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Disaster Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Disaster Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disaster Planning

2 Preparing It is too late once a disaster hits to make preparations
It is imperative you have a plan, and one that can be implemented on extremely short notice It’s important that you review the plan on a regular basis with staff so they know their role

3 Impending Disaster

4 Natural Disasters Natural Disasters Hurricanes Tornadoes Forest Fires
Floods Snow Storms Wildlife Predators

5 Irma

6 Forest Fires

7 Wild Life

8 Man Made Disasters Bomb Threats Electrical Outages Boil Water Notice
Food Bourne Illness Foreign Objects in Food Food Recall

9 Menus Simple is better You may have no access to equipment to cook
Water may be in short supply or contaminated Prepackaged items can be more easily distributed Bottled water is important

10 Sample Menu Breakfast: Water, Cereal Bar, Juice
Lunch: Water, Packaged PBJ, Juice Dinner: Water, Packaged Mini Twin Cheeseburgers, Juice

11 Staffing Volunteers are just that, and they may very well leave
Volunteers are not trained food service professionals Your staff needs training prior to a disaster Keep a list of employees willing to work in a disaster, and update it on a regular basis Remember if someone’s home is in the path of the disaster they may go to try and save their dwelling

12 Equipment Van or box truck External walk-in for disaster foods
Propane generator Freezer trucks with generators Generators at schools for walk-ins

13 External Agencies USDA FNS EOC Red Cross First Responders Vendors

14 Road Access

15 Supply Chain One of the biggest issues is the supply chain.
The chain may be severed by the storm or the fire. Getting food in to restock in order to reopen may be a huge challenge In a major disaster you may lose all food in your walk-ins If gas is in short supply Distributors can’t run trucks Most generators run on gas, no fuel, no generator

16 Supply Outages

17 Food Insecurity due to Disasters

18 Red Cross Volunteers

19 Logistics Disasters are a logistics challenge
Conferences like ACDA, SNA, and USDA sponsored trainings are great opportunities to network and learn Do not depend upon exterior agencies, develop your own plan Ironman did not show up during Irma…

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