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Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology

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1 Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology
Research Master Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology

2 Pleased to meet you! Dr. Henk Groen
Assistant Professor in Epidemiology Course coordinator within CPE René de Vries 2nd year CPE student

3 Looking for a research master programme?
Are you highly motivated to become a top researcher? And are you interested in finding answers to questions such as: How can intervention prevent burnout in medical students? Can mindfulness support patients in dealing with chronic disease? How can we predict obesity in young children? Are there genes that increase your risk to get COPD?

4 What makes a researcher?
Researchers are: Curious, critical and inquisitive Analytical thinkers Able to approach problems from multiple angles Competent in translating complex problems into testable hypotheses

5 How do you become a researcher?
By performing your own research and getting deeply involved in a topic of your choice By developing essential research skills By participating in a research team By working closely with top researchers in your field of choice who support your personal development

6 Unique selective master programme
Students specialize in the fields of: Public health Health psychology Epidemiology Psychiatry Health Systems and Prevention Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology is embedded in the University Medical Center Groningen offering students a unique opportunity to do clinical research with large databases (e.g. Lifelines) Students are trained to become a researcher and are supervised by top researchers

7 Unique new Track within CPE
bridges the research focus of CPE with that of health systems and prevention embedded in the University Medical Center Groningen offering students a unique opportunity to combines innovative research with concrete policy questions from the field transdisciplinairy approach: collaboration between the UMCG and the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health

8 General information Focus on the reciprocal relationship between mental and physical health Two-year selective research master programme A strong focus on research skills and on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of physical and mental health conditions. Annual tuition: EU Students ≈ €2083 Non EU Students ≈ €14600 Start programme: 2 September 2019 Teaching language: English

9 Study programme overview year 1
Year 1 (For a full course overview, visit Ocasys) Credits (ECTS) Basics in Medicine or Basics in Psychology and Psychological Factors 8 Study Design in Clinical Epidemiology 4 Medical Statistics Psychiatric Epidemiology Public Health Epidemiology Health Psychology Research Master Thesis Proposal 15

10 Study programme overview year 2
Year 2 (For a full course overview, visit Ocasys) Credits (ECTS) Master Thesis Project 39 Seminars and research meetings 3 Scientific Integrity Project management 1 Coaching Groups 9 Writing a PhD Research Proposal 8 Elective Courses, examples: Basic Clinical Epidemiology, Advanced Health Psychology, Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis, Scientific Writing 11

11 Why Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology?
A challenging multidisciplinary and intercultural approach to problem solving Teaching by top-researchers with a high teacher - student ratio Your supervisor will encourage your individual development as a researcher Small-scale teaching in an international environment You can design your own PhD research project Possibility of obtaining a fully funded three-year PhD position at the UMCG

12 Why HSP-Track? Combines cutting-edge research with concrete policy questions from the field Interfaculty education 10-weeks internship at a non-academic health organization Write a PhD research proposal or Policy proposal Possibility of obtaining a fully funded three-year PhD position at the UMCG

13 “There are sixteen students of ten different nationalities in my year
“There are sixteen students of ten different nationalities in my year. The professors and researchers that teach us, encourage us to share ideas and to do background research on our own initiative. With success. Every student is motivated and involved.” Manon Schallig CPE

14 Rena Bakker has performed a study in which she collected data among 400 midwifery students in order to evaluate their stance on disrespectful maternity care in the field: “In Ethiopia only twenty to thirty percent of mothers-to-be visit a medical professional. Most women go into labour unsupervised, which causes huge risks for mother and child. The fear of being mistreated plays a huge role in the maternity mortality in Ethiopia.” Rena Bakker CPE

15 Application Apply online Dutch students
Apply online through Studielink Deadlines Non EU: 1 March 2019 EU and NL: 1 May 2019

16 Admission requirements
Bachelor degree in the field of Medical Sciences or in Social Sciences and Humanities TOEFL 580/237/92-93 IELTS 6.5 Questions?

17 Selection procedure Applicants are required to:
Submit a letter of motivation Submit 1 academic reference Interview Selected applicants will be invited to pass an online statistics test in which very basic statistical knowledge is tested. Thereafter, there will be an interview during which they can present their research (Bachelor thesis) and elaborate on their motivation to become a researcher.

18 We hope you’ll join the research master Clinical and Psychosocial
Stay in touch! We hope you’ll join the research master Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology! Sign up on the iPads to receive our newsletter and an application deadline alert

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