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Financial Statement Analysis

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1 Financial Statement Analysis
Martyna Mikołajek M.Sc. Management Financial Facility Institute of Economic Sciences

2 Office hours E-mail: Room: 106C
Tuesday: 17:00-19:00

3 Recommended reading Fridson M., Alvarez F., Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2002. Karwowski M., Accounting and financial reporting, Warsaw School of Economics, Lecture’s presentations

4 Basic information of the P&L

5 P&L (Profit and loss account)
- presents the financial result of the company's activity in a given period - difference between the income generated and the costs incurred Possible forms: Individual or consolidated profit and loss account according to Polish GAAP Individual and consolidated profit and loss account according to IAS / IFRS

6 Income Income and profit are the economic benefits generated in the reporting period, with a reliably determined value in the form of an increase in assets or a decrease in the value of liabilities that will lead to an increase in equity or a decrease in its shortfall in other ways than shareholders or owners revenues are generated as part of the entity's business profits constitute an increase in economic benefits or are profits not yet realized resulting from the valuation as at the balance sheet date they are often reported at net value after deducting the relevant costs

7 Cost Costs and losses are a decrease in economic benefits in the reporting period, with a reliably determined value in the form of a decrease in the value of assets or an increase in the value of liabilities and provisions that will lead to a decrease in equity or increase its shortfall in a different way than shareholders withdrawals or owners costs arise as part of the entity's business losses are a reduction of economic benefits or are losses yet not realized resulting from the valuation as at the balance sheet date

8 Expenses and Revenues Categories related to the settlement of receivables and liabilities or payment for goods and services consisting in cash flow, which do not cause changes in equity It is worth remembering the following receivables: Cost, but not yet expense: accrued but unpaid interest on loans The cost that will not be an expense: depreciation Expense, but not yet cost: purchase of materials that have not yet been used for cash Expense that will not be at the cost: repayment of the loan installment Income, but not revenue yet: receivable from the customer for the goods sold Income that will not be revenue: non-monetary donation in the form of fixed assets Revenue, but not income yet: advance payment for future deliveries of goods Revenue, which will not be Income: taking a bank loan

9 P&L Structure - Income Operational activities
includes incomes related to the base business of the company related with sale of products, goods and materials these are amounts due or received, irrespective of whether they have been paid or not, adjusted for discounts and payable VAT, and the additional payments provided

10 P&L Structure - Income Other operational activities groups the revenues of various forms of operational activity not directly and permanently connected with operating activities these are revenues related to: with social activities with disposal of fixed assets, fixed assets under construction, intangible assets, as well as immovable property and intangible assets included in investments with maintaining real estate and intangible assets included in investments with the release of previously created accruals (other than those related to financial operations) receiving free of charge assets (also by way of donation)

11 P&L Structure - Income Investment and financial activities
includes incomes related to investing and financing the company's operations these are revenues related to: with received and accrued interest on loans granted, funds accumulated on bank accounts, foreign bonds held with received and accrued interest on deliveries and services with revenues from disposal of investments in financial assets with received dividends (shares in profits) with the release of provisions for anticipated financial losses

12 P&L Structure - Income Extraordinary gains: arise from events that are difficult to predict, beyond the operating activity of the entity and are not related to the general risk of operating the entity for example: compensation for loss of assets as a result of fortuitous events

13 P&L Structure - Costs Other operating costs:
not relate directly to the entity's core business Related: with maintaining facilities for social activities with disposal of fixed assets, fixed assets under construction, intangible assets, as well as immovable property and intangible assets included in investments with maintaining real estate and intangible assets included in investments with writing off of outdated, forgiven and uncollectable receivables creating accruals (other than those related to financial operations) with paid damages, penalties and fines with free donation of assets (also by way of donation)

14 P&L Structure - Costs Financial costs:
related to the financing of the entity's operations and investment activities Includes: costs of selling investments in financial assets interest and commissions on loans and credits taken interest charges due to finance leases interest or discount on the bonds issued by the unit write-offs of the value of investments in financial assets accruals created for certain or probable losses from financial operations in progress surplus of share issue costs over the difference between the share issue value and their nominal value

15 P&L Structure - Costs Extraordinary losses:
costs arising from events that are difficult to predict, beyond the operations of the entity and not related to the general risk of running the unit Income tax: affects the financial result for a given reporting year includes current tax and deferred tax current tax: it is a burden for the budget deferred tax: it is the difference between the state of reserves and deferred tax assets at the end and beginning of the reporting period Deferred income tax income arises when the deferred tax asset is increased or the provision is reduced deferred income tax costs arise in the event of an increase in deferred tax liability

16 P&L (generic version) Depreciation: costs of consumption of fixed assets and intangible assets Consumption of materials and energy: costs of consumption of basic materials and raw materials, office materials, spare parts of machinery and equipment, packaging, electricity, gas, water, steam and energy in a different forms External services: transport, equipment, storage, renovation and maintenance, telecommunications and postal services, property supervision, rental, lease, operational leasing, banking services Taxes and fees: taxes and fees

17 P&L (generic version) Wages: all wages and salaries regardless of the type of the employment relationship Social security and other benefits: social insurance premiums charged to the employer, contributions to the Labor Fund, Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund, obligatory charges to the company social benefits fund, holiday benefits, costs related to health and safety, employee training Other costs by type: business travel expenses, representation and advertising costs, property insurance

18 P&L (estimate version)
In this type of P&L, the costs are divided into direct and indirect costs Direct costs: those that are referred directly to products (products and services), materials or goods Include: value of used direct materials direct wages along with benefits other direct costs, eg: value of energy consumption, tools, business trips

19 P&L (estimate version)
Indirect costs: cost items whose reference to products (goods and services), materials or goods are impossible, irrelevant or unprofitable they are initially recognized at the place of their creation, and then they are settled on products or on the financial result of the reporting period in which they were incurred Include: indirect product costs (faculty costs) management costs sales costs

20 P&L (estimate version) – Management costs
indirect costs incurred for the operation of the business unit as a completeness They include: administrative and economic costs - related to maintaining the unit's administration general economic costs - to maintain facilities that ensure the functioning of the entire unit

21 P&L (estimate version) – Sales costs
Sell costs: indirect costs incurred in the sale of products, goods and materials arise after the release of reserves from warehouses or from production for example: costs of transport, loading, unloading, packaging, costs of post-production service as well as advertising and participation in fairs

22 P&L (estimate version) – Period costs
Costs of the period: they directly reduce the financial result of the reporting period in which they were incurred for example: costs resulting from unused production capacity and production losses, storage costs

23 Cash flow statement

24 Cash flow statement – base information
Presents the financial result of the company's activity in analisys period. BUT, revenues and costs are measured according to actual cash inflow and expenses It is the difference of all cash inflows and cash expenses.

25 Cash flow statement – base information
Cash flows are equal to changes in cash from balance sheet. For the purposes of the cash flow statement, we include only cash assets payable within three months from the date of receipt, issue, acquisition or opening (deposit) - if they are not recognized in cash flows from investing activities. Possible forms: Individual or consolidated cash flow statement according to Polish GAAP Individual or consolidated cash flow statement according to IAS / IFRS

26 Cash flow statement – structure
Four parts: Operating activities Investment activity Financial activity Reconciliation of net cash flows with the balance of cash in the balance sheet

27 Operating activities The basic type of the entity's activity and other activities not classified as investment or financial activities. It is shown as: in and out flows.

28 Operating activities In flows Out flows
from the sale of materials, products, goods and services for payment for delivered goods, materials, raw materials, energy and services provided for the purpose of operating activities for fees, copyrights, fees and other operational revenues for employees' remuneration and other benefits for them for social and health insurance for contracts concluded for the purpose of acquisition and resale, if they are part of operating activities from income tax refund, other taxes and fees of a public-law nature due to income tax, other taxes and public fees

29 Financial activity Operations whose base is beyond the operational acquisition of financing sources or their repayment, as well as the related costs and bills It causes changes in the size and relation of the entity's own capital and financial debt It is shown as: in and out flows.

30 Financial activity In flows Out flows
from the issue of shares (stock) and other capital instruments and additional payments to capital payments to owners of shares of the entity due to their redemption and return of additional payments to capital from the issue of long- and short-term debt financial instruments due to the distribution of profit, including from previous years taking out credits and loans (including realized exchange differences) repayment of loans and credits (including realized exchange differences) incurred costs for repayment of liabilities from financial leasing contracts cash benefits directly related to raising capital interest paid, bank commissions and other monetary costs directly related to raising capital

31 Investment activity Activities related to the purchase or sale of property, plant and equipment (fixed assets, tangible assets under construction), intangible assets, long-term investments and short-term financial assets (excluding cash and cash equivalents) and the related cash costs and benefits It is shown as: in and out flows.

32 Investment activity In flows Out flows
from the sale of fixed assets, fixed assets under construction, intangible assets, investments in real estate and intangible assets and financial assets due to purchase, assembly, commissioning of fixed assets, fixed assets under construction, intangible assets, investments in real estate and intangible assets as well as financial assets due to the return of short- and long-term loans granted to other entities for granting short and long-term loans to other entities due to the return of advance payments regarding investment activity from advance payments regarding investment activities from derivative financial instruments for cash benefits related to the above-mentioned components, e.g. interest on deposits due to cash costs related to the above-mentioned components, e.g. interest on deposits

33 Statement of changes in equity

34 Statement of changes in equity – base information
Explains and illustrates all details of changes in equity - not shown in the other statements Possible forms: Statement of changes in equity, unit or consolidated according to Polish GAAP Statement of changes in equity, unit or consolidated according to IAS / IFRS

35 Statement of changes in equity – structure
Four parts Own capital (fund) at the beginning of the period List of operations increasing and decreasing the equity by genre groups from the balance sheet Own capital (fund) at the end of the period Expected equity after division of financial results

36 Increasing flows issue of shares
increasing the nominal value of existing shares additional payments to capital transfer from supplementary capital to share capital donation from another state enterprise subsidy from the state budget (goverment)

37 Decreasing flows reduction of the nominal value of shares
donation to another state-owned enterprise free transfer of assets to another state-owned enterprise reimbursement of unduly received subsidy from the state budget

38 Additional information

39 Additional information – base information
It is a summary of financial information not included in the elements of financial statements Parts: Introduction to the financial statements Additional information and explanations (explanatory notes)

40 Additional information - Introduction
the name of the company, the period covered by the report indication of the merger method (if consolidated) discussing the adopted accounting principles

41 Additional information - explanatory notes
Detailed scope of changes in the value of particular groups of fixed assets Demands of profit distribution or loss coverage Reserve status Breakdown of long-term liabilities by type List of significant items of prepayments Condition of contingent liabilities Net revenues by type of activity Changes in accounting principles and their impact on the amounts included in the reports

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