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Indoor Radon Abatement Act

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1 Indoor Radon Abatement Act
Federal Radon Law 2018 International Radon Symposium™

2 Indoor Radon Abatement Act - Goal
The national long-term goal of the United States with respect to radon levels in buildings is that the air within buildings in the United States should be as free of radon as the ambient air outside of buildings. 2018 International Radon Symposium™

3 2018 International Radon Symposium™
Citizen’s Guide (a)Publication EPA Administrator shall, not later than June 1, 1989, publish an updated version of its document titled “A Citizen’s Guide to Radon” and revise and republish as necessary thereafter (b)Information included(1)Action levels The updated citizen’s guide shall include a series of action levels indicating the health risk associated with different levels of radon exposure 2018 International Radon Symposium™

4 Construction Standards and Techniques
EPA Administrator shall develop model construction standards/techniques for controlling radon in new buildings Develop with assistance of organizations involved in establishing national building construction standards & techniques Provide for geographic differences in construction types/materials, geology, weather, other variables that may affect Rn in new buildings Ensure that organizations responsible for developing national model building codes and authorities which regulate building construction within States adopt the Agency’s model standards/techniques 2018 International Radon Symposium™

5 2018 International Radon Symposium™
IRAA – Tech Assistance EPA Administrator (or Federal department/agency designated by Administrator) shall develop & implement activities designed to assist State Rn programs - not limited to: A clearinghouse of radon related information, including mitigation studies, public information materials, surveys of radon levels & other relevant information. A voluntary proficiency program for rating effectiveness of Rn measurement devices/methods, Rn mitigation devices/methods & effectiveness of private firms/individuals offering Rn-related architecture, design, engineering, measurement & mitigation services Design and implementation of training seminars for State/local officials; private & professional firms dealing with radon; addressing topics such as monitoring, analysis, mitigation, health effects, public information & program design Publication of public info concerning Rn health risks, methods of Rn mitigation that take into account unique characteristics of nonresidential buildings housing child-care facilities. 2018 International Radon Symposium™

6 2018 International Radon Symposium™
IRAA – Tech Assistance Co-op projects between EPA’s Rn Action Program & State programs. Include Home Evaluation Program in which EPA evaluates homes & States demonstrate mitigation methods. Homes of low-income persons should be selected Demonstration of mitigation methods in various types of structures in various geographic settings. EPA Administrator should select homes of low-income persons consistent with objectives Establishment of a national data base with data organized by States concerning the location and amounts of radon Development & demonstration of Rn measurement/mitigation that take into account unique characteristics of nonresidential buildings housing child care facilities. 2018 International Radon Symposium™

7 2018 International Radon Symposium™
State Grants For each fiscal year, upon application of the Governor of a State, the Administrator may make a grant (subject to terms/conditions as the Administrator considers appropriate under this section) to the State for purpose of assisting in development and implementation of programs for the assessment/mitigation of radon. 2018 International Radon Symposium™

8 2018 International Radon Symposium™
IRAA – Radon & Schools Authority - Administrator shall conduct a study to determine extent of Rn contamination in Nation’s school buildings. Assistance - Administrator shall make available to each State, a list of high risk areas within each State, including delineation of such areas & any other data available Administrator also shall provide guidance & data detailing risks associated with high Rn levels, tech guidance & related info concerning testing and reducing radon levels within schools 2018 International Radon Symposium™

9 IRAA – Training Centers
Funding program – W/ application of colleges, universities, institutions of higher learning, or consortia of such, the Administrator may grant/make cooperative agreement to applicant for purpose of establishing/operating a regional Rn training center Purpose of centers - to develop info & provide training to Federal /State officials, professional & private firms & public regarding health risks posed by Rn & methods of Rn measurement/mitigation 2018 International Radon Symposium™

10 2018 International Radon Symposium™
Federal Buildings Study requirement - head of each Federal department/agency that owns a building shall conduct study to determine extent of Rn contamination in such buildings. If Federal building uses a well or other groundwater – study to include Rn contamination of the water. 2018 International Radon Symposium™

11 2018 International Radon Symposium™
Rulemaking The Administrator is authorized to issue such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this subchapter 2018 International Radon Symposium™

12 2018 International Radon Symposium™
HUD-Radon Policies Amendments to the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act Purposes – to require HUD to develop an effective departmental policy for dealing with Rn contamination that utilizes any EPA guidelines and standards to ensure that occupants of housing covered by this section are not exposed to hazardous levels of radon; and to require HUD to assist the EPA in reducing radon contamination 2018 International Radon Symposium™

13 So, What Did All of That Lead To?
2018 International Radon Symposium™

14 Some Necessary & Fundamental Infrastructure
46 State Programs Functioning & Equipping Communities National Infrastructure – Rn Radon Reference, Tracking Results EPA Proficiency Program transitioned into 2 Private Certification Programs 16 States Have Requirements for Licensing, 2 more States pending 4 EPA standards & 2 ASTM standards led to 12 ANSI–AARST Standards Strong Radon Awareness Act in 2 states – lesser so in 7 others HUD FHA Multi-family Requirements Appendix F – I.R.C. Code – Requires Passive in 8 States, Many Localities Montgomery County, MD - Testing for Home Sales 2018 International Radon Symposium™

15 Gaps in Protection, Capacity, Oversight
Radon Action Level Is not a health-protective standard, has never been reviewed / updated Risk Data Maps stuck in 1993 and advise that they’re good for policy decisions No reliable commitment to nationwide database EPA’s last recognition of radon proficiency programs is now a teenager School systems still lack radon standards and guidance 32 states have no restrictions on who can perform radon work 2018 International Radon Symposium™

16 Missed Opportunities The Framers of IRAA and McKinney Act Amendments
Test/Fix during Residential Sales Transactions Standards for Workers outside of Nuclear Power Facilities Allowing Preventive Medical Expense Deductions for Radon Laboratory-Based Radon Reference Training trainers to complement training centers The Framers of IRAA and McKinney Act Amendments Didn’t Think of Everything (!) 2018 International Radon Symposium™

17 2018 International Radon Symposium™
IRAA! 2018 International Radon Symposium™

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