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Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism

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1 Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism
Workshop Karachi, Pakistan January 15 & 16th , 2019

2 Overview Welcome Introductions Agenda and Material for Workshop
Objectives of Workshop Needs, Challenges and Expectations Session is 1.5 hours (90 minutes) The aim of this session is to give participants an overview of the workshop content, introductions and identify needs, challenges and expectations The aim of this workshop is to assist you to develop knowledge and skills to support you and your country effectively implement SCRs 1267 and 1373. Check to make sure everyone has been given a Participant Workshop Manual.

3 Objectives of Workshop
Assist authorities to develop knowledge and skills to support the authorities to increase awareness of money laundering (AML) crimes and there predicate crimes, and financing of terrorism (CFT) to assist Paksitan combat ML and FT; Provide a forum for fostering communication and exchange of information between key stakeholders in government and public sectors responsible for AML/ CFT; Support increasing Pakistan AML/CFT stakeholders including the the Financial Sectors the FATF global standards, i.e. Financial Action Task Force 40 Recommendations (FATF), to assist implementing effective regimes in line with the domestic and international standards; Share “best practices” to increase awareness for key private and government sectors of Pakistan’s AML/CFT laws and regulations ; Promote domestic, international and regional cooperation on buidling an effective AML/CFT regime in Pakistan.

4 Workshop Topics Discuss Role of law enforcement and the FIU and other enforcement agencies responsible as part of a comprehensive national strategy to counter ML/FT and POC offences “take the profit out of crime” relating to all predicate offences ; Specialized guidance to support expanding private sector AML/CFT specialists understanding of: Concepts of ML, POC and Financing of Terrorism (TF) Conducting financial investigations and techniques; ML , POC and FT related laws ; Utilizing open source and classified information; Role of the Financial Intelligence Unit Supporting establishment of effective national cooperation among key stakeholders in these areas. Refer to Agenda Point out: We will be having a morning break at XX:XX a.m. and an afternoon break at XX:XX p.m. We will break for lunch between XX:XX p.m. – XX:XX p.m. Topics are listed on the slide but are to cover : the role of preventive asset freezing regimes as part of a comprehensive national strategy to counter the financing of terrorism and the commission of terrorist acts; Demonstrate how States and regions affected by terrorism can integrate the global asset freezing and other sanctions measures into their national and regional responses to terrorism; all aspects (i.e., assessing, identifying, monitoring, designating, freezing without delay, reviewing and delisting) of an effective, threat-sensitive and dynamic national regime to implement asset freezing obligations for countering terrorist financing that is also responsive to human rights concerns. Specialized guidance to States on targeting techniques for: conducting financial investigations; utilizing open source and classified information; developing criteria for terrorist designations for domestic jurisdictions; and levying of penalties for effective sanctions enforcement mechanisms; supporting their establishment of effective national cooperation among key stakeholders in these areas. Improved capabilities with respect to drafting of evidentiary and public statements on designations and asset freezing implementation, public affairs strategies and notification processes to build global support for sanctions; Providing listed persons access to a judicial and administrative review procedures with respect to domestic listings, with clear guidelines regarding the same; Enhancing general review processes for periodically updating terrorist designations; and issuance of licenses for exceptional transactional arrangements with listed individuals and entities and exemptions for humanitarian situations. Specialized training and guidance to States on the implementation of the targeted financial sanctions under the Al Qaida sanctions regime. Other counter-financing of terrorism-related capacity building, as appropriate.

5 Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism Workshop
2 day Program January 15 &16th, 2019 Karachi, Pakistan Time Tuesday – January 15th Wednesday, January 16th 9:00 Welcome Overview of Program Individual Introductions (Sessions 1 & 2) Implementation of Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Regimes “Challenges” (Session 3) Role of Financial Intelligence Unit “How to work with the FIU” Suspicious Transaction Reporting (Session 8) 10:30 Break 10:45 Financial Action Task Force AML/CFT Global Standards (Session 4 & 5) Building Financial Profiles & Open Source (Session 9) 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Assessing ML/FT Threats (Session 6) Overview of CFT Law Enforcement Investigative Techniques/ Approaches Practical Exercise (30 mins) (Session 12) 15:30 15:45 Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Concepts (Session 7) Briefings from Practical Exercises Concluding Remarks 17:00 Make sure they have the agenda in their handout material; Refer to Agenda – go over each topic Reference the coffee breaks and lunch times again; Point out: We will be having a morning break at XX:XX a.m. and an afternoon break at XX:XX p.m. We will break for lunch between XX:XX p.m. – XX:XX p.m. Review the Agenda Sessions for the 3 days which will cover the topics outlined in the previous two slides; Agenda topics : FATF standards requirements relating to SCR 1267 & 1373 Legal Framework for SCRs Strategic use of 1267 & 1373 for Asset Freezing &Designation Working effectively with the Private Sector Designation processes for 1267 Establishing listing process for 1373 Due process, de-listing, exemptions and Humanitarian considerations for both 1267 and 1373 Challenges with international 3rd party request for freezing National coordination for effective designation and freezing mechanisms including cross border interdiction Garnering political support to establish effective framework for implementing an effective SCR regime Financial investigations relating to freezing and seizing of assets pursuant to 1267 and 1373. Any questions about the agenda ?

6 Introductions You will have 5 minutes to ask the person to your right these questions taking notes so you can introduce them – you will have 2 -3 minutes for the introduction Name and agency you are representing Role in the agency and relevant experience (if any) Why are you here today? Two things you like to do outside of work ?

7 Needs, Challenges and Expectations
Group Exercise: Objective to obtain input from participants as to their view of the needs, challenges and long term objectives to effectively investigate and prosecute money laundering, terrorism financing and proceeds of crime investigations relating to Wildlife and Environmental Crime Each table (group) assigned one of these topics to discuss: Needs, Challenges and Expectations; Groups to discuss and seek input from participants’ different perspectives and reach a consensus as to the priorities; Groups will have 20 minutes to discuss and come up with 5-10 recommendations to be recorded in bullet points on the flip chart; Groups to designate one spokesperson to present the results

8 Needs, Challenges and Expectations
Questions : Challenges : Identify (min 5) present challenges (obstacles) for effectively implementing AML/CFT measures in the financial institutions? Needs : Identifying the needs for (min 5) required and actions to remedy these issues Expectations : What should be long & short term objectives (5 each) for Pakistan’s finanical sectors to effectively prevent ML and FT and identifying risks (3-5) if unable to properly implement

9 Questions?

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