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Information on Gangs Date 01/02/2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Information on Gangs Date 01/02/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information on Gangs Date 01/02/2018

2 What is a gang? What is a gang?
The definition of a gang is a group of people with a shared interest, or who share a common identity. A gang does not have to be involved in criminal activity, although when we hear the word ‘gang’ that is what we tend to think of. It isn’t illegal to be a member of a gang, although many young people will become involved in crime through their allegiance to a gang. Many gangs involve themselves in drugs, violence and weapons.

3 Why do people join gangs?
Why do young people join gangs? There are many reasons why young people will join a violent gang; often they do so to feel safer in their area. Other reasons could include: • To get protection from rival gangs. • To have power over others. • Friends or family are involved. • To make money. • Lack of anything else to do. • To get respect and recognition. • To belong to a group / family. • They can seem glamorous to some young people.

4 Signs someone has joined a gang
Signs someone may have joined a gang. Coming home late or staying out more than usual. Not hanging around with their usual friends . Being secretive and withdrawn. Hanging around with people you don’t know. Having unexplained injuries. Appearing to be drunk or on drugs. Carrying weapons. Skipping school. Talking differently – for example using new slang words. Suddenly has a lot of money and can afford expensive things like phones and watches. Wearing different and more expensive clothes.

5 Consequence of Joining a gang
Consequences of joining a gang? Being part of a gang can ruin the lives of those involved and those around them. Gang culture can, and does, lead to violence and death. It can also lead to getting a criminal record and a prison sentence. A criminal record affects people for the rest of their lives – their chances of getting a job, getting on some courses and travelling to certain countries.

6 Tell us what you know Tell us what you know, not who you are!
If you’re concerned that someone you know may have joined a gang, the best thing to do is report it to someone rather than getting involved yourself. Even if their behaviour turns out to be for a different reason, they can then be offered support and help. If they are involved in a gang, you could be saving their life or stopping it being ruined. You can contact police on 101, or provided information anonymously via crimestoppers on or Fearless…

7 Contact

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