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Welcome to Curriculum Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night!
January 30, 2019

2 The course book is ONLINE!
Now you can review our course book online! Course book, enrollment materials, and this PowerPoint are listed on the web. And ALL enrollment information is listed on the course book online at: Course books will not be distributed to all students, but if you NEED a paper copy of the book, one will be available in counseling to look through.

3 Table of Contents Use the Table of Contents! Page 2
Click a department to hyperlink to the pages you want to see. At the bottom, type in “2” to take you back to the table of contents before clicking another department.

4 Graduation Requirements
Course Guide – page 4 English: 4 credits Math: 3 credits Social Studies: 3 credits Science: 3 credits Practical Art: 1 credit Fine Art: 1 credit PE: 1 credit Health: ½ credit Personal Finance: ½ credit Electives: 7 credits = 24 credits for graduation Please check with your post-secondary institution regarding requirements for admission! What we require is not always what they require.

5 NCAA/NAIA and Athletic Eligibility
To be eligible for MSHSAA sanctioned activities, a student must: Be enrolled in 6 full credit classes (student aiding, study halls, etc do not count) Receive passing grades in a minimum of 6 classes. Earn three units of credits for the semester. Register at for NCAA Register at for NAIA Page 7-8 in Course Guide

6 Advanced Courses Dual Credit AP Courses REQUIREMENTS Pages 21-23
Taken at school Earn high school AND college credit Discount fee pay at the beginning of the semester The grade will also be on your college transcript Pay close attention to drop deadlines Credits earned depends on exam score and college choice Pay for exam in fall ($94) Nationwide program of college level coursework REQUIREMENTS 3.0 GPA for core class 2.5 GPA for vocational class Additional test requirements may exist (take your ACT EARLY and OFTEN) Teacher recommendation Pages 21-23 Explain the differences between the types of college credit offered. Responsibility lies with the student to check what credits may transfer to colleges of their choice.

7 Advanced Courses Breakout Session
If you have further questions regarding AP/Dual Credit courses, please plan to attend our upcoming breakout session. Pages explain the differences between the types of college credit Blue Spring Schools offer. Responsibilities lie with students to check what credits may transfer to colleges of their choice. 7:20 – 7:45 in the Library Dual Credit and AP Credit Instructors, Jennifer Minnis and Jennifer Wilson, will be available to explain the differences and guide your students in the best direction for them.

8 ACT Score Sign up on the ACT website.
ACT.ORG You will create your own account. It takes about 45 minutes the 1st time you sign up to create your full account. Keep your ACT ID handy for future use! Have a photo of yourself ready to upload. Cost $50.50 If you are on free/reduced lunch, you can get an ACT fee waiver from the 300 office. When you register, indicate where you want your scores to be sent. Take the ACT early and often. Many ACT prep opportunities available at BSHS. A breakout session for ACT prep will be offered in the library from 6:35 – 7:00.

9 Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline (Late Fee Required)
When can I take the ACT? Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline (Late Fee Required) April 13 March 8 March 25 June 8 May 3 May 20 July 13 June 14 June 24

10 Career Pathways and Individual Career and Academic Plan
Human Services See pages 8-13 to review career paths Choose a career path based on your skills, values, and interests Complete and update your ICAP This year it is imbedded with the enrollment form. Health Services Business, Management & Technology Natural Resources Industrial & Engineering Technology Arts & Communication


12 Course Listings Departments are listed alphabetically in the book.
The first page of each dept. is the grid. This grid will indicate a variety of items and answer many questions you have. Descriptions and specifics (What am I going to be doing in here? What are the prereqs? What college offers the dual credit course? Etc) are found on following pages, in the descriptions. Begins on page 32.

13 Course Descriptions (Begins on page 33)
“What do we do in this class?” answered here Grade levels eligible for course and amount of credit listed here. Other classes require a “prerequisite” (classes you must take prior to the one listed)

14 Course Descriptions (Begins on page 33)
If the course offers dual credit, the college and fees will be listed here. Some classes give you an honor point upon successful completion

15 So what classes are still needed for my student to graduate?
Log into Parent Portal on a computer Click on “Grade History” Click on “View Graduation Progress”

16 So what classes are needed for my student to graduate (Part 2)
Here is where you will see what you still need to graduate. When you see a checkmark, you’ve completed that category. Anything extra will be “elective”. If there’s no checkmark, you still need credit in that category. If you feel there is an error on this page, see your counselor.

17 A+ State of Missouri Requirements
Be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident Attend an A+ school for any three of the four years prior to high school graduation. Graduate with a minimum, unweighted, unrounded cumulative 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Graduate with a minimum cumulative attendance rate (ADA) of 95% over 4 years of HS Perform a minimum of 50 hours unpaid tutoring/mentoring in the Blue Springs School District, which must be coordinated through the A+ office. Score Proficient of Advanced on the Algebra I End of Course Exam, or any higher level DESE approved End of Course Exam in the field of mathematics* Maintain a record of good citizenship Avoid the use of illegal drugs and alcohol Complete and submit a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

18 Next steps Pick up A+ agreement paperwork.
Complete and turn in A+ agreement paperwork. Attend a Tutoring Training session. February Freshman Center February Freshman Center April BSHS April BSHS All tutor trainings are from 2:40-3:15 Contact the A+ Coordinator at your school for tutoring opportunities. Tutoring must be approved by A+ Coordinator Tutoring must be in a Blue Springs R-IV school and supervised by a district teacher. Lauren Carpenter, Tutoring logs are to be kept by the student and turned in each semester.

19 Career Technology Center @ Fort Osage (CTC) Open House
Tuesday, February Learn more about building computers, using computers for design, nursing, construction, car repair, car body work, culinary, owning your own business, fire science, or agriculture productions Apply by Friday, Feb 8th! Apply at

20 Enrollment will begin on February 4th in Social Studies classes
Your student now has their career and educational planning guide with their Enrollment Sheet/Individual Career and Academic Plan It is our hope that you will formulate a plan for next year before February 4th, write it on the sheet, sign it, and have it ready for consultations with counselors. Students will be enrolled online, with their counselor, during a social studies class (permitting the sheet is completed and signed by parents.) ENROLLMENT FOR CURRENT FRESHMAN – FEB. FC

21 What’s next? Curriculum Fair 6:30-8:00 Breakout Sessions Library
Representatives from each department are available in the cafeteria commons. Ask questions about courses Sequencing, prereqs How courses align with career choices Library 6:35 – 7:00: ACT Information 7:20 – 7:45: AP/Dual Credit

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