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Kingdom Plantae.

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1 Kingdom Plantae

2 4. Plantae ________________ ________________or producers
Cells have _______ _______ and ________________ Have ________ _________ to prevent water loss Colors can be vibrant to attract insects and birds for pollination Multicellular Autotrophs Cell Wall Chloroplasts waxy cuticle

3 Plantae Structure (Fill-in chart) A: Leaf Site of photosynthesis
Flat, so it absorbs the most light Waxy surface to prevent water loss

4 Plantae B: Stem Support for the leaves; used in transport Stores food
Ex: celery

5 Plantae C: Roots Absorbs water and minerals
Anchors (holds) plant in soil Some plants store food in roots Ex: potatoes, carrots, turnips

6 Plantae leaf Oxygen (O2) Photosynthesis: Occurs in the plant’s ______
Process by which green plants use carbon dioxide, water, and light energy from the Sun to produce glucose (food) and oxygen Occurs in the plant’s ______ Provides most of the atmospheric ___________________ Equation: Sunlight 6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2 Chlorophyll leaf Oxygen (O2)

7 The diagram shows a green plant carrying on photosynthesis.
Identify two things shown in the diagram that the plant needs for photosynthesis to occur. ___________________________ ______________________ Identify one product, other than sugar, that results from the process of photosynthesis. ___________ Carbon dioxide (CO2) Water (H2O) Sun Oxygen (O2)

8 Plantae Making Inferences
Oxygen (02) is produced in photosynthesis. In what process do both plant and animals use oxygen to make energy? Cellular Respiration

9 Plantae Transportation
Phloem - Transports __________ from the leaves to the rest of the plant Xylem - Transports __________ and _____________ ___________ from the roots to the rest of the plant Food water dissolved minerals

10 Plantae Transpiration
Process of __________ loss through the plant’s ___________. Stomata: pores in leaves. Video Water stomata

11 Plantae Gas Exchange CO2 enters the stomata & O2 (along with H2O) leave the stomata.

12 Exits the stomata in the process of transpiration
Plantae Putting it all Together Where does water enter the plant? How does water get to the rest of the plant? Where in the plant are the sun’s rays absorbed? Where does CO2 enter and O2 exit the plant? How does the sugar made in photosynthesis get to the rest of the plant? What happens to excess water in the plant? Roots Xylem Leaf Stomata Phloem Exits the stomata in the process of transpiration

13 Pollen grains (male sperm)
Plantae Structures: Pistil - _________ part of the flower that produces the _______ Stamen - _______ part of the flower that produces the ________________ Female Eggs Male Pollen grains (male sperm)

14 A flower has both male and female reproductive parts:
Label the FLOWER  A flower has both male and female reproductive parts: The MALE part is called the STAMEN and is made of the anther and filament. The FEMALE part is the PISTIL, and is made of the STIGMA, STYLE, and OVARY. The PETALS attract pollinators. stigma anther style filament ovary with ovules petal sepals stem receptacle

15 Plantae _______________ - transfer of _________ from the stamen to the pistil How? Wind, insects, birds, bats, even water Video _______________ - joining of a sperm and an egg cell; occurs after pollination Pollination pollen Fertilization

16 Plantae Once the egg is fertilized, it develops into a _________and the ovary develops into a _________ to protect the seeds Video Video 2 Seeds are dispersed (spread) by ______________________________________________ seed fruit Wind, water, gravity, and animals

17 embryo seed coat cotyledon
Label the SEED  The embryo is the part that will turn into a plant once the seed germinates. The cotyledon stores food for the seed until it is ready to grow. The seed coat protects the seed. embryo seed coat cotyledon

18 Plantae Structure protective Embryo root First Leaves food
Seed Coat :______________ covering Cotyledon: Stored _______ Embryo root First Leaves _______________ – the development of the seed into a plant Video protective food Germination

19 Practice Which sequence represents the order of development for many plants? (A) seed develops inside fruitseed is dispersedseed germinatesplant grows (B) seed is dispersedseed develops inside fruitseed germinatesplant grows (C) seed germinatesplant growsseed is dispersedseed develops inside fruit (D) seed is dispersedplant growsseed germinatesseed develops inside fruit Video A

20 Plantae Identifying Plants Conifers- seeds are exposed in a __________
Angiosperms-____________ plants, seeds are protected in a ________ cone flowering fruit

21 Let’s discuss... Plants have both male and female parts. Why do you think the male and female parts mature at different times? If they matured at the same time, plants would self- pollinate, decreasing the genetic diversity that would occur if the pollen was transferred to another plant.

22 Plantae Ecological Succession:
____________ in a community that occurs over a _____ period of time Going from a state of grasses to a forest Example: Burning of the Long Island Pine Barrens Video Video 2 Changes long


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