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Trustworthy Semantic Web

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1 Trustworthy Semantic Web
Lecture #13 Knowledge Management + E-Business + Semantic Web = Semantic E-Business Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham October 2, 3006

2 Outline of the Unit What is Knowledge Management?
Basic concepts: Components and Models Organizational Learning Process Knowledge Management Architecture Secure Knowledge Management and Trust Negotiation Knowledge Models Directions Integration of KM with E-Business and Semantic Web Topic for lecture #14

3 What is Knowledge Management
Knowledge management, or KM, is the process through which organizations generate value from their intellectual property and knowledge-based assets KM involves the creation, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge Reference: management.htm?source=google

4 Knowledge Management Components
Components of Management: Components, Cycle and Technologies Cycle: Technologies: Components: Knowledge, Creation Expert systems Strategies Sharing, Measurement Collaboration Processes And Improvement Training None of these things were endorsed by military acquisitions, but all have gradually started happening out of necessity and user requirements. Metrics Web

5 Knowledge Models Level 1: Highest Level
Mental models utilized by psychologists Social models (e.g. social network models) used by sociologists Level 2: Mid-level Models utilized by expert systems Process modeling Level: Bottom level Models understood by machines E.g., rule-based, frame-based, etc.

6 Organizational Learning Process
Diffusion - Tacit, Explicit Incentives Integration Modification Identification Creation Metrics Action Overall focus is on learning actionable knowledge Organizations successful at KM Generate and Generalize knowledge Generate - Create new knowledge and Identify knowledge that exists inside and outside the organization Generalize - Transfer Knowledge from person to person, group to group, organization to organization Diffusion - tacit/explicit - Tacit - Dialogue, Explicit - someone creates an external representation of their understanding (Word, , PowerPoint) Integration - Knowledge transfer only matters to the receiver. Person knowledge is transferred to must be open to new ideas, able to challenge assumptions to integrate into their mental model. Modification - Knowledge is never received “pure”, typically the receiver takes out the pieces that work for him/her. Action - Important experiential knowledge is built through action. Wouldn’t expect someone to be able to <choose example> by reading a book or paper. Need tacit knowledge built up in action. Need metrics to determine success in each area and to provide incentive. Not measured it won’t get done. Focus of this MSR is on metrics and incentives for the diffusion process. Examine available tools and develop tools for each area. (I.e. Expert Finder (identification), CVW - diffusion, Invention Machine (integration), PowerSim (Action) Source: Reinhardt and Pawlowsky also see: Tools in Organizational Learning

7 Six Principals of Effective Learning
Effective Learning Requires: Understanding 1) Mental models, paradigms, context, observation, assumptions, opinion, fact, truth 2) Systems Thinking - Variation Skills 3) Ability to challenge assumptions 4) Listen to Understand Process 5) Complete observe, assess (reflection, gain understanding), design (develop theory, prediction, vision), implement (test), cycle 6) Teach others Focused on teaching others because good indicator of all other principles and gives a notion of tacit diffusion. Paper is available online.

8 Knowledge Management Metrics - The Goal of Metrics
Measuring Success (How am I doing?) Benchmarking (How am I comparatively doing?) Tracking Improvement (Am I getting better?) Direct future investment (technology, employees) strategy alignment (culture, incentives) “One way to ensure your doing worse is to not measure” - Adapted from Pressman Why take Metrics? - they provide a normative direction. Give goals to an organization.

9 Learning By-Product Measures
Papers in Competitive Journals and Magazines Percentage New Technology compared to all Technology Process Cycle Time Employee Surveys Involvement with decisions Recognition for work achieved Access to information Rewarding risk taking Overall Satisfaction Employee Retention ‘Employee Suggestion Process Typical measures in the Learning and growth area. Suggested by products for management. Percent of New Tech - ”3M”(Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing) came up with this idea. Notion 30% all sales to be on products developed in last two years. Process Cycle Time - Number one KM metric at most companies. Clue that new knowledge has been discovered

10 Knowledge Management: Incentive-based Approaches
Receiver Positive Incentives Knowledge Gained Can teach others what is learned Teacher Positive Incentives “Knowledge Transfer Champion” prestige Can improve knowledge Negative Incentives Time Unqualified teacher Negative Incentives Time Students not willing to learn What do we mean by Knowledge Transfer Events?

11 Knowledge Management: Strategies, Processes, Metrics and Tools
Knowledge Management: Within and Across Corporations and Agencies Strategies e.g., Management Plans; Policies; Data sharing vs. Privacy Processes e.g., best practices Tools e.g., Semantic Web Metrics e.g., web usage

12 Knowledge Management Architecture
Knowledge Creation and Acquisition Manager Knowledge Representation Manager Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing Manager Knowledge Manipulation Manager None of these things were endorsed by military acquisitions, but all have gradually started happening out of necessity and user requirements.

13 Knowledge Exchange & Annotation Engine (KEAN)
Resides on any web-accessible knowledge base (any intranet, www) Increases incentive to share information Author gets positive and negative feedback about information that is submitted Feedback system - no more publishing documents that disappear into the ether Prestige - top rated document views Quality filters steer user towards best information Domain specific instances of KEAN are created Works with Java enabled browser Information overload - Better to read one high quality source than 20 lesser sources 20 Tabloids does not equal the New York Times Benefits of quality filters: Time saved not having to read as many sources Time saved not heading down wrong paths based on bad information

14 The Three Versions of KEAN Architecture
Version 1 “beta version” No reuse Two-tiered Stored procedures Version 2 “newest version” GUI reuse via JavaBeans JDBC access to database Version 3 “final version” Logic reuse via Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Three-tiered CORBA access to objects

15 Structure of Version 1 - Beta Version of KEAN
Stored Procedures (PL/SQL) ORACLE WEB SERVER Html JavaScript Applets ORACLE “Thin http” client Database tier

16 Structure of Version 2 JDBC Code reuse with a two tier architecture
ORACLE WEB SERVER KeanBeans ORACLE “Thick” client Database tier

17 Structure of Version 3 web Server “thin” client middle tier
KeanBeans RDBMSs and OODBMS CORBA ORB EJB “thin” client middle tier server tier

18 Secure Knowledge Management
Protecting the intellectual property of an organization Access control including role-based access control Security for process/activity management and workflow Users must have certain credentials to carry out an activity Composing multiple security policies across organizations Security for knowledge management strategies and processes Risk management and economic tradeoffs Digital rights management and trust negotiation

19 Trust Management and Negotiation
Design a Trust Model Investigate the current trust models. Identify the inadequacies of current trust models and design a model for the semantic web/DIVO Components include trust management, trust negotiation as well as economic tradeoffs Design a Language for specifying Trust policies Start with XML, RDF and Web Rules language and incorporate features for trust management and negotiation Design and develop techniques for enforcing the trust policies Automated Trust Negotiation: A attempts to access database D based on access control policies; However before A can access D, triggers go off and owner of D exchanges credential information with A (

20 Knowledge Management for Coalitions
Knowledge for Coalition Export Export Knowledge Knowledge Export Knowledge Component Component Knowledge for Knowledge for Agency A Agency C Component Knowledge for Agency B

21 Status and Directions Knowledge management has exploded due to the web
Knowledge Management has different dimensions Technology, Business Tools are emerging Need effective partnerships between business leaders, technologists and policy makers Major direction is integrating E-Business processes and semantic web technologies for knowledge management

22 Semantic E-Business E-Business processes (e.g., order management, supply chain management, contracts management, workflow management) Service oriented architectures Apply semantic web technologies such as XML, RDF, Ontologies and RulesML to represent data and reason about the data for the e- business processes Results in effective knowledge management as organization is getting benefits The topic is called Semantic E-Business IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, March 2006

23 Topic for Lecture #14 Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture
Definitions UDDI, SOAP, etc. SAML, XACML

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