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Fairfax County’s Public Facilities Manual (PFM)

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Presentation on theme: "Fairfax County’s Public Facilities Manual (PFM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fairfax County’s Public Facilities Manual (PFM)
Update to the Providence District Council April 25, 2018

2 Today’s Presentation The Land Development Process. What is the PFM?
How is the PFM changing? Actions to Date.

3 Land Development Process
The PFM is used during these 4 segments of the process. Concept: Starts with an idea. Establishment of a preliminary framework for the very generalized overall layout of the project. Planning & Zoning Review: Determining the allowable land uses and land use/building restrictions for the project. Design: Developing the plans, details, and specifications necessary for construction of the building and site. Review Process & Permitting: Regulatory review of the design plans and specifications to ensure code compliance and to secure the appropriate permits. Construction & Inspection: As the building and site are being built on-stie, inpsections are conducted to ensure compliance with code and to ensure health, safety and welfare of immediate and future users/occupants. Occupancy: Continuation of inspections to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the public after the building is occupied. Renewal: As the building and site's usefulness becomes obsolete there becomes a need to redevelop or repurpose the site for economic purposes and possibly for community interests.

4 What is the PFM? Technical guidelines for site development design.
Fairfax County Codes (e.g., Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance) are the regulations (the why) that inform these guidelines (the how). Ensures a clear set of expectations for the public and private sectors and stakeholders/users/consumers.

5 What is the PFM? Design guide that meets the language of the law and provides flexibility to allow for engineering judgment during design process Particularly with regard to new technology and new development situations. PFM Provisions that are not flexible and not waivable are those with higher authorities (such as federal and state officials and codes/laws). Authority for Zoning Ordinance is the Zoning Administrator. The difference for an engineering document is that the PFM brings in the Federal (ADA), state code requirements (Erosion control, stormwater, VDOT) and we point to those and incorporate them by reference in the PFM. Therefore, the Director does not have any authority alone to waive those items.

6 Guidelines Document Variations may be approved when:
Strict application of a standard cannot be met, or new/creative designs are proposed; and Variations meet the intent of the provisions, and a statement of justification is provided.

7 Why Update the PFM? Fairfax First Initiative: to improve speed, consistency, and predictability of the land development review process. The PFM is being updated as a result of a Fairfax First initiative to implement Goal 3 of the Economic Success Plan to: Also, changing nature of development; more redevelopment/infill development; new technology; more environmental regulations. A more flexible PFM will allow industry & staff to use good engineering judgment to design & approve site appropriate solutions.

8 Who is Involved? Consultant hired to perform gap analysis.
Teams of subject-matter experts to annotate chapters. County, Industry & Citizen stakeholders to provide input. Engineering Standard Review Committee (ESRC) recommends approval of annotated chapters.

9 How is the PFM Changing? PFM “Flex” Project themes compiled from
an assessment of the current PFM. Clear Interactive Adaptable Urban Innovative

10 Project Theme: Clear Recommendations:
Remove outdated/extraneous text and redundancies. Remove outdated provisions and plates. Add indented outline.

11 Project Theme: Interactive
Recommendations: Incorporate information by reference to other codes as the source of regulation. Add internal and external hyperlinks. Update and relocate definitions.

12 Project Theme: Adaptable
Recommendations: Minimize mandatory requirements by changing “shall” to “should”, where appropriate. Allow Director of Land Development Services to waive/modify provisions based on certain criteria.

13 Project Theme: Urban Recommendations:
Update the PFM to align with Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) standards. Consistency between VDOT Road Design Manual and PFM. Road deign manual includes requirement for sight distances, cross over spacing, entrance standards related to roadways.

14 Project Theme: Innovative
Recommendations: Allow the use of emerging technology to address specific challenges in land development. Expand the use of urban and innovative practices.

15 Actions to Date Hosted 89 stakeholder meetings.
First round of PFM edits completed. ESRC recommended approval of six chapters. Developed the PFM Flex Project Website.

16 PFM Recap A guidelines document for new development.
“Flex” Project to improve speed, consistency, and predictability. Stakeholder Committees, Consultant, and Subject-matter experts involved. Project Themes: Clear, Interactive, Adaptable, Urban, Innovative.

17 Next Steps & Schedule Amendment Development Process:
Prioritize recommendations & prepare prioritization schedule. Estimated completion of Prioritizations: End of 2nd Quarter 2018.

18 Next Steps & Schedule Amendment Vetting Process:
Stakeholder & ESRC review to finalize amendments; estimated completion end of 3rd Quarter 2018. Public Hearing Process: Public hearings with Planning Commission & Board of Supervisors over 3-6 months following amendment vetting.

19 Contact: PFM Flex Project email:
Access the PFM Flex Project Website: facilities-manual-flexibility-project

20 Supplemental Information
The following slides are included as supplemental information.

21 Stakeholder Engagement Process – County
Information for the Existing & Future State Comes from: County Advisory Committees: Technical, Policy, Innovative, Steering. Additional County Outreach: Land Use Aides, Site Development & Inspection Division Inspectors & Tech Forum, Building Division, Customer & Technical Support Center, Fairfax First Blog.

22 Stakeholder Engagement Process – Industry
Information for the Existing & Future State Comes from: External Stakeholder Committee: Industry representatives. Industry Partners: Engineering Standard Review Committee (ESRC), Northern Virginia Building Industry Association/NAIOP, Engineers & Surveyors Institute.

23 Stakeholder Engagement Process – Citizens
Information for the Existing & Future State Comes from: Public Outreach: Current PFM website: A feedback form, meeting minutes, PowerPoint. zMOD Citizen Advisory Group & future public hearings. Future PFM Flex Project website (coming soon). Municipal survey sent to ten municipalities.

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