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Review SUSSH 18-16.

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1 Review SUSSH 18-16

2 Q: What new form of entertainment was available to have in the home in the 1920s?
A: the radio

3 Q: After World War I, Americans became paranoid about the spread of communism. What was this paranoia called? A: The Red Scare

4 Q: What technique allowed Henry Ford to mass produce the automobile?
A: the assembly line

5 Q: What type of music became very popular in the 1920s in both African American communities and white communities? A: Jazz

6 Q: What was the name of the raids against communist immigrants in the 1920s?
A: Palmer Raids

7 Q: What artistic and literary movement took place in the African American community in the 1920s?
A: the Harlem Renaissance

8 Q: Who was the most famous jazz musician of the 1920s?
A: Louis Armstrong

9 Q: What term means buying stock for only a portion of what it costs and taking out a loan to pay the rest? A: buying stock on the margin

10 Q: In general, did farmers experience prosperity in the 1920s?
A: No

11 Q: What is it called when people were reluctant to buy products but producers kept producing them?
A: Overproduction/Underconsumption

12 Q: Who was a famous poet from the Harlem Renaissance?
A: Langston Hughes

13 Q: What was the combination of droughts and windstorms that hit the Midwest in the 1930s called?
A: Dustbowl

14 Q: What was one human cause of the Dustbowl?
A: poor farming practices

15 Q: What is the date October 29, 1929 commonly referred to as?
A: Black Tuesday

16 Q: Who was the president when the stock market crashed?
A: Herbert Hoover

17 Q: Did Hoover provide direct relief to the people during the Great Depression?
A: No

18 Q: When unemployed people lost their homes, they lived in little shacks in makeshift villages. What were these called? A: Hoovervilles

19 Q: What was the name of FDR’s wave of programs that were intended to fight the Depression?
A: the New Deal

20 Q: What two groups did Eleanor Roosevelt try to help through social reform?
A: Women and Minorities

21 Q: What New Deal program built hydroelectric dams and provided electricity to a poor region?
A: the Tennessee Valley Authority

22 Q: What New Deal program provided benefits for the elderly, those with disabilities, and children?
A: the Social Security Act

23 Q: Who was one of FDR’s biggest critics that wanted to implement a “Share-Our-Wealth” program instead of the New Deal? A: Huey Long

24 Q: What New Deal program created a board to monitor management practices and protect workers’ rights to join unions? A: the Wagner Act

25 Q: What did FDR do to attempt to gain power over the judicial branch?
A: the court-packing scheme -He wanted to change the number of justices on the Supreme Court from 9 to 15 and appoint judges who would pass his New Deal programs

26 Q: How did the Wagner Act affect unions?
A: Union strength increased: more workers joined unions because of the protection of the Wagner Act

27 Q: What act prohibited the sale of arms to countries at war or countries involved in a civil war?
A: the Neutrality Act

28 Q: What New Deal program provided jobs to young single men working in national parks?
A: Civilian Conservation Corps

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