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Totalitarianism Key Traits.

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1 Totalitarianism Key Traits

2 2. Completely authoritarian, autocratic, dictatorial.
1. Form of government or state in which one political party or group maintains complete control under a dictatorship and bans all others. 2. Completely authoritarian, autocratic, dictatorial. Webster’s Dictionary

3 Key Traits 1. Ideology 2. State Control of Individual
3. Methods of Enforcement 4. Modern Technology 5. State Control of Society 6. Dictatorship 7. Dynamic Leader

4 Ideology Sets the goals of the state Glorifies aims of the state
Justifies government action

5 2. State Control of Individual
Demands loyalty Denies basic liberties Expects personal sacrifice for the good of the state

6 3. Methods of Enforcement
Police Terror Censorship Persecution

7 4. Modern Technology Mass Communication to spread propaganda
Advanced military weapons

8 5. State Control of Society
business, labor, housing, education, religion, arts, personal life, youth groups

9 6. Dictatorship and One-party rule
Exercises absolute authority Dominates government

10 7. Dynamic Leader Unites people Symbolizes government
Encourages popular support through force of will

11 Rise of Totalitarian Governments
Russia - Socialism and Communism Vladimir Lenin (Bolsheviks) Joseph Stalin (Communist Soviet Union) Italy - Rise of Fascism in Italy Benito Mussolini Germany - Rise of the Nazi Party Adolf Hitler

12 Summary Types of Totalitarian governments.
Socialism - People and government together. Communism - Form of socialism. Community owned. Fascism - State over individual. Nazi - Extreme nationalism, racism, and anti-Semitism

13 Totalitarianism Today
Many authoritarian regimes Very few totalitarian governments In 2000, 5 Totalitarian regimes Afghanistan, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam

14 Questions 1. How does a totalitarian state attempt to make citizens obey its rules? 2. How would your life change if you lived in a totalitarian state? 3. What are the two reasons why totalitarianism was able to flourish?

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