up. Revision & catch up sessions After school - Tuesday Revision books There are no revision guides for this course to buy. Only resources that staff and pupils create. Some past exam papers and mark schemes can be found on Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites (search for ‘NACPE’)

23 Urdu Key information Exam board AQA Topics
Relationships and choices – Family, pets, friends, feelings, plans, racism, poverty and opinions. Free time and the media - Sports activities, hobbies, shopping, clothes, technology and opinions. Home and local area- Houses, rooms, furniture, birthdays, shops, buildings, town, region, areas and descriptions. School/college and future plans - Subjects, buildings, meals, rules, rooms, problems and opinions. Holidays - Plans, preferences, experiences, places, transports. Specification: Independent learning It is the students responsibility to organise their time, identify areas to improve and set themselves related task to improve skills and knowledge. However, homework will be set once a week to support this. Revision & catch up sessions Lunchtime: Wednesday Afterschool: Thursday Tuesday Revision books No specific revision books available. See Mr Khan for revision materials. Past exam papers and mark schemes Useful websites



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