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Population Growth p. 1033-1040.

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Presentation on theme: "Population Growth p. 1033-1040."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Growth p

2 Population Growth Population: a group of the same species living together in a given area Species: a group of organisms with shared characteristics capable of interbreeding & producing viable offspring Factors affecting population size: Birth (natality) Death (fatality) Immigration emigration

3 Three types of population growth:
Exponential Growth When conditions are ideal for growth & reproduction, a population will increase rapidly, expanding forever unless it is stopped

4 Exponential Growth Curve
* The larger the population gets, the faster it grows Exponential Growth Curve

5 2. Logistic Growth - When a population goes through a number of growth phases: To start, population grows slowly Population grows rapidly Population growth slows down (but is still growing) Population growth slows down even more - it is nearing carrying capacity E) Steady state = although small fluctuations occur, overall population size does not change significantly F) Carrying capacity = the size of the population during the steady state; limiting factors will prevent population growth

6 F C D E B A

7 3. Cyclic Growth - when a population cycles up & down between a minimum & maximum population size; never staying at constant carrying capacity

8 Factors Affecting Population Growth
Density Dependent Limiting Factors: Affect large populations more than small a) Competition: The struggle for resources between members of the same species & different species. REMEMBER: No two species can occupy the same niche in the same place at the same time!!

9 b) Predation: - predator-prey relationships can control the natural populations

10 c) Parasitism d) Crowding & stress

11 2. Density-Independent Limiting Factors a) Weather b) Natural disasters

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