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Discovery of Viruses A.Meyer (1883): disease is contagious; infectious agent is a very small bacterium that cannot be seen with a microscope D.Ivanowsky.

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Presentation on theme: "Discovery of Viruses A.Meyer (1883): disease is contagious; infectious agent is a very small bacterium that cannot be seen with a microscope D.Ivanowsky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discovery of Viruses A.Meyer (1883): disease is contagious; infectious agent is a very small bacterium that cannot be seen with a microscope D.Ivanowsky (1890): tobacco mosaic disease is caused by a bacterium too small to be trapped by a filter

2 M.Baijesinck (1897): disease caused by reproducing particle (much smaller and simpler) than bacterium W. Stanley (1935): crystallized infection particle known an the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)

3 Viruses: single or double stranded DNA single or double stranded RNA
Capsid= protein coat that encloses viral genes Envelope= membrane that surrounds viral capsule

4 Many viruses use their tailpieces to inject DNA into the host cell
The new viral DNA takes over the cell and reprograms it to copy the viral genome and to manufacture capsid protein. Most viruses contain the ability for self-assembly. SCARY

5 Host Range= limited # of host cells that a parasite can infect
* Viruses recognize host cells by a complementary fit between external viral proteins and specific cell receptor sites Zoonoses= some viruses can infect several species

6 Bacterial Viruses: Bacteriophages
helped demonstrate that DNA was the genetic material established phage-bacterium system as an experimental tool

7 RNA Viruses: viruses related to RNA
RETROVIRUSES: RNA virus that uses reverse transcriptase to transcribe DNA from the viral RNA genome AIDS is caused by HIV which is a retrovirus.

8 Viruses cause disease by:
damaging and killing cells producing toxins are indirectly responsible for disease symptoms

9 Can be fought by: Vaccines: harmless variants of pathogenic microbes that mobilize a host’s immune system against the pathogen *polio, rubella, mumps, measles Antiviral drugs: interfere with viral reproduction or viral nucleic acid synthesis * influenza

10 Oncogenes: genes found in viruses or normal eukaryotic cells, that trigger transformation of a cell to a cancerous state * Tumor viruses are usually turned on by CARCINOGENS.

11 Viruses do NOT fit cell theory:
cannot reproduce independently, but have a genetic code can mutate and evolve

12 Bacteria: smaller than eukaryotes, but larger than viruses
DNA found in a single circular bacterial chromosome = GENOPHORE double stranded chromosome nucleoid region extrachromosomal DNA found in plasmids


14 Bacteria reproduce by binary fission:
* Replication of bacterial chromosome begins at a single origin of replication * Two replication forks move in opposite directions until they meet

15 Genetic Recombination:
Transformation: process of gene transfer during which a bacterial cell incorporates genetic material from its surroundings * Some bacteria take up naked DNA from the surroundings (Ca++ helps this process) * Foreign DNA can be integrated by crossing over

16 Transduction: gene transfer from one bacterium to another by a bacteriophage
General Transduction: random pieces of host cell DNA are packaged w/in a phage capsid during the lytic cycle * When the phage particle infects a new host cell, donor DNA recombines w/ recipient cell DNA



19 Conjugation: direct transfer of genes between two cells that are temporarily joined
Sex pili

20 Plasmid: double stranded ring of DNA that carries extrachromosomal DNA
Episomes: genetic components that can replicate independently as free molecules in the cytoplasm or incorporated into the bacterial chromosome

21 Transposons = DNA sequences that can move from one chromosomal site to another
JUMPING GENES Conservative Transposition: movement of pre-existing genes from one genomic location to another Genes are not copied, so the number of genes stays the same

22 Replicative transposition: movement of gene copies from original site of replication to another location in the genome *transposons genes are inserted at some new site w/o being lost from the original site * Transposons scatter genes throughout the genome w/o an apparent, single target

23 Control of Gene Expression:
Operons: a cluster of regulatory genes that control the function of structural genes Genes that code for a polypeptide

24 * Prokaryotic cells have a single promotor region – so RNA polymerase transcribes all structural genes on an all or none basis Produces a single polycistronic mRNA with coding sequences for all enzymes

25 * In eukaryotes, responsible for “unpacking” the euchromatin
Less condensed chromatin (DNA and histones) which are uncoiled and transcribed * Does not transcribe heterochromatin Very condensed chromatin that remains condensed and is not transcribed

26 Operator: DNA segment between operon’s promoter region and structural genes – controls access of RNA polymerase to structural genes

27 * Metabolism can cue a repressor.
Repressors: specific protein that binds to an operator and blocks transcription of an operon Binds reversibly to DNA Regulatory genes: genes that code for repressor or regulators of other genes * Metabolism can cue a repressor.

28 Tryptophan: if absent repressor protein is in inactive conformation
Trp operon is turned on

29 Tryptophan: if present
repressor is in active conformation binds to operator Trp operon is switched off

30 Repressible enzymes: enzymes which have their synthesis inhibited by a metabolite
Negative Feedback: genes are switched on until a specific metabolite activates the repressor function in anabolic pathways end product switches off its own production by repressing enzyme synthesis

31 Inducible enzymes: enzymes which have their synthesis stimulated (induced) by metabolites
Negative Feedback: genes are switched off until a specific metabolite inactivates the repressor function in catabolic pathways enzyme synthesis is switched on by the nutrient pathway it uses

32 Lac Operon: inducible enzyme affected
ß-galactosidase GLUCOSE + GALACTOSE LACTOSE Allolactose Inactivated repressor loses affinity for lac operon Operon is transcribed Enzymes for lactose metabolism are produced.


34 Recombinant DNA: * Uses restriction enzymes that recognize short, specific nucleotide sequences and cut DNA into small segments * Sticky ends are used to join DNA pieces of different sources. * Unions are made permanent by joining with DNA ligase.



37 Gel Electrophoresis: used to separate restriction fragments on the basis of size






43 4. Allow bacteria to reproduce.
Using Plasmids: 1. Treat bacterial DNA w/ a restriction enzyme; treat plasmid w/ the same restriction enzyme DNA and plasmid gets cut into thousands of tiny fragments with sticky ends. 2. Mix DNA w/ plasmids. Sticky ends and plasmids join. 3. Add DNA ligase Catalyzes formation of covalent bonds. 4. Allow bacteria to reproduce.

44 Sequencing: uses restriction enzymes to cut DNA into small sequences
Each fragment is treated w/ a radioactive primer – helps identify gene sequence PCR (polymerase chain reaction): using special primers and DNA polymerase molecules, billions of copies of DNA can be produced very quickly


46 RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphisms) Analysis:
Looking at differences in restriction fragment length occurring in homo-logous DNA sequences * Show differences in different individuals.



49 Uses of DNA Technology:
A. Research B. Human Genome Project C. Medicine D. Forensics E. Agricultural


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