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President Ronald Reagan

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1 President Ronald Reagan

2 Reaganomics – Supply-Side Economics
Provided businesses incentives to increase the supply of goods and services Lowered taxes People save more and invest their savings Companies produce more and hire more workers Tax cuts benefited the rich more than the poor Widened the gap between rich and poor

3 Reaganomics - Deregulation
Pros Cons Increase business competition Businesses more profitable Pass savings onto their customers Lower standards on air and water quality Weaken worker safety laws

4 Reaganomics – Reduction in Social Welfare
Reagan believed that welfare trapped people in a cycle of poverty and dependence on government aid Hurt the poor and forced cities to reduce services to those in need Most affected: Single moms with young children Young adults

5 Anti-Drug Campaign Taught about the dangers of illegal drugs
D.A.R.E and “Just Say No” Decreased drug use among high school seniors Failed to decrease use among urban poor and minority youths Did not support treatment for addicts

6 New Jersey v. TLO A student was suspected of carrying drugs in her purse. Her purse was searched and she was suspended for having drugs on campus. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the school district. Schools needed to be able to maintain discipline and ensure student safety Denied students equal protection under the law

7 Appointment of Sandra Day O’Connor
Born in El Paso, Texas When she first graduated from law school, she couldn’t not find a job as a lawyer because of gender discrimination In 1981, President Reagan nominated Sandra Day O’Connor as the first women Supreme Court Justice Reagan appointed O’Connor as a response to the feminist movement and his administration's stance on Roe v. Wade During her early years as a Justice O’Connor was conservative, but later served as the swing vote between liberals and conservatives.

8 Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)
Led to the largest peacetime military build-up in history Goal: build a “missile shield” to protect the U.S. from nuclear attack Included both land-based and space-based weapons

9 Reagan Doctrine and Star Wars



12 Reagan Doctrine What is the Reagan Doctrine? Central America
Nicaragua U.S. trained and armed an insurgent group called the Contras to overthrow the communist Sandinista government Continue covert actions even after Congress no longer approved El Salvador Supported the military, which carried out huge human rights violations Caribbean Islands - Grenada U.S. sent Marines to Grenada to expel the communist leaning regime Most people in Grenada supported U.S. intervention, but most of the rest of the world disapproved


14 U.S. Intervention in Southwest Asia Reagan Doctrine
U.S. aided countries, such as, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon Civil War in Lebanon The U.S., France, and Italy sent in peacekeeping troops Many people living in the region did not approve of outside intervention Bombed the U.S. embassy in Lebanon Terrorist attacks continued, so the U.S., Italy, and France withdrew their troops Terrorist attacks continued despite troop withdrawal

15 Iran-Contra Affair U.S. was illegally selling arms to Iran, to try and get hostages released Americans were shocked because Reagan had vowed “never to deal with terrorists” Money was also used to supply Contras in Nicaragua, which was a violation of U.S. law There is some evidence that Reagan did not know what was going on

16 Summit Meetings and INF Treaty
Gorbachev became Premier of Russia Introduced perestroika (economic restructuring) and glasnost (openness) Summit Meetings Reagan and Gorbachev met at a serious of different locations over the span of several years Talks stalled for various reasons at various times Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty Destroy missiles ranging between 300 and 3,400 miles Countries could inspect each other

17 Communism and Eastern Europe
1989 Gorbachev announced the Soviet Union would no longer take part in the internal affairs of other countries With this announcement communism fell across Eastern Europe Berlin Wall falls in 1989/1990 Development of Nation States Eastern Europe started to create nation states, countries whose population share a common culture, history, and language

18 Reagan and the End of the Cold War

19 Communism in Other Countries
Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, and China Vietnam Began to embrace a mixed economy Improved relations with the U.S. and other Western Nations North Korea Remained isolated and rigidly controlled China Some economic change but no political change Tiananmen Square Incident

20 Political Cartoon Analysis
Using your notes, decide which cartoon(s) relate to what event you just learned about. Label each cartoon with the event For each cartoon, answer this question: Does this cartoonist believe the effects of President Reagan’s foreign policy actions were mostly positive or mostly negative? Explain your answer.

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