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WG on Composite Cements: Calgary Meeting 2017

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1 WG on Composite Cements: Calgary Meeting 2017
Calgary, January 2017, Heiko Plack

2 Proposed Agenda Update WG roster/member list Status of Annex B „Composite Well Cements“ Miscellaneous Way forward

3 WG Members (Current Emailing List)
Informative: John Buflod, API Deryck Williams, Chevron Members (interested parties?): Dan Mueller, ConocoPhillips Bernard Fraboulet André Garnier, Total Jerry Calvert James Reid, Oxy Glen Benge Gunnar De Bruijn, SLB David Stiles, ExxonMobil Erick Cunningham, BP Bill Ulrich, HolcimLafarge Rick Lukay, OFITE Joe Shine, SaudiAramco Scott.Saville, Ametek Luis Padilla, Chevron Felipe Padilla, BJ Services Scott Podhaisky, LafargeHolcim Simon James, Anand Krishnan, Cemex Grégory Galdiolo, Antonio Bottiglieri, Baker Hughes

4 Status of Annex B „Composite Well Cements“ Recent History
May 2016: Ballott closed and passed June 2016: Summer Meeting in DC all comments addressed decision to „pre-publish“ the Annex as an amendment to current API Spec 10A July 2016: submission of final draft to API including all changes, corrections and amendments as addressed by the WG

5 Status of Annex B „Composite Well Cements“ Recent History
October 2016: observation that API Spec 10A is still also an ISO document, thus pre-publishing the Composite Annex is not possible for legal reasons decision to add the approved Annex directly to the next (25th) edition of Spec 10A and get it out ASAP. January 2017 Handed over to the WG on Rewrite API Spec 10A and API RP 10B for inclusion into 25th edition

6 Status of Annex B „Composite Well Cements“ Amendment For Slurry Mixing
The current Annex B draft does not specify mixwater percentages for testing composite cement slurries. Filling the Waring Blender with too little or too much slurry may result in differing mixing energy Decision made in Austin to add a corresponding sentence (Heiko) Proposal (Heiko & Bernard) as discussed already on the last API Spec 10A rewrite meeting: For composite cement classes without specified mix-water percentages (see Annex B), the mix volume of the slurry shall be adjusted to 600 ml by using the corresponding quantities of cement and mix-water at ±0.5 g. To be amended in section Mixing Quantities, underneath Table 5

7 Miscellaneous - API Spec 10A, Classes A & C - Adjusting LOI & IR?
Note: Most ordinary portland cement (e.g. ASTM Type I/II) also contain up to 5% limestone, … as permitted by most of the applicable construction cement standards as “minor constituents”

8 Miscellaneous - API Spec 10A, Classes A & C - Adjusting LOI & IR?
ASTM Types I and II are widely used for OWC in US. Most of these cements contain limestone as a minor constituent. So the industry does pump limestone-containing cements on a regular basis.

9 Miscellaneous - API Spec 10A, Classes A & C - Adjusting LOI & IR?
Monogrammed API Classes A & C are often produced from ordinary construction cement clinker. However, separate grinding and storing is needed because API Spec 10A limits the addition of minor constituents (limestone) by specifying low(er) LOI and IR.

10 Miscellaneous - Loss On Ignition (LOI)
EN 197-1 ASTM C150 API Spec 10A current proposal* Cement types CEM I CEM III Type I Type II When limestone is an ingredient Class A Class C LOI ≤ 5,0% max. 3,5% max. 3,0 * Condition: Calcium carbonate content of limestone = minimum 75 wt-%

11 Miscellaneous - Insoluble Residue (IR)
EN 197-1 ASTM C150 API Spec 10A current proposal* Cement types CEM I CEM III Type I Type II When limestone is an ingredient Class A Class C Insoluble residue (IR) ≤ 5,0% max. 1,5% max. 0,75 * Condition: Calcium carbonate content of limestone = minimum 75 wt-%

12 Way forward discussion
There is a common understanding that the Work Group on Composite Cements should stay active. Heiko as the chairman of the WG will decide case-by-case before every upcoming API meeting whether the WG will join or not.

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