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Fifth Grade Curriculum

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1 Fifth Grade Curriculum 2018-2019
Vicky Maher Trista Morrell Nick Sontag Emily Van Duerm


3 Our Schedule

4 Class Policies Positive Behavior Support
PAW PRIDE: Let’s be kind, accepting, positive, goal achievers Positive Reinforcement Common behavior expectations in all classes Absences If a student comes in after the 8:30 bell, they are required to get a tardy slip Pre-arranged absence form Homework Expectations Daily math homework (online and/or paper) Daily reading (20 minutes minimum) Completing unfinished classroom practice as needed Homework is assigned with purpose Due to the fact that we are sharing students between all 4 classes, respect, attitude and organization will be held to the highest standards consistently in all classrooms. As behaviors arise, we will first handle with a teacher:student conference. We will then notify parents and needed.

5 Communication Weekly Friday Folders are used for students to take completed work home. A weekly ed grade-level newsletter will be sent to all parents every Friday providing updates on classroom activities and future events. The student planner is used for organization of assignments. Please check your child’s planner to remain aware of assignments. is the preferred method of communication. If you would like a meeting, please schedule one. We love volunteers! Help out in class, share about your job, field trip your job!?!? Model positive self talk about all content (MATH, growing changing, etc)

6 Literacy Block Our reading and writing units complement one another to enhance students daily experience. Students are expected to create learning portfolios to display their knowledge, growth and interaction with an authentic audience. Using a workshop model, students will experience reciprocal teaching, conferring with peers and teacher, Socratic seminars, digital portfolios, reading for purpose and joy, writing across genres and word study.

7 Math Math Workshop Math Expressions - Resource Areas of Study:
An engaging & explorative environment where students challenge their skills through mini-lessons, hands-on activities, technology, and project-based learning Math Expressions - Resource Differentiated instruction & practice with engaging student investigations Please look for family letters coming home with details and tips for each unit of study Areas of Study: Fractions with like and unlike denominators Computation using whole numbers and decimals Algebraic Expressions, Orders of Operations Area & Volume Graphing & Geometry Use of Measurements- Standard and Metric Conversions Data expression & interpretation Problem Solving Strategies

8 Social Studies Guiding Concepts: Change over time, Human & Geographic Interaction Changing Face of North America & the Emergence of a New World Society The American Revolution The United States Constitution Personal Economics & Financial Literacy (Young Ameritowne—December 6!)

9 Science Mixtures: Parts and Wholes Weather Earth Processes
Earth’s resources Human Body Systems Growing and Changing Science perfectly aligns with the PBL model . Students will investigate each of the science concepts, often by engaging in an ongoing project that will showcase their learning-which will mostly occur during the school day.

10 Technology 1:1 initiative Behavior Contract/Caring for your tech
Digital Portfolios Google Classroom/Google Education Suite Personal Math Trainer/Think Central Technology enhances, not replaces, traditional learning

11 We’re excited to learn with your children
We’re excited to learn with your children. We look forward to a great year! Look over the 5th grade FAQs for class and assessment day information Start an Outdoor Lab shopping card now! Nominate Mrs. Gonzales for the Lifechanger award!

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