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Comma Lesson #8: FANBOYS

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1 Comma Lesson #8: FANBOYS

2 FANBOYS rule or Conjunction in Compound sentence rule: In a compound sentence (two sentences combined to make one longer one), use a comma before the FANBOYS conjunction that joins the two independent clauses. FANBOYS conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. Example: We saw a flash of lightning, and seconds later we heard the rumble of thunder. I would like to go to the picnic, but the weather looks pretty bad. My brother claims to hate all things STAR WARS, yet he spent $20 on an IMax ticket to The Last Jedi.

3 Practice this skill: IXL 5th grade, KK.5
Writing practice: Create a compound sentence that contains the conjunction so, yet, or but. Create a compound sentence that begins with an interjection. Create a compound sentence of dialogue that ends with the speaker tag and contains an a place and a date. Create a compound sentence of dialogue that is interrupted by the speaker tag and contains items in a series.

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