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Workspace Commercial Furniture

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1 Workspace Commercial Furniture
Environmental Story

2 Manufacturing 10,000 square metre ISO14001 accredited manufacturing facility. Design for Environment (DfE) principles incorporated into the DNA of all new products. Product Stewardship Program. Blanket wrapped products to avoid unnecessary packaging and allow reusability of blankets. Extensive recycling programs for aluminium, steel, wood material and cardboard.

3 Products. Currently, the following Workspace products have received the Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) Eco Label accreditation. Track Workstations. Fusion Workstations. Alpine Desking. Tempo Seating. All of the above products will instantly give full points in the Greenstar Office Interiors ‘MAT’ calculators. We now only produce Laminex Parchment worktops in EO board.

4 Thank You.

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