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PSD2 and Open APIs – Advapay 2017

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1 PSD2 and Open APIs – Advapay 2017
Martin Hawes - CISSP

2 Agenda PSD2 is driving Open API – what is an Open API?
What problems can be solved What does a modern bank look like? What are the risks? Example implementation How security can be hardened What is required? Keep secure to keep customer trust

3 PSD2 is driving Open APIs for banking – what is an Open API?
API = Application Programming Interface A user interface for software, rather than a user interface for people Like an electrical power socket, API supply a complex service through a simple network connection to be consumed by the customer Complexity is abstracted by the API- No need to run a power station. There is an economy of competing Open APIs with different offerings and prices- like choosing from many electricity suppliers. It is possible to supply an API as well as consume – like selling power from house solar panels Api university

4 Why use an Open API? Benefits
Inventors can combine Open APIs in complex solutions Available over networkable APIs – Postcode details, Mapping from Google Maps, Taxi Hailing…think Pokemon Go Even Credit card processing from Stripe and banking from Monzo Innovation can be in hours or days, not months. Example: Type in your browser Api university

5 Problems it can solve – payment aggregation
What’s my current status? Should I buy this TV? I need statements from many organisations An aggregator : Can read statements from all and combine Make prediction based on past needs  Could be my current account bank Bank A Current Acc Aggregator Combined View & Analysis Bank B Credit card Bank C Savings Acct Api university Current debit account, credit card accounts, savings accounts… Most transactions are on my credit card , so my bank account is not interesting

6 Problems it can solve – reducing transaction costs
Connecting to Automatic Clearing Houses for direct payments Avoids card scheme interchange charges Large merchants can initiate payments Small merchants use PSP Source Bank ASPSP ‘Issuing Bank’ ACH Large Merchant Recip. Bank Api university

7 A vision of modern banking with APIs
Bank used APIs to build customer experience Consume from: Fintech API converted legacy Other PSD2 banks Supply: Open API for PSD2 Browser Mobile Graphic Source :- Api university

8 PSD2 Forces banks, with customer permission, to give access to:-
Aggregators Payment Initiators Other banks Technical solution Not defined by PSD2 (unlike card payments) National and international APIs developing – Open Bank project, BNP Paribas Open Bank Project

9 But.. How can your customer be sure his money transfer is secure?
Is open banking as secure as traditional banking payments? Is it the same protection as enterprise security, with firewall, IPS ..? Or do I need something more? Graphic source-

10 Overview of PSD2 – possible schematic.
TPP Registration TPP Large Merchant or Aggregator EBA Certificate Registration / validation Revocation Trust SP Approved Provider FSP Registration Certificate Registration / validation Revocation Mutual TLS, eIDAS certs TLS Oauth2.0 via browser FSP Issuing Bank 2 Factor authentication Entities registered with the EBA – when approved a Trust SP issues a signs a certificate for the approved entity. Revocation to removal of entities would need to be supported (or use a whitelist) Then entities such as TPP and FSP can establish mutual authentication and secure TLS connections using these certificates. eIDAS, the new European signature framework may be used as the standard – Thales provides HSMs certified for eIDAS. Oauth2.0 is the protocol often used to enable a third party to be given rights to access a user’s data based on an established relationship that the user has with another entity which already has a method of authentication established. For example authenication by Facebook In Oauth 2.0 TPP: TPP first requires ‘Client Secret’ which is likely to involve registration with the EBA and the Trust SP. Then for initially for each customer request, the TPP requests from the FSP a token for access for the user. The FSP requests 2FA with the customer and provides an ‘access token’ [Access Token contains JSON Web Token (JWT), JWT is secured HMAC256] This token is stored by the TPP for later use over a defined lifetime. For aggregation (read only) a token would be used multiple times so that the TPP can login to multiple FSP with only a login to the TPP For most payment intitiation tokens, 2FA is required each time. Special cases like tokens that give permission to pay monthly are possible. Tokens are sensitive so should be encrypted when at motion and at rest.

11 The fundamental security requirements linked to PSD2
Strong authentication Between customer and bank Between TPP and ASPSP (Issuing Bank) (token based) 2 or more independent elements for 2FA, binding of payment amount. Secure data storage and communications Privacy of connections (data in motion) Compliance with data protection laws such as GDPR (covers data at all times – at rest, in use or in motion) Storage of access tokens Certificate issuance by competent authority in each country eIDAS certificates are only intended for identification between servers of PSPs – they are not for payment system users (PSUs) eIDAS is only a recommendation Mutual Authentication of entities Secrecy of access tokens Proof of membership of the scheme Secrecy of customer data (including for GDPR) Authentication of messages (particularly payments)

12 PSD2 – Solutions shopping list
Technologies Oauth2.0 (like login by Facebook) then maybe enhance to OpenID Connect 1.0 SAML? (uses digital signature) Entities *Issuing Bank – TLS, Random Number, HMAC, Data encryption at rest, 2FA for payments *Aggregator / Merchant – TLS, Data encryption at rest, 2FA *All - PKI for certification and Signature, TLS, eIDAS Note * = HSMs and Vormetric from Thales can be used to harden the security Ebics, scraping, national apis  OpenBankProject  F2 Framework  Plaid -  a tool that enables applications to connect with user’s bank accounts. Should get a big boost from PSD2. 3rd party providers Kontomatik Banking API437 Coverage: UK, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Brazil, Russia. Banks (listing by HO location, most operate in multiple countries France: BNP Paribas Open Bank Project152 Coverage (BNP Paribas Group Banks only): UK, US, Poland, France, France, Turkey, Italy Background Legal/regulation – not technical specifications We cannot just implement HSM functions against an ‘industry specification’ – this is not a traditional HSM box sale The EBA RTS is high level and not very technical and not a specification! The EC/EBA expects industry collaboration to deliver against its requirements – we are not involved in any of the working groups Multiple implementations possible (and expected) RTS is technology neutral to promote future proofing – the EBA was forced to remove some technology specific requirements recently The UK via the CMA (and hence the OBWG) is trying to promote a standard API – not sure if this approach will be adopted across the EU The need to differentiate implies that multiple bank API models will emerge – a third party industry will likely emerge to provide a mapping to multiple APIs Requirements still not finalised 150+ detailed responses to draft RTS has delayed everything Many players are adopting a wait and see response

13 Use HSMs – as in traditional payments. Why ?
HSM enables: People - enables enforcement of security policy for key management Process - facilitates audits and procedures Technology- Cryptography processor for encryption. Hardened, tamper resistant. Protects Keys and algorithms

14 Any Questions? PSD2 through Open APIs will enable banking opportunities and innovation of new solutions Strong security will be needed to maintain customer trust in fintech Existing protocols and trusted hardware security can provide the answer My contact is:

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