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Presentation on theme: "EMT 511/3 DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN"— Presentation transcript:

By: Dr. Mohd Nazrin Md Isa Block 7, Ground Floor, School of Microelectronic Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis.

2 COURSE Introduction

3 Course Outcomes CO1: Ability to discover and apply computer-aided design tools for design of complex digital logic circuits. CO2: Ability to design, analyze, synthesize and evaluate complex digital circuits. CO3: Ability to apply and design with programmable logic.

4 Specific Outcomes After completing this course, you will be able to:
Understand ALTERA FPGA design flow Identify basic design guidelines for a successful chip design Differentiate a synthesizable and non- synthesizable HDL designs Select a proper HDL coding style for fast, efficient digital circuits

5 Delivery and Assessments
Assignment 1 (20%): (a)Latch Inference and effects (Individual) Incomplete if-else statement Incomplete case statement Incomplete sensitivity list elements (b) Blocking vs non-blocking signal assignment Assignment 2 (20%): Modular HDL design (Individual) Temperature monitoring and controlling system using FPGA Results: resource utilizations, logic levels, critical path, operating frequency. Design Project (20%): Pipelined Multiplier using SA (group of 2). Report format: One 4-page IEEE paper Results (as above) In-class Exercises/ Discussions 1 : Switches and LEDs RTL coding Test bench writing Behavioral Simulation 2: Binary to Hex Decoder RTL coding with bugs HDL debugging 3: Boiler Control System 4: Traffic light controller 5: Multiplier

6 Text books


8 Introduction

9 Contents Introduction FPGA Design Flow HDL Design For Synthesis
Review of Verilog modeling structure Review of Verilog data types Review of Verilog operators Review of behavioral modeling Coding for performance tips and tricks Review of Test bench

10 C/C++ vs HDL

11 C/C++ vs HDL (cont’d)

12 VHDL vs Verilog

13 FPGA Design Flow

14 BASIC FPGA DESIGN FLOW Andgate.v Andgate_tb.v Andgate.sof

15 DE2-115 Board Information

16 DE2-115 Board Information (cont’d)

17 Labs: slide switches, push buttons, Seven Segment displays
The DE2-115 Block Diagram Labs: slide switches, push buttons, Seven Segment displays

18 Quartus II

19 HDL Synthesis

20 Pin Planner

21 Simulation (using ALTERA Modelsim)
Requires a test bench file (another Verilog module)

22 Configuring bit stream (.sof) FPGA in JTAG Mode
Ensure that power is applied to the DE2-115 board Configure the JTAG programming circuit by setting the RUN/PROG slide switch (SW19) to the RUN position Connect the supplied USB cable to the USB Blaster port on the DE2-115 board The FPGA can now be programmed by using the Quartus II Programmer to select a configuration bit stream file with the .sof filename extension SOF = SRAM Object File

23 Configuring bit stream (.pof) FPGA in AS Mode

24 HDL Design for Synthesis

25 Importance of HDL Designs can be described at very abstract level using HDL can write without sticking to any technology Functional verification can be done early in the design cycle can optimize & modify RTL description until meet desired functionality Tools: E.g:VCS (Verilog Compiled Simulator), Modelsim HDL design is analogous to computer programming provide concise representation of design compared to schematic

26 Simulation At Different Levels
RTL Design represented by Verilog/VHDL RTL code High simulation performance Primary method to debug functional problems Gate Design represented as a netlist Netlist generated by implementation tools (synthesis, P&R) Slow simulation speed Circuit Design represented as SPICE netlist Highest level of accuracy but slowest simulation speed Used mainly for critical paths, analog circuits and cell characterization

27 Levels of Abstraction

28 Verilog Modeling Structure

29 Modules – What’s Inside?
module name port list, port declaration (if port presents) parameters (optional) declaration of wires, regs & other variables data flow statements (assign) instantiation of lower modules always & initial blocks all behavioral statements in these blocks tasks & functions endmodule statement

30 How to describe the terminals with more than 1-bit?
Modules - Format module <module_name> (<module_terminal_list>) <direction_of_terminals> <module_internals> endmodule E.g. For a D flip-flop, named DFF, with data, clock as 1-bit inputs, & q as output terminal, the module will be defined as: module DFF (data, clock, q); input data, clock; output q; <the function of D flip-flop> endmodule How to describe the terminals with more than 1-bit?

31 Hierarchical/Modular Design Example
Test_Tb.v Test bench Top.v Top Most Design Unit A.v B.V Sub-Blocks (cells) A B C C.v Each unit is coded in a separate HDL file (separate HDL module)

32 Hierarchical/Modular Design
Decoder.v Top Most Design Unit KeyIN.v Sub-Blocks (cells) A B SevenSegmenDec.v Each unit is coded in a separate HDL file (separate HDL module)

33 Modular Design

34 HDL Code

35 Module Instances - Format
Instantiation template: <original_module_name> <name_of_instance> (<instance_internal_port_list>); In another module named DFF2, we want to use the DFF module. So, we should write: Example module DFF (data, clock, q); input data, clock; output q; <the function of D flip-flop> endmodule module DFF2 (d, clk, q); input [1:0] d; output [1:0] q; DFF dff1 (d[0], clk, q[0]); DFF dff2 (d[1], clk, q[1]); endmodule instances

36 Module Instances - Purpose
Nested module instances support top-down design hierarchy Example: Verilog code (top-down approach) of full_adder module full_adder (sum, c_out, a, b, c_in) input a, b, c_in; output sum, c_out; half_adder HA1 (w1, w2, a, b); half_adder HA2 (sum, w3, c_in, w1); or (c_out, w2, w3); endmodule top-down approach nested module instances

37 Top-down Design & Nested Modules
Exercise: Based on full_adder code in previous slide, label the following design blocks: Given: full_adder half_adder a sum b c_out module half_adder (sum, c_out, a, b) HA2 half_adder HA1 half_adder +

38 Verilog Primitives Verilog has a set of 26 predefined functional models of common combinational logic gates called primitives Most basic functional objects Names are reserved words in Verilog n-input n–output, 3-state and buf nand not or bufif0 nor bufif1 xor notif0 xnor notif1

39 Verilog Language Rules
Identifiers Identifiers (name) in Verilog is composed of space-free sequence of upper- and lowercase letters from the alphabet, the digits (0-9), the underscore and the $ symbol Verilog is case sensitive language Example: and2 counter3_updn

40 Verilog Language Rules
White Space Used to format text of a model However, might not separate contiguous characters of identifier or keyword, or digits of number

41 Verilog Language Rules
Statement Termination Text of Verilog model is placed between module and endmodule Statements in Verilog is terminated by a semicolon (;) These statements includes: data types of signals other elements that describe structural details of a model executable procedural statements used by simulator to determine the value of signal

42 Verilog Language Rules
Comments Many designers always neglect to put comments in the code Comments is an important form of documentation on the functionality/objective of the code It helps in making the code readable Single line comments begins with the symbol // Multiple line comments begins with /* and ends with */

43 Verilog Language Rules (Verilog version 2001)
Example: module ANDgate ( input A, B, output reg Y); (A or B) begin Y = A & B; // A and B end endmodule module ANDgate ( Input A, B, output reg Y); (A or B) begin Y = (A & B)|( A | B); /* (A and B) or (A or B) */ end endmodule

44 Verilog Language Rules
Numbers Numbers in Verilog can be represented as: Real numbers Integer numbers Base numbers (binary, octal, hex, decimal) Two types of numbers: Sized numbers Unsized numbers How to write in module: module ……; …. integer A, B, C; A = 4’b0101; B = 5’o14; C = 8’ha5; D = 5’d14; endmodule

45 Verilog Language Rules
Sized numbers <size> ‘<base_format> <number> Decimal value – specifies # bits in the number Decimal (‘d or ‘D) Hex (‘h or ‘H) Binary (‘d or ‘D) Octal (‘d or ‘D) Consecutive digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f) Example: 4’b1111 // 4-bit binary number 12’habc // 12-bit hex number 16’d255 // 16-bit decimal number DIY: 8’d123 // number?

46 Verilog Language Rules
Unsized numbers Size? Have default value of bits (depends to simulator or machine ≥ 32 bit) ‘<base_format> <number> Decimal (‘d or ‘D) Hex (‘h or ‘H) Binary (‘d or ‘D) Octal (‘d or ‘D) Consecutive digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f) Example: ‘hc3 // 32-bit hex number ‘oc3 // 32-bit octal number 765 // 32-bit decimal number DIY: ’d123 // number?

47 Verilog Language Rules
X or Z values X : unknown value Z : high-impedance value Very important in modeling real circuit Use the same sized & unsized number format Example: 12‘h13x // 12-bit hex number, with 4 LSBs unknown 6‘hx // 6-bit unknown hex number 32’bz // 32-bit high-impedance number 6‘hx3 // What is the equivalent number?

48 Verilog Data Types

49 Verilog Data Types

50 ‘wire’ Usage When using ‘assign’ statement, always use wire declaration Example: module ANDgate (A, B, Y); input A, B; output Y; wire Y; // optional assign Y = A & B; endmodule IMPORTANT NOTE! Any identifier without type declaration has default-type wire Y is constantly updated with value from A and B

51 Sensitivity list – WHAT IS THIS??
‘reg’ Usage When using assignment of values in an ‘always’ block or ‘initial’ block, use reg declaration Example: module ANDgate (A, B, Y); input A, B; output Y; reg Y; (A or B) begin Y = A & B; end endmodule Sensitivity list – WHAT IS THIS??

52 Verilog Operators

53 Verilog Operators Summary

54 Verilog Operators Summary (cont’d)

55 Concatenation Operator
Single bits of signal can be combined to form a bus or multi-bits signal The concatenation operator is identified by the symbol “{” and “}” Example: QUESTION: Based on the same module, what is the signal length for: Input [1:0] A, C; Input B; module ………; input A, B, C, output [2:0] D; assign D = {A, B, C}; endmodule Resulting of a 3-bit signal

56 Logical Operators Logical operators return a single bit result
It is either “1” (true) or “0” (false) Example (If A = 3, B = 0) A && B // equals to 0 (logical-1 && logical 0) A || B // equals to 1 (logical-1 || logical 0) Operation Symbol and && or || not !

57 Bitwise Operators Bitwise operators operate on buses and return the result in bus form Example (if A = 3, B = 0) A & B // equals to 0 (‘b11 & ‘b00 = ‘b00) A | B // equals to 3 (‘b11 | ‘b00 = ‘b11) Operation Symbol and & or | not ~ xor ^

58 Logical & Bitwise Exercise: What are the result of Y and Z when:
A = 1’b1, B = 1’b0, C = 1’b0 & D = 3’b111 module test1 (A, B, C, D, Y, Z); input A, B, C; input [2:0] D; output [2:0] Y; output [2:0] Z; assign Y = D || {A, B, C}; assign Z = D | {A, B, C}; endmodule

59 Conditional Operators
Conditional operators are widely used for conditional checking (? .. :) Commonly used to model combinational logic Consist of 3 operands: input select/control output Conditional operators can be use to represent multiplexer

60 Conditional Operators
module ……; …. assign Y = control ? inputA : inputB; endmodule true / ‘1’ false / ‘0’ output select/control inputs Checks whether ‘control’ equals to 1 or 0 Example: inA assign out = sel ? inB : inA ; out inB 1 2:1 MUX sel

61 Shift Operators Two types of shift operator
Shift left for shifting left Shift right for shifting right Shift right is identified by symbol “>>” Shift left identified by symbol “<<”

62 What is the result of Y when
Shift Operation Example: What is the result of Y when inputA = 5’b11010? module … ; assign Y = inputA << 1; endmodule Y = 5’b10100 module … ; assign Y = inputA >> 2; endmodule Y = 5’b00110

63 Equality Operators Two types of equality operator: Logical equal
identified by symbol “==” for equal and “!=” for not equal results returned are either “0” (false), “1” (true) or “X” (unknown) Case equal identified by symbol “===” for equal and “!==” for not equal always produces results that are “1” (true) or “0” (false) can identify values of “X” and “Z”

64 Equality Operators Example: module … ; if (inputA == 1’b1)
outputA = 1; else outputA = 0; if (inputA != inputB) outputA = 0; else outputA = 1; endmodule What happen to outputA when inputA = 0? outputA =0 when inputA = 0 inputB = 1? outputA = 0

65 Reduction Operators Reduction operators function same as logical operators, except that it operates on itself 6 types of reduction operators: Example ( in = 3’b111 ) out = &in // out = 1 & 1 & 1 = 1 out = ~|in // out = ~(1 | 1 | 1) = 0 operation and or xor nand nor xnor symbol & | ^ ~& ~| ~^

66 Example Exercise: Assume inputA = 4’b1010 module …; …
assign outputA = &inputA; // outputA = 0 assign outputA = |inputA; // outputA = 1 assign outputA = ^inputA; // outputA = 0 assign outputA = ~&inputA; // outputA = 1 assign outputA = ~|inputA; // outputA = 0 assign outputA = ~^inputA; // outputA = 1 endmodule

67 Arithmetic Operators + - * / 4 types of arithmetic operators:
Operation Symbol addition + subtraction - multiplication * division /

68 Operator Precedence Verilog evaluates expression left-to-right
Use parentheses when precedence needs to be overridden

69 Behavioural Modeling

70 Contents Definition of Behavioural Modeling Types of Behavioral Models
Continuous Assignments Single-pass Behaviours Cyclic Behaviours Flow Concept in Verilog Concurrency Sequential Constructs for Control Flow in Behaviour Model ‘If-else’ statement ‘Case’ statement

71 Behavioural Modeling There are 3 types of behavioral models:
Continuous assignments (keyword: ‘assign’) Single-pass behaviours (keyword: ‘initial’) Cylic behaviours (keyword: ‘always’)

72 Sensitivity List Sensitivity list is associated with an ‘always’ block
Signals that will cause an evaluation of the ‘always’ block MUST be included in the sensitivity list Example: module ANDgate (A, B, Y); input A, B; output Y; reg Y; (A or B) begin Y = A & B; end endmodule ‘always’ block will be evaluated whenever there is a change in the signals listed in sensitivity list

73 Behavioural Modeling

74 Activity Flow in Verilog
In Verilog coding, there are two important concept: concurrency sequential Every piece of code that is classed under concurrency is executed at the same time Every piece of code that is classed under sequential is executed one instruction at a time

75 Concurrent Statements
There can be more than one block of concurrency statements module ANDgate (A, B, Y, Z); input A, B; output Y, Z; reg Y; ……. …….. endmodule Multiple concurrent block (the blocks are executed concurrently)

76 Sequential Statements
A sequential statement is for example a statement that starts with (sensitivity list)” module seq (A, B, Y); input A, B; output Y; reg Y; (A or B) begin if (A) Y = 1; else if ( A != B) Y = 0; end endmodule Each statement is executed sequentially

77 Concurrency & Sequential
module ANDgate (A, B, Y, Z); input A, B; output Y, Z; reg Y, Z; (A or B) begin Y = A & B; end Z = A | B; endmodule module test1 (A, B, C, D, Y); input A, B, C, D; output [2:0] Y; wire [2:0] Y; assign Y[0] = D | A; assign Y[1] = B & C; assign Y[2] = ~A ^ (A | C); endmodule Which is concurrent, & which is sequential?

78 Activity Flow Control Constructs
These constructs control the activity flow within a behaviour: Case statements (‘case’) Conditional statements (‘if-else’) Loops (‘for’, ‘repeat’, ‘forever’)

79 Conditional ‘if-else’ Statement
Conditional (‘if-else’) statements are sequential statements Used for multiple conditions Conditional statement creates logic that depends on priority of the code

80 Conditional ‘if-else’ Statement
(A or B or C) begin if (A & B) Y = 1; Z = B; end else if (A & C) Y = 0; Z = 1; else Z = 0; Can you spot the inputs & outputs?

81 Incomplete ‘if-else’ Statement
There 2 conditions: What happens when a Verilog code with an IF statement but does not have an ELSE but specify all possible combinations What happens when a Verilog code with an IF statement but does not have an ELSE and does not specify all possible combinations

82 Incomplete ‘if-else’ Statement
Condition 1 ‘if’ without ‘else’ but specified all conditions (at the end of the multiple ‘if-else’ statements) This is the best way of coding because all conditions for the inputs are specified if (A & B) …; else if (A & ~B) else if (~A & B) else if (~A & ~B) All possible conditions of inputs A and B are specified

83 Incomplete ‘if-else’ Statement
Condition 2 ‘if’ without ‘else’ but only certain conditions are specified (at the end of the multiple if-else statements) synthesis tool assumes that the previous value of a variable is maintained  LATCH INFERENCE if (A & B) Y = 0; else if (A & ~B) Y = 1; What does this code ‘say’: If A & B is TRUE then Y = 0 If A & ~ B is TRUE then Y = 1 For all other values of A and B, the previous value of Y is maintained NOT all possible inputs for A and B are specified

84 Latch Inference If a Verilog code is written using IF statement, without all possibilities being specified, a latch is inferred This is undesirable since it would create unnecessary logic usage (redundant latch) Solution: use an ‘else’ statement (for ‘if’ statement) – for default condition specify all possible conditions for the inputs

85 Alternative for ‘if-else’
Conditional ‘if-else’ statement can be replaced by the usage of continuous assignment (‘assign’) For the previous Exercise, using ‘assign’ statement: module boolean (A, B, C, Y); input A, B, C; output Y; wire Y; assign Y = (~A & B) | (A & ~B & C) endmodule WHAT DOES THIS CODE ‘SAY’: Y=1 (TRUE) when the conditions of A, B and C are fulfilled

86 ‘Case’ Statement Case statement is used to represent different options that can be chosen by a set of select signals Its functionality is similar to that of a multiplexer Incomplete declaration for input combinations will result latch Solution – use ‘default’ statement for other combinations (good design habit)

87 ‘Case’ Statement module mux4_case (A,B,C,D,Sel,Y); input A,B,C,D;
input [1:0] Sel; output Y; reg Y; (A or B or C or D or Sel) begin case (Sel) 0 : Y = A; 1 : Y = B; 2 : Y = C; 3 : Y = D; default: Y = 1'bx; endcase end endmodule A 1 2 3 B Y C D Put ‘default’ in case statement – good design habit Sel[1:0] Case statement executes the statement associated with 1st match found, & not consider any remaining possibilities.

88 ‘Case’ Statement module mux4_case (A,B,C,D,Sel,Y); input A,B,C,D;
input [1:0] Sel; output Y; reg Y; (A or B or C or D or Sel) begin case (Sel) 2’b00 : Y = A; 2’b01 : Y = B; endcase end endmodule A 1 2 3 B Y Sel[1:0] If Sel[1:0] = “10” and “11”, Y will maintain its previous value hence latch is inferred

89 Put ‘default’ condition to avoid latch
‘Case’ Statement module mux4_case (A,B,C,D,Sel,Y); input A,B,C,D; input [1:0] Sel; output Y; reg Y; (A or B or C or D or Sel) begin case (Sel) 2’b00 : Y = A; 2’b01 : Y = B; default: Y = 0; endcase end endmodule A 1 2 3 B Y Sel[1:0] Put ‘default’ condition to avoid latch

90 Case vs. Conditional ‘if-else’
Case statement represents multiplexing conditions If-else statement represents conditional encoding Which one is better to use? If Statement Case Statement Creates priority-encoded logic Creates balanced logic Can contain a set of different expressions Evaluated against a common controlling expression Use for speed critical paths Use for complex decoding

91 Case vs. Conditional ‘if-else’
Code example of 4-to-1 mux

92 Complete vs Incomplete case statement

93 Complete vs Incomplete if-else statement

94 Lab 2: Incomplete case statement

95 Lab 2 (Effects on Logic Utilization)
vs Which one yours?

96 Single-Pass Behavior (‘initial’)
Keyword: begin .. end Sequential block Statements Processed in the order they specified (next statement executes after previous statement completes execution) Delay & event control Relative to simulation time when previous statement completes execution Keyword: fork .. join Parallel block Statements Executed concurrently Note: Order of statements controlled by delay & event control specified by each statement Delay & event control Relative to time when block was entered

97 Cyclic Behaviour (‘always’)
Keyword: always Cyclic activity flow whereby the procedural statements will be re-execute after the last procedural statement has executed Re-execution process continues indefinitely until the simulation is terminated They execute procedural statements to generate values of the variable, manipulate, & store the variables in memory

98 Cyclic Behaviour (‘always’)
The statements in cyclic behaviour can be unconditional or controlled by a sensitivity list Used to model (& synthesize) level-sensitive & edge-sensitive behaviour level-sensitive  combinational logic edge-sensitive  sequential logic posedge (sensitive to +ve edge of signal) negedge (sensitive to –ve edge of signal)

99 Cyclic Behaviour (‘always’)
Example: 2-input full adder module full_adder (sum, c_out, a, b, c_in); input a, b, c_in; output sum, c_out; (a or b or c_in) begin sum = a ^ b ^ c_in; c_out = (a & b) | (b & c_in) | (a & c_in); end endmodule sensitivity list - level-sensitive block statement QUESTION: How to synchronize this module to a clock signal? Rewrite the module so that the design is sensitive to positive edge of clock. ANSWER: Include clock as input signal, & sensitivity list (posedge clock)

100 Single-Pass vs Cyclic initial begin … imperative statements .. end
Runs when simulation starts Terminates when control reaches the end (execute once & stop) Good for providing stimulus for testbench Not use in synthesis always begin … imperative statements .. end Runs when simulation starts Restarts when control reaches the end (continually loop) Good for modeling / specifying hardware Use in synthesis

101 Combination of Single-Pass & Cyclic
module clock_gen (clock); parameter half_cycle = 50; parameter max_time = 1000; output clock; reg clock; initial clock = 0; always begin #half_cycle clock = ~clock; end #max_time $finish; endmodule NOTE: Usually used in testbench unconditional ‘always’ block (without sensitivity list)

102 Procedural Assignments
Statement that assigns value to a register variable (i.e. to data objects of type ‘reg’, ‘integer’, ‘real’, ‘realtime’, ‘time’) The output only can get value when a procedural statement executes

103 Procedural Assignments
3 types of procedural assignments Blocking Assignment Use “=” operator Non-Blocking Assignment Use “<=” operator Procedural Continuous Assignment (PCA) Use keywords ‘assign … deassign’, ‘force … release’

104 Blocking Assignment The blocking assignments operator is “=”
Blocking assignments must evaluate the right-hand-side (RHS) arguments w/o interruption from any other Verilog statements The assignment is said to "block" other assignments until the current assignment has completed

105 Blocking Assignment Execution of blocking assignments can be viewed as a one-step process: “Evaluate the RHS and update the LHS of the blocking assignment without interruption from any other Verilog statement.”

106 Blocking Assignment If blocking assignments are not properly ordered, a race condition can occur When blocking assignments are scheduled to execute in the same time step, the order execution is unknown

107 Blocking Assignments Simulation example always @ (posedge clk) a = b;
b = a; // 2 concurrent ‘always’ block with blocking statements either (a = b) or (b = a) will be executed first, depend to the simulator implementation so, values in register a and b will not be swapped  both of the register (a and b) will get the same value Simulation example clk a b 5 10 15 20 25 For this example, which ‘always’ block execute first?

108 Non-blocking Assignment
Non-blocking assignment operator is the same as the less-than-or-equal-to operator ("<="). A non-blocking assignment must evaluates the RHS expression at the beginning of a time step and schedules the LHS update to take place at the end of the time step

109 Non-blocking Assignment
The non-blocking assignments executes concurrently (in parallel) regardless to the sequence appearance in a block statement Variables from RHS are sampled, held in memory, & used to update the LHS variable concurrently

110 Non-blocking Assignment
The non-blocking assignment does not block other Verilog statements from being evaluated Execution of non-blocking assignments can be viewed as a two-step process: Evaluate the RHS of non-blocking statements at the beginning of the time step Update the LHS of non-blocking statements at the end of the time step

111 Non-blocking Assignment
REMEMBER! Non-blocking assignments are only made to register data types and are therefore only permitted inside of procedural blocks, such as initial blocks and always blocks Non-blocking assignments are not permitted in continuous assignments (‘assign’)

112 Non-blocking Assignments
(posedge clk) a <= b; b <= a; // 2 concurrent ‘always’ block with non- blocking statements at +ve edge clock, the values of all RHS variables are ‘read’ & the RHS expressions are evaluated & stored in temporary variables during ‘write’ operation, the values stored in temporary variables are assigned to LHS variables  values are swapped correctly, regardless of the order in which the write operation are performed Simulation example clk a b 5 10 15 20 25

113 Coding for Performance

114 Verilog Coding for Performance
When modeling sequential logic, use non-blocking assignments When modeling latches, use non-blocking assignments Avoid incomplete if/else statement Avoid incomplete case statement Pipeline data path to improve speed Avoid nested CASE and IF/THEN statements You should always build a synchronous design Always practice modular design

115 Pipelining Concept fMAX = n MHz fMAX  2n MHz D Q D Q D Q D Q D Q
two logic levels D Q D Q one level one level fMAX  2n MHz Inserting flip-flops into a datapath is called pipelining. Pipelining increases performance by reducing the number of logic levels (LUTs) between flip-flops. All Xilinx FPGA device families support pipelining. The basic slice structure is a logic level (six-input LUT) followed by a flip-flop. Adding a pipeline stage, as shown in this example, will not exactly double fMAX. The flip-flop that is added to the circuit has an input setup time and a clock-to-Q time that make the pipelined circuit run at less than double the original frequency. You will see a more detailed example of increasing performance by pipelining later in this section. D Q D Q D Q

116 Test bench

117 Testbench - Concept input DUT output Testbench

118 Verilog Testbench Elements
Testbench modules No ports DUT module instantiation Relationship between testbench & DUT specified through component & type instantiation & structural-type specification Stimuli Test values assigned to DUT inputs Monitoring outputs Monitored using system tasks (input & output changes)

119 Testbench – What’s Inside?
module Testbench (); endmodule // stimuli signal declarations reg …; // for DUT input wire …; // for DUT output // stimuli declarations initial always begin …; end # … $finish; // DUT instatiation Module_name DUT_or_other_name (…); // monitoring of result - optional initial $monitor (…);

120 Verilog Simulator DUT DUT DUT Monitoring tools VERILOG SIMULATOR DUT
– Verilog simulator environment VERILOG SIMULATOR DUT - Verilog module to be tested DUT Testbench DUT DUT Testbench – separate Verilog module stimuli Stimuli – test values (one block or more) to test DUT

121 Testbench - Example Style 1 module ANDgate (A, B, Y);
input A, B; output Y; reg Y; (A or B) begin Y = A & B; end endmodule module ANDgate_tb (); reg A, B; wire Y; integer i; initial // single-pass behaviour begin for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) {A, B} = i; #10; // holds the value for 10 ns end ANDgate DUT (A, B, Y); endmodule Style 1 DUT Writing testbench is not rigid to this style only.. HOW TO WRITE IN OTHER STYLE? Sample of Testbench

122 This is what you get.. ModelSim Simulation

123 .. also resulting the same waveform!!
Testbench - Example module ANDgate_tb (); reg A, B; wire Y; initial begin A = 0; B = 0; #10; // A & B = 0 for 10 ns B = 1; #10; // B = 1 for 10 ns 10ns) A = 1; B = 0; #10 // A = 1 for 10 ns 20ns) B = 1; #10 // B = 0 for 10 ns 30ns) end ANDgate DUT (A, B, Y); initial // this block is optional #100 $finish; // stops the simulation at 100 ns endmodule Style 2 .. also resulting the same waveform!!

124 Another testbench that results the same waveform..
module ANDgate_tb (); reg A, B; wire Y; initial // initial block for input A begin A = 0; #20; // A = 0 for 20 ns A = 1; #20; // B = 1 for 20 ns 20 ns) end initial // initial block for input B B = 0; #10; // B = 0 for 10 ns B = 1; #10; // B = 1 for 10 ns 10 ns) B = 0; #10; // B = 0 for 10 ns 20 ns) B = 1; #10; // B = 1 for 10 ns 30 ns) ANDgate DUT (A, B, Y); initial // this block is optional #100 $finish; // stops the simulation at 100 ns endmodule Style 3 Another testbench that results the same waveform..

125 Examples

126 Switches & LEDs (EX 1)

127 Test bench (EX 1)

128 Simulation Result (EX 1)

129 Seven Segment Display (EX 2)


131 Push Button – Active LOW
Switch is in the DOWN position (closest to the edge of the board), it provides a LOW logic level to the FPGA Switch is in the UP position it provides a HIGH logic level.

132 Slide Switches – Active HIGH

133 LEDS (Reds and Greens)

134 Switches & LEDs (EX 1)

135 The seven segment display- Active LOW
Common anode - low logic level to a segment will light it up - high logic level turns it off

136 Seven Segment Display (EX 2)
How to display number 8, 1 ??? How to the actual LED segment pin ???

137 Slide Switches (EX 2) H/W HDL code PIN SW[3] U2_IN [3] AD27

138 Seven Segment Display (EX 2)
H/W HDL code PIN HEXOUT[6] U2_OUT[6] H22

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