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2 Difference between heat and temperature?
Heat is the amount of thermal energy in an object because of its moving molecules. Temperature is a measure of thermal energy or how fast molecules are moving in an object. The more you heat something, the faster the molecules move. This is what causes temperature to rise. Measuring Tool for Heat: Thermometer

3 Heat and temperature are NOT the same thing.
Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of each particle within an object. Thermal (heat) energy is the total energy of the particles that make up an object For example, there is a lot more heat inside a glacier than in a pot of boiling water. The boiling water has a higher temperature, but the glacier has a lot more molecules. All the slower moving molecules in the large glacier equates to a higher thermal energy than the pot of hot water.

4 Heat Heat is form of energy. Heat can move from place to place.

5 TEMPERATURE A measure of the average kinetic energy Temperature is a measure of the level of heat Temperature is not energy

6 Process of Heat energy Transfer
Conduction, Radiation, Convection

7 RADIATION Is the process of transmission of energy from one body to other with out the aid of material medium – solid , liquid and gases. all bodies radiate energy but the amount is depend on temperature of radiating body. Examples of Radiation: The Sun’s heat moves toward the Earth through the electromagnetic waves in space The heat of a campfire warms a troop of Girl Scouts by moving from the fire to the girls through the space between them.

8 CONDUCTION Is the process of heat transfer through matter of molecular activity. Heat transferred from one part of body to another by touching each other. Heat flows from warmer part to cooler part of body to equalized the temperature. Ability to conduct the heat depends on conductivity of substance. Eg – metal is good conductor while air is bad conductor of heat. When touching a hot iron rod, the heat from the iron rod moves to your hands.

9 CONVECTION Is the process of transfer of heat through movement of a mass or substance from one place to another. Convection is possible only in gases and liquid because of internal mass movement. In solid this type of heat transfer is impossible.

10 Radiation, Conduction, and Convection

11 Heating and cooling of Atmosphere
Sun is the primary source of heating for earth & atmosphere. Heating of atmosphere is an indirect process. Incoming solar radiation - Earth -heats the atmosphere Continues Process of heat transmission. With radiation, convection, conduction processes evaporation, condensation plays an imp roll in transferring energy from earth to atmosphere.

12 Partial absorption of solar radiation by atmosphere.
Conduction. Terrestrial radiation. Convection and Advection. Latent heat of condensation. Expansion and compression of air.

13 Controls of temperature
Latitude -

14 2. Altitude 2. Altitude

15 Air is thinner at higher elevations
There are fewer heat-absorbing gases to absorb and reradiate earth’s heat


17 3. Distribution of Land and water bodies
Effect the spatial and temporal distribution Land surface become warm & cold more quickly than water bodies. Temperature is more on land than water bodies. Water is transparent / land is opaque. Specific heat of water is higher than land Water is fluid & mobile / land is solid & static. Heat is distributed through turbulence, observe solar energy to greater depth in water bodies. Heat is distributed through slow process of conduction. evaporation from water bodies is greater / evaporation is very low on landmasses.


19 Land and Water Contrasts
Opaque surface Transparent More evaporation Less evaporation Mixing of warm and cold Low specific heat Water takes 5 x longer to heat than land


21 OCEAN CURRENTS Ocean currents are mobile in nature, equalized the temperature. Cold currents - Benguela, California, labredor Hot currents– north Atlantic drift, Bazillion. The warm current raise the temperature of the nearby areas. While cold currents lower down the temperature of the adjacent area. PREVAILING WINDS As per effect same as above


23 Ocean Currents Gulf Stream / North Atlantic Drift – warm current that keeps Northern Europe warm California Current – cool current off our coast keeps coastal areas cool and help produce advection fog.

24 CLOUD COVER Thick cloud cover reduces the amount of insolation received at a perticular place, lowering of day time temperature. In case of clear skies amount of insolation received at a perticular place is more. At the time of thick cloud cover there is restriction of the out going long wave radiation from earth to the outer space causes more temperature. if there is clear skies temperature is less.


26 Mountain barriers Nature of ground surface Nature of ground slopes Relief


28 Temperate zone Tropical zone Temperate zone Polar zone Polar zone
Six months daytime (March-Sept), six months night (Sept - March) One day with 24 hours daylight (June 21st); one day with 24 hours darkness (Dec 21st) North Pole 90°N Polar zone Arctic circle 66.5°N Sun is overhead once a year (June 21st). Day length always at least 10 hours. Temperate zone Tropic of Cancer 23.5°N Tropical zone Constant day length - 12 hours day and night all year round Equator 0° Tropic of Capricorn 23.5°N Temperate zone Sun is overhead once a year (Dec 21st). Day length always at least 10 hours. Polar zone Antarctic circle 66.5°S Polar zone One day with 24 hours daylight (March 21st); one day with 24 hours darkness (June 21st) South Pole 90°N Six months daytime (Sept - March), six months night (March-Sept)


30 INVERSION OF TEMPERATURE Normally temperature decreases with increasing altitudes. It is 1 degree C / 160 mts. ( thermal lapse rate ) but some times this trend changes to increasing temperature with increasing height under certain circumstances is called inversion of temperature. Inversion of temperature occur near the earth surface as well as at higher level. But near the earth surface it is shorter and greater height it is longer duration.


NON-ADVECTIONAL INVERSION Ground / surface / radiation inversion. occurs near earth surface due to radiation mechanism. Develop during the cold winter nights of snow covered region of mid latitudes. It is caused due to rapid rate of loss of heat from ground in form of long wave terrestrial radiation. So near ground the air is cooler than the above air laying on it which is relatively warmer.

33 2. Upper air inversion Thermal upper air inversion cause of presence of Ozone layer at the 15 – 30 km in the stratosphere. Absorbs most of U.V. rays so temperature of this layer is much higher than the air laying below this layer. Mechanical upper air inversion cause at higher heights in atmosphere due to subsidence of air and turbulence and convective mechanisms occurs no of ways Some time warm air suddenly transported upwards to the zone of cold air.

this also called Dynamic inversion because it is always caused due to horizontal or vertical movement of air. Frontal / cyclonic inversion caused in temperate zone developed by temperate cyclone. formed due to convergence of warm westerly's and cold Polar air. Warm air is lighter than the cold air which is denser and heavier push up the warm air and inversion occur.

35 2. Valley inversion occur in mountain valley due to vertical movement of air and the process of radiation. During winter nights temperature of upper part of mountain valley become so low due to rapid loss of heat from surface through terrestrial radiation. on the other hand the temperature of air in the valley does not fall considerably. Thus the air remains warmer than the above air. hence the warm and light air in valley pushed upward by the descending cold and heavier air of the upper part of valley

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