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1 Introduction to Medical Terminology.

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1 1 Introduction to Medical Terminology

2 Medical Terminology at a Glance
Studying medical terminology is like learning a new language Basic rules for building terms will help you both build and translate many different words You must be able to put words together or build words from their parts Like piecing together a puzzle

3 Understanding Medical Terms
It is impossible to memorize all of the thousands of medical terms You can distinguish the meaning of many different words by analyzing the word parts Word roots Combining forms Prefixes Suffixes

4 Basic Word Parts Word root is the fundamental meaning of the term
Prefixes and suffixes modify the word root Combining vowels connect other word parts Always exceptions to rules

5 Medical Terms Are Built from Word Parts
Word Part Example cardiogram (record of the heart) pericardium (around the heart) carditis (inflammation of the heart) cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease) Word root Prefix Suffix Combining form

6 Word Root Foundation of the term General meaning of word
Often gives body system or part cardi = heart gastr = stomach neur = nerve

7 Combining Vowels Created by adding a vowel (usually) the letter “0” to he end of a word root Used When Connecting two roots The root is joined to a suffix that begins with a consonant Do not use if the suffix begins with a vowel: Arthritis not Arthroitis

8 Combining Form Typically used to write word roots
Also use the word root/combining vowel format cardi/o - heart arthr/o - joint gastr/o - stomach aden/o – gland carcin/o – cancer cardi/o – heart chem/o – chemical cis/o – to cut dermat/o – skin enter/o – small intestine gynec/o – female hemat/o – blood hydr/o – water immun/o – immunity laryng/o – voice box nephr/o – kidney neur/o – nerve ophthalm/o – eye ot/o – ear path/o – disease pulmon/o – lung rhin/o – nose

9 Suffix Attached to the end of a term Adds meaning such as:
condition -algia = pain disease itis = inflammation procedure -ectomy = surgical removal All medical terms must have a suffix Only mandatory word part Usually indicate procedure, condition, disorder, or disease

10 Double R Suffixes Can be a little confusing
-rrhage/rrhagia – sudden, severe bleeding -rrhaphy – suturing – surgical suturing -rrhea - flow or discharge (of body fluids) -rrhexis – means rupture

11 Surgical Suffixes -centesis puncture to withdraw fluid
-ectomy surgical removal -ostomy surgically create an opening -otomy cutting into -pexy surgical fixation -plasty surgical repair

12 Procedural Suffixes -gram record or picture
-graph instrument for recording -graphy process of recording -meter instrument for measuring -metry process of measuring -scope instrument for viewing -scopy process of visually examining

13 Prefix Added to the front of a term Adds meaning such as:
location of organ sub- = below number of parts mono- = one time (frequency) post- = after -pericardium -polynueritis -prenatal Not all medical terms have a prefix

14 Number Prefixes bi- two hemi- half mono- one multi- many nulli- none
poly- many primi- first quadri- four semi- partial, half tetra- four tri- three

15 Word Building Putting together several parts to form a variety of terms to convey the necessary information Begins with knowing the meaning of the various word parts in order to select the correct ones Always remember the rules regarding the location of each word part

16 Word Building For example: Combine to form the term:
hypo- = below or under derm/o = meaning the skin -ic = meaning pertaining to Combine to form the term: Hypodermic Meaning: pertaining to under the skin

17 Interpreting Medical Terms
Term to be translated gastroenterology Divide the term into its word parts gastr / o / enter / o / logy

18 Interpreting Medical Terms
Define each word part gastr = stomach o = combining vowel, no meaning enter = small intestine -logy = study of Combine the meanings of the word parts study of the stomach and small intestine

19 Spelling Only one correct way to spell a term
Changing one letter can change the meaning of a word abduction (moving away) versus adduction (moving towards) ileum (small intestine) versus ilium (hip bone)

20 Same Sounds Spelled Differently
Sounds like si psy psychiatry cy cytology Sounds like dis dys dyspepsia dis dislocation

21 Singular and Plural Endings
Many medical terms come from Greek or Latin words Rules for forming plurals for these languages are different from English Plural of atrium is atria, not atriums Other words will use English rules Plural of ventricle is ventricles

22 General Rules for Plurals
Word Ends In -a -ax -ex or -ix -is -ma -nx -on -um -us -y Singular vertebra thorax appendix metastasis sarcoma phalanx ganglion ovum nucleus biopsy Plural vertebrae thoraces appendices metastases sarcomata phalanges ganglia ova nuclei biopsies See p13, Table 1.9

23 Abbreviations Commonly used to save time Can be confusing
If you are concerned about confusion, spell out the term Do not use your own personal abbreviations

24 Pop Quiz – Chapter 1

25 Pop Question 1 Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic word parts used to build a medical term? A. Prefix B. Combining Root C. Suffix D. Word Root

26 Answer 1 Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic word parts used to build medical terms? Prefix Combining root Suffix Word root

27 Pop Question 2 Which of the following combinations is used to make a combining form? Prefix + suffix Prefix + word root Word root + suffix Word root + combining vowel

28 Answer 2 Which of the following combinations is used to make a combining form? Prefix + suffix Prefix + word root Word root + suffix Word root + combining vowel

29 Pop Question 3 A combining vowel is NOT used: Between two word roots
When the suffix begins with a vowel When the suffix begins with a consonant Between a prefix and word root

30 Answer 3 A combining vowel is NOT used: Between two word roots
When the suffix begins with a vowel When the suffix begins with a consonant Between a prefix and word root

31 Pop Question 4 The combining form for skin is: Dermat/o Gastr/o
Cardi/o Nephr/o

32 Answer 4 The combining form for skin is: Dermat/o Gastr/o Cardi/o

33 Pop Question 5 The combining form hemat/o means: Stomach
Small intestines Blood Nose

34 Answer 5 The combining form hemat/o means: Stomach Small intestines
Blood Nose

35 Pop Question 6 Which medical terminology word part gives information about location or time? Word root Prefix Combining form Suffix

36 Answer 6 Which medical terminology word part gives information about location or time? Word root Prefix Combining form Suffix

37 Pop Question 7 Which prefix means painful, difficult, or abnormal? Eu-
Anti- Dys- Retro-

38 Answer 7 Which prefix means painful, difficult, or abnormal? Eu- Anti-
Dys- Retro-

39 Pop Question 8 Which prefix means the opposite of brady-? Tachy- Pre-
Trans- Neo-

40 Answer 8 Which prefix means the opposite of brady-? Tachy- Pre- Trans-

41 Pop Question 9 Which prefix means within or inside? Inter- Infra-
Intra- Infer-

42 Answer 9 Which prefix means within or inside? Inter- Infra- Intra-

43 Pop Question 10 Which of the following is NOT information given by suffixes? Condition Disease Number Procedure

44 Answer 10 Which of the following is NOT information given by suffixes?
Condition Disease Number Procedure

45 Pop Question 11 Which suffix has the same meaning as -algia? -dynia
-cise -ectasis -malacia

46 Answer 11 Which suffix has the same meaning as -algia? -dynia -cise
-ectasis -malacia

47 Pop Question 12 What is the meaning of the suffix -stenosis? Enlarged
Hardening Narrowing Destruction

48 Answer 12 What is the meaning of the suffix -stenosis? Enlarged
Hardening Narrowing Destruction

49 Pop Question 13 Which surgical suffix means to remove? -ectomy -ostomy
-plasty -otomy

50 Answer 13 Which surgical suffix means to remove? -ectomy -ostomy
-plasty -otomy

51 Pop Question 14 Which of the procedural suffixes means an instrument for recording? -gram -scope -graph -metry

52 Answer 14 Which of the procedural suffixes means an instrument for recording? -gram -scope -graph -metry

53 Pop Question 15 The correct plural for the medical term thorax is:
Thoraxae Thoraxes Thoraces Thoraxia

54 Answer 15 The correct plural for the medical term thorax is: Thoraxae
Thoraxes Thoraces Thoraxia

55 Pop Question 16 The use of abbreviations in medical charts is usually discouraged. True False

56 Answer 16 The use of abbreviations in medical charts is usually discouraged. True False

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