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Who Wants to be a Millionaire ?

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Presentation on theme: "Who Wants to be a Millionaire ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Wants to be a Millionaire ?
15 $1,000,000 14 $ 500,000 13 $ 250,000 12 $ 125,000 11 $ ,000 Who Wants to be a Millionaire ? 10 $ ,000 9 $ ,000 8 $ ,000 7 $ ,000 6 $ ,000 5 $ ,000 4 $ 3 $ 2 $ 1 $

2 According to Darwin, what caused species to change over time?
$100 According to Darwin, what caused species to change over time? Use and disuse A Lamarckian inheruitence B Inheritance of acquired traits Natural Selection C D

3 Natural Selection

4 Which of the following was NOT a
$200 Which of the following was NOT a part of Darwin’s theory of evolution? Use and disuse Evolution A B Common Descent Natural Selection C D

5 Use and disuse

6 The variability among individuals
$300 The variability among individuals of a species noticed by Darwin is a result of Inheritance of acquired traits A state of equilibrium A B Alleles Genotype C D

7 Inheritance and acquired traits

8 $500 A fossil record: A B C D Provides evidence that
Provides ample evidence against natural selection Provides evidence that species have changed over time A B Provides evidence that species do not change Is not chronological C D

9 Provides evidence that
species have changed over time

10 Modern day scientists have added to Darwin’s theory with:
$1000 Modern day scientists have added to Darwin’s theory with: Mathematics Engineering A B Palentology Genetics C D

11 Genetics

12 An individual’s fitness is
$2000 An individual’s fitness is The ratio of body fat to muscle weight The ability of that individual to survive to reproductive age A B The probability that that individual will have 2 or more offspring The probability that an individual will contribute its genes to the next generation C D

13 The probability that an individual will contribute its genes to the next generation

14 Structures that perform a similar function and arise from
$4000 Structures that perform a similar function and arise from a common ancestral traits are called… Divergent structures Homologous structures A B Heritable structures Analogous structures C D

15 Homologous structures

16 The breeding of a dog to have a coat color is an example of ..
$8000 The breeding of a dog to have a particular coat color is an example of .. Balanced equation Inheritance of acquired traits A B Artificial selection Macroevolution C D

17 Artificial selection

18 Which of factor has the greatest effect on the rate of evolution
$16,000 Which of factor has the greatest effect on the rate of evolution Vegetative propagation Environmental changes A B Asexual reproduction Use and disue C D

19 Environmental changes

20 Certain insects resemble the twigs of trees on which they live.
$32,000 Certain insects resemble the twigs of trees on which they live. The most probable explanation for this resemblance is… Natural selection has favored this trait The insects needed to camouflage themselves A B No mutations have taken place The trees caused a mutation to occur C D

21 Natural selection has favored this trait.

22 Darwin was unable to explain completely his theory of evolution
$64,000 Darwin was unable to explain completely his theory of evolution because he lacked knowledge of… Survival of the fittest Overproduction A B The source of variations Natural selection C D

23 The source of variations

24 The special characteristics that make an organism particularly suited
$125,000 The special characteristics that make an organism particularly suited to its environment are known as Abiotic factors Aggregates A B Adaptations Biotic factors C D

25 Adaptations

26 Of 500 eggs produced by a certain female frog, only 10% developed
$250,000 Of 500 eggs produced by a certain female frog, only 10% developed into adult frogs. Which part of Darwin’s theory does this illustrate? Mutations occur by chance There is a struggle for the existence among organisms A B Mating occurs in a random manner in species Favorable variations occur C D

27 There is a struggle for existence among organisms

28 Early stages in an embryo of a fish
$500,000 Early stages in an embryo of a fish are similar to the early stages of human and pig embryos. An explanation for the similarity is that the … Pigs and humans are more closely related to each other than fish. Pigs and humans occupy the same habitat, while fish occupies a different habitat. A B Pigs, humans, and fish have no ancestral species in common. Pigs, humans, and fish have evolved from a common ancestor C D

29 Pigs, humans, and fish have evolved from a common ancestor.

30 Which factor has most likely caused the rapid increase in the number
of pesticide resistant insect species over the past 30 years? More widespread use of pesticides An increase in competition A B A decrease in food production Greater mating between insect species C D

31 More widespread use of pesticides

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