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Please feel free to add your organisation’s logo in the title slide and add the name of your organisation at the bottom of every slide. Life after Stroke.

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Presentation on theme: "Please feel free to add your organisation’s logo in the title slide and add the name of your organisation at the bottom of every slide. Life after Stroke."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please feel free to add your organisation’s logo in the title slide and add the name of your organisation at the bottom of every slide. Life after Stroke Presenter: Andrew Cooper, Communications Manager, 1000 Lives Plus Insert name of presentation on Master Slide

2 What were you trying to achieve?
Learn from the unique perspectives and insights of stroke survivors, their families and carers, in order to improve the quality of services and care delivered. The particular focus was on ‘life after stroke’, following hospital discharge. Describe the aim of what you were trying to achieve when you set off in your improvement journey 1000 Lives Plus – Life after Stroke programme

3 Video interviews from Life after Stroke event
1000 Lives Plus – Life after Stroke programme

4 Why is it important? We often design our services without listening to the needs, experiences and perspectives of the individuals using them. Stroke survivors, their families and carers are the actual experts in this regard. Ensure we are placing people at the centre of their own health and healthcare. Why is this work important and worth the time and effort required to achieve your aim? 1000 Lives Plus – Life after Stroke programme

5 How did you introduce your change
First step in making a change. Planning to introduce a change programme which will provide better support. The event was a listening exercise to inform the programme. ‘Through the survivors’ eyes’ Did you use PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycles? If not how did you introduce your change? 1000 Lives Plus – Life after Stroke programme

6 How did you measure the impact?
Attendance Breadth of audience – ages, experiences, family members, carers Engagement in the debate Key themes Response of the panel Did you collect new data or use existing data? Provide details of any quantitative or qualitative data you may have used to inform your work and measure its impact. 1000 Lives Plus – Life after Stroke programme

7 What resources/tools did you use?
An event – bringing people together Protected session Prompt questions Facilitated discussions A panel of the ‘great and the good’ to listen and take back What tools or technique did you use/develop? Bring examples (if possible) so delegates can see/take away, and learn from your experience. If you wish to provide handouts /references/examples of tools during your session, please send them to by Friday 4th may who will make sure enough copies for all delegates will be available on the day. 1000 Lives Plus – Life after Stroke programme

8 What was the outcome? For survivors and their families and carers?
They were heard Shaping future provision For staff? Key information to help development of services For NHS Wales? Developing a person and patient driven NHS What did you achieve? How do you know that your change resulted in an improvement and the delivery of patient driven care If possible, provide evidence of the impact of your work, this could be using charts, stories, quotes etc 1000 Lives Plus – Life after Stroke programme

9 When and how to spread? The feedback is helping shape the content and direction of the programme. Spreading the principle of deliberate and intentional engagement of service users One of the most significant challenges of Quality Improvement projects is knowing when to move from testing a change, to implementation and then to wider scale spread. Often great ideas get hidden within a corner of the organisation, or there are islands of excellence but no constituency. Bearing this in mind , have you considered your spread strategy and if so what does this look like? What key factos made this or will make this succeed elsewhere? 1000 Lives Plus – Life after Stroke programme

10 What three things could you do tomorrow
Think through what meaningful engagement means to you? Always ensure the person is always considered when new systems are being delivered. Don’t feel need to justify current services. Ensure you give timely feedback. Consider three practical things around compassionate care that delegates could do tomorrow to start testing your approach? Suggest three things/actions that delegates can work with during the action planning session to apply the lessons from your presentation in their own area. Please remember we are asking you to consider a “small scale ” test of changes that the teams might find will help them to get started. 1000 Lives Plus – Life after Stroke programme

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