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Time to Explore Islamic Empires Slave Trade Syncretism Medieval Europe

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1 Time to Explore Islamic Empires Slave Trade Syncretism Medieval Europe 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10

2 Disease killed natives, and natives returned to hunting/gathering once horses arrived.

3 What are ways the Columbian exchange affected the Americas?

4 New food items increased the population, which was declining due to the slave trade.

5 What are ways the Columbian exchange affected Africa?

6 Economic policy that emphasized bringing resources and wealth into your homeland

7 What is mercantilism?

8 They moved eastward into Siberia and westward into Ukraine, Poland, and Swedish territory, diluting their population with foreigners.

9 What is Russian expansion?

10 One ruled directly in Indonesia while the other ruled through local rulers in India

11 What is the British East India Company vs. the Dutch East India Company?

12 Tolerant, led by a sultan with a meritocracy and large standing military; wealthy

13 What is the Ottoman Empire?

14 When “greater” it’s an internal struggle to live a more God-centered life; when “lesser” it’s about armed struggle against unbelievers, contributing to empire building.

15 What is jihad?

16 Initially tolerant, Muslim led Hindu populace; combined Indian and Persian culture

17 What is the Mughal Empire?

18 Persian empire founded by Turkic people who adopted Shi’a Islam, putting them at war with their neighbors.

19 What is the Safavid Empire?

20 Because of their central location they could easily trade with both Europe and the East Asia.

21 What is how did geography give Muslim merchants a trade advantage?

22 Large numbers of Africans were brought here to work in sugar production

23 What are the Caribbean and Brazil?

24 Population declined and internal war escalated as local kingdoms competed to capture and sell slaves to Europeans

25 What is how did the slave trade affect Africa?

26 The movement of alcohol/guns to Africa, slaves to the Americas, and plantation/mining products back to Europe

27 What is triangular trade or the Atlantic Economy?

28 African slaves reproduced their own population with little acknowledged race mixing as many European women lived here.

29 What is how did the slave trade affect southern British colonies?

30 Small scale agriculture and manufacture meant few African slaves lived in these areas.

31 What is how did the slave trade affect northern British colonies?

32 Native women had children with Spanish men, encouraged by the lack of Spanish women and the desire to spread their culture and religion

33 Where are the Spanish colonies in Latin America?

34 People of mixed African and European culture dominated because of the large slave population imported to grow sugar.

35 What is Brazil?

36 These cultures readily adopted Roman Catholicism, but often simply replaced local places of worship with Catholic holy sites

37 Who are the Inca and the Aztec?

38 This occurred because of the Columbian Exchange, necessitating the import of African slaves to work in colonial mines and on plantations/ranches

39 What is the Great Dying?

40 Unusually cool temperatures spread in the Northern Hemisphere, perhaps related to volcanic eruption or reforestation

41 What is the Little Ice Age?

42 A decentralized political system with a weak king ruling over vassals who owe loyalty because they have received land

43 What is feudalism?

44 A tightly centralized state with an emperor claiming to be God’s representative on Earth with a court highly influenced by that of ancient Persia

45 What is Byzantium?

46 Western European revitalization after the Middle Ages returning to Roman and Greek thought and culture

47 What is the Renaissance?

48 Governed by a patriarch under the emperor, used Greek; formulated doctrine based on Greek philosophy; permitted clerical marriage; used icons

49 What is the Eastern Orthodox Church?

50 Aspiring to recreate the Roman Empire, he conquered large area of France and Central Europe

51 Who is Charlemagne?

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