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Starter- Picture in time

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1 Starter- Picture in time
Baton Rouge Louisiana- Peaceful protest about the unlawful death of Alton Sterling. He was selling CDs. Was tasered multiple times for resisting arrest then shot 6 times at close range. one of the two police officers involved had his knee on Sterling's chest when he was shot. This sparked days of protests across Louisiana due to police brutality. “I can’t breathe” Eric Garners last words before he died of suffocation. Garner was arrested for allegedly selling illegal cigerettes in the street in New York. He was asthmatic and an officer placed him in a prohibited chokehold. Garner died of a breathing difficulty due to neck compression. Garner lay unconscious on the side walk for 7 mins while the police waited on an ambulance. Neither of the officers attempted CPR. What might have happened before the photo was taken? Why did these demonstrations take place? What political right are citizens exercising in these photos?

2 Crime & justice in the usa

3 Today we will… Success Criteria….
Understand the reasons for social inequality with regards to crime in the USA. Explain the reasons for these inequalities. Success Criteria…. Watch a video clip and take notes on the reasons for inequality. Effectively contribute to a group task whilst noting important information about racial inequality within the USA criminal justice system.

4 Crime and Justice in the USA
Within the USA criminal justice system there is deep rooted inequalities which can be attributed to a number of factors. There is a clear link between prison population in the USA and ethnic groups

5 Income/ unemployment/ housing/ education/ health
Think, Pair, share Income/ unemployment/ housing/ education/ health Why would ethnic minorities be more likely to engage in criminal activity? Write a sentence linking one of the socio-economic inequalities we have already looked at to crime. Share this with your shoulder partner. Be prepared to share with the class!

6 Discrimination in the US Justice System?
It is alleged that minorities are discriminated against when it comes to justice. This is most obvious at the following times: On arrest When being tried in court In terms of length of prison sentence The use of the death penalty This has caused outrage within the USA which has ignited a number of political movements to form.

7 Reasons for Inequality
You are going to watch a video clips about crime inequalities. As you watch, note down the reasons for these inequalities. Reasons Targeted by police- “stop and frisk” Petty drug crimes Prison system not focused on rehabilitation- punishment Education system Discrimination/Racism/Prejudice

8 We will go over your findings on Wednesday
Reverse highlighting On your table you have 2 different articles. As a group you must ‘black out’ what you deem to be irrelevant information. The info that is left should be summarised in your own words. Instructions for articles: Article 1- The sentencing project report to the U.N. Any information should go into a mind map titled “Racial inequality within the US criminal justice system” Minimum of 3 examples which can be used in a KU question. To be completed as a group Article 2- Police brutality cases. Individually choose 1 of the 3 cases given in this article. Fill out the case study template individually, summarising the incident. This will then be glued into your note pad. We will go over your findings on Wednesday

9 Extension task- KU practice questions
Describe, in detail, two causes of socio-economic issues in the world power you have studied. In your answer you must state the world power you have studied Describe, in detail, two ways a citizen can participate in politics in a world power you have studied. In your answer you should state the world power you have studied

10 Link to video which summarises social inequality in the USA.
Post it note Write down on your post it note: 1 thing you learned from todays lesson 1 thing you would like to learn more about Put your initials on the back of your post-it note and stick it to the board when your table is dismissed Link to video which summarises social inequality in the USA.

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