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Developing ERM Within the FE/HE Sector

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1 Developing ERM Within the FE/HE Sector
Steve Bailey Records Manager JISC

2 Personal Introduction
Current role Record Mgr for the JISC Executive Programme Mgr for JISC’s RM strategy Project Mgr for UK Web Archiving Consortium Previous roles University of Gloucestershire Pfizer Inc

3 Overview Current JISC initiatives Coming soon… On the horizon…
Student records ERMS Toolkit On the horizon… Electronic Records Management & Digital Asset Management within JISC

4 Current JISC Initiatives
The ethos Study of Records Lifecycle Feedback? 09/02 Supporting Institutional RM Model Publication Scheme Records Management JISC InfoNet Encouraging the development of RMgt within FE/HE Obviously supporting the fact that every institution should consider employing a professional RMgr but also recognising that not all can or will Raising awareness with Snr Mgrs (explaining the ideal), supporting practitioners (realistic tips for how to get there) Not taking the place of the RMgr but providing toolkits to help them to do their work Working in close collaboration with the community and being responsive to their needs But also leading the profession into new areas and encouraging new communities of practice aimed at tackling new and challenging issues Getting RMgrs out of their ivory towers and plugged into their institution’s wider information landscape

5 Coming Soon… RM Communications Strategy
Reaching senior mgt and practitioners Senior Mgt Briefing Paper Outputs of Theme 1  RM InfoKit Awareness raising workshops Practitioners workshops FE/HE RM conference May 2004? Draft programme Plus…

6 Student Records Why not part of the 09/02 programme?
Need to join RM up with learning technology (both in JISC & the sector) ITT – Retention & the Learner Record learner record, LIP and (micro level) RM Advantages for learning technologists Advantages for records managers Building communities of practice Summary of Outputs 1.       A set of recommendations and guidelines on maintaining learner information at a ‘lifelong learner’ level 2.       A set of recommendations and guidelines on maintaining learner information at an institutional level based on the format of the Study of the Records Lifecycle 3.       A set of recommendations for amendments to the UK LIP specification 4.       A vocabulary to form the basis of a common institutional Collection Notice Form to facilitate the transfer of learner data

7 ERMS Implementation Toolkit
To create a ‘1-stop-shop’ for impartial & practical expertise on all areas of an ERMS implementation Outline of contents ITT issued in October & completed by July 2004 Why an ITT?

8 On the Horizon An ERMS is NOT a solution to digital preservation
Institutional repositories (eg dSpace) Web archive RM and Open source Problems and potential

9 Digital Asset Mgt within JISC
Putting ERM in its wider context Web archive, intranet, digital repositories RM is only part of this bigger picture Why TRIM Context? Scope & organisational drivers: EDMS & workflow  PROCESSES ERMS Enquiry and Contacts Mgt Intranet? Progress to date First considered what role ERM would play within the wider JISC Info environment, what its remit would be and how it would impact on other initiatives – VITAL FIRST STEP. RM is only one element of this bigger picture, it is not the complete picture.

10 Lessons Learnt (so far!)
Consider the wider IM context & options Choose your system then try to convince yourself why it is NOT the answer Don’t ‘sell it’ as an IT project Gaining support vs managing expectation Consult as widely and as early as possible Make friends with a techie! Don’t under-estimate implementation costs Adopt & adapt formal project mgt standards Include your biggest sceptic on your project team

11 Thank you Any questions?

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