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School Data Portfolio: State of the District. STUDENT DATA Student enrollment Student enrollment Class size Class size Ethnic data Ethnic data English.

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Presentation on theme: "School Data Portfolio: State of the District. STUDENT DATA Student enrollment Student enrollment Class size Class size Ethnic data Ethnic data English."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Data Portfolio: State of the District

2 STUDENT DATA Student enrollment Student enrollment Class size Class size Ethnic data Ethnic data English Language Learners English Language Learners Special Education Special Education Economically Disadvantaged Economically Disadvantaged North Montco Technical Career Center North Montco Technical Career Center Graduation Rates Graduation Rates Student Dropouts Student Dropouts Attendance Rates Attendance Rates Grade Level Retentions Grade Level Retentions Home and Charter Schooling Home and Charter Schooling PARTICIPATION DATA Methacton Intervention and Prevention Program Methacton Intervention and Prevention Program Athletic Participation Athletic Participation Music Participation Music Participation Presentation Overview

3 GRADUATE DATA Post Graduation Post Graduation ASSESSMENT DATA Advanced Placement Testing Advanced Placement Testing SAT scores SAT scores National Merit Scholarship Finalists National Merit Scholarship Finalists Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) PVAAS Scatterplots PVAAS Scatterplots PA Adequate Yearly Progress PA Adequate Yearly Progress STAR Reading Assessment STAR Reading Assessment Presentation Overview STAFF DATA Number of StaffNumber of Staff Years of ServiceYears of Service ALUMNI DATA High School ExperienceHigh School Experience Quality of EducationQuality of Education

4 Methacton School District About the Community 25 miles northwest of Philadelphia, PA 25 miles northwest of Philadelphia, PA 31 square miles 31 square miles Over 13,000 households, est. population 35,186 Over 13,000 households, est. population 35,186 Serves the residents Lower Providence and Worcester townships Serves the residents Lower Providence and Worcester townships Median household income- $100,446 (Worcester) $87,046 (Lower Providence) [PA-$49,501, MONTCO-$74,819 – All Based on 2010 U.S. Census Figures] Median household income- $100,446 (Worcester) $87,046 (Lower Providence) [PA-$49,501, MONTCO-$74,819 – All Based on 2010 U.S. Census Figures] Average residential assessment – $180,767 Average residential assessment – $180,767 Millage rate – 26.83 mills Millage rate – 26.83 mills Collected mill generates $2,406,450 Collected mill generates $2,406,450 Over 80% of revenue generated from local sources Over 80% of revenue generated from local sources

5 Methacton School District About the School District 5,085 students 5,085 students 98.4% graduation rate, 89% will continue their formal education, 2% joined the military 98.4% graduation rate, 89% will continue their formal education, 2% joined the military 15 Advanced Placement Courses 15 Advanced Placement Courses Average SAT Score- 1658 (State-1472, Average SAT Score- 1658 (State-1472, National-1498) National-1498) 10 National Merit Finalists in 2011-12! 10 National Merit Finalists in 2011-12!

6 Methacton School District About the School District 8.4% Free/Reduced Lunches 8.4% Free/Reduced Lunches Demographics Demographics 74% White (Non-Hispanic) 74% White (Non-Hispanic) 15% Asian 15% Asian 5% Multi-Racial 5% Multi-Racial 4% Black (Non-Hispanic) 4% Black (Non-Hispanic) 3% Hispanic 3% Hispanic <1% American Indian/Alaska Native <1% American Indian/Alaska Native <1% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander <1% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 429 Professional staff, 312 Support staff & 29 Administrators 429 Professional staff, 312 Support staff & 29 Administrators $94,333,111 budget (80.8% funded locally) $94,333,111 budget (80.8% funded locally)

7 Enrollment

8 Class Size Elementary Schools

9 Class Size Upper Elementary School

10 Class Size Intermediate School

11 Class Size High School

12 Ethnic Data

13 English Language Learners 26 Different Languages AlbanianArabic AssameseBengali Chinese-CantoneseChinese-Mandarin Creole–HaitianFrench GujaratiHindi IndonesianItalian JapaneseKannada KarenKhmer KoreanMarathi PolishRussian SomaliSpanish TamilTelugu UrduVietnamese

14 88% increase over the last 6 years Special Education

15 Economically Disadvantaged 40% of Pennsylvanias Public School Students are Considered Economically Disadvantaged, MSD average is 8.4%

16 North Montco Technical Career Center

17 Graduation Rates

18 Student Dropouts

19 Attendance Rates

20 Grade Level Retentions K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

21 Home & Charter Schooling

22 Intervention and Prevention Number of Referrals Grade Levels Total # of Referrals 2010-2011: 125 2011-2012: 94

23 Athletic Participation FallWinterSpring Football 143 Basketball 110 Baseball 69 Field Hockey 89 Wrestling 70 Softball 45 Cross Country 94 Indoor Track 83 Lacrosse 146 Soccer 159 Swimming 41 Boys Tennis 72 Girls Tennis 72 Cheerleading 44 Track and Field 305 Golf 13 Girls Volleyball 23 Cheerleading 49

24 Music Participation Band Band MHS Marching Band MHS Jazz Band MHS Band Arcola Band Skyview Band Elem. 536121101198154Chorus Chorus MHS Chorus Arcola Chorale MHS Chorus Skyview Chorus Elem. 858869235313Orchestra Orchestra MHS Orchestra Arcola Orchestra Skyview Orchestra Elem. 5782144404

25 Post Graduation 91% of 2012 Graduates continued education/Joined Military Community College 89 Private 2-Year College 0 State University 69 State-Related Commonwealth University 83 Private 4-Year College or University 68 Other Post-secondary school 4 Other non-degree post-secondary school 0 Outside of PA - 2-Year College 2 Outside of PA - 4-Year College or University 90 Farm Worker 0 Military11 White Collar Worker 3 Blue Collar Worker 9 Service Worker 2 Unknown18

26 Advanced Placement Testing 92% of test takers scored a 3, 4 or 5

27 Scholastic Aptitude Testing VERBAL Maximum possible score is 800 *Standard Deviation: +/– 109-112.

28 Scholastic Aptitude Testing Math Maximum possible score is 800

29 *Standard Deviation: +/– 109-112. Scholastic Aptitude Testing WRITING Maximum possible score is 800

30 National Merit Scholarship Finalists

31 PA System of School Assessment Reading

32 Mathematics

33 Writing

34 Science

35 STAR Reading Assessment Arrowhead Elementary School – Grade 2 GE#StudentsFall#StudentsSpring%Fall%Spring 0.0-0.94 6.2 1.0-1.912 18.5 2.0-2.928 43.1 3.0-3.917 26.2 4.0-4.92 3.1 5.0-5.92 3.1 6.0-6.90 0.0 7.0-7.90 0.0 8.0-8.90 0.0 9.0-9.90 0.0 10.0-10.90 0.0 11.0-11.90 0.0 12.0-12.9+0 0.0 Administered in Grades 2-8

36 PVAAS Scatterplots MHS Growth Across Grades 4-8 - Math On the web at:

37 PVAAS Scatterplots MHS Growth Across Grades 4-8 - Reading On the web at:

38 PVAAS Scatterplots MHS Growth Across Grades 9-11 - MATH On the web at:

39 PVAAS Scatterplots MHS Growth Across Grades 9-11 - READING On the web at:

40 Adequate Yearly Progress 2011-122010-112009-102008-092007-08 MSD Made AYP MHS Corrective Action I* SI – II Making Progress SI – II SI - II Arcola Warning Made AYP Arrowhead Audubon Eagleville Woodland Worcester READING: 2012 – 81% 2013 – 91% 2014 – 100% MATH: 2012 – 78% 2013 – 89% 2014 – 100% Adequate Yearly Progress Targets *Corrective Action I indicates that this is the fourth year that MHS did not meet all AYP measures. **Warning indicates that this is the first time in the current year that Arcola did not meet all AYP measures.

41 Staff Data 70% of professional staff have a masters degree 2012-132011-122010-112009-10 # of Professional Staff 429432452441 # of Support Staff 312307341348 # of Administrators 29293231 Total 767768832820

42 Staff Data Years of Service # of staff <1 0 1-5 72 6-10 116 11-15 119 16-20 61 21-25 31 26-30 16 31-35 11 36-40 2 44% of professional staff have 10 years of service or less

43 Alumni Survey 98% of the class of 2011 Respondents reported full-time student status 82% of the class of 2007 respondents reported having earned a bachelors degree or better

44 Alumni Survey Thinking back to your high school years… Score Overall, my high school experience was positive. 3.07 I felt included and welcome. 3.02 My education prepared me for what I am doing now. 3.08 Students were treated fairly and equally by the teachers. 2.64 The teachers were interesting, prepared and demanding. 2.81 Guidance services were supportive and helpful. 2.68 Discipline, when needed, was administered fairly. 2.47 The atmosphere was positive and supportive. 2.21 There were plenty of course offerings. 3.09 Strongly Agree – 4 Agree – 3 Disagree – 2 Strongly Disagree – 1

45 Alumni Survey Looking back at your high school years, indicate the overall quality of education you received in… Score English3.89 Health and Physical Education 3.74 Math3.55 Science3.74 Social Studies 3.66 Technology3.28 Excellent – 5 More than Adequate – 4 Adequate – 3 Less than Adequate – 2 Poor – 1


47 Questions and Discussion

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