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Fall 2018 Senate Vacancy Election Candidate Orientation

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1 Fall 2018 Senate Vacancy Election Candidate Orientation

2 Welcome Senate Candidates! Meet the 2018-2019 ASG Exec Team:
President: J.P. Gairhan Vice President: Abigail Walker Secretary: Luke Humphrey Treasurer: Isamar Garcia Chief of Staff: Carus Newman Chair of Senate: Colman Betler FLF Coordinator: Will Clark Chief Justice: Julianna Tidwell Advisors: Mary Skinner, Joshua Sarpaning, Sage McCoy

3 Candidate Orientation Topics
Role of ASG: Vision & Purpose Fall 2018 Election Timeline Role of Senate: Duties & Expectations Eligibility Requirements Election Procedures & Voting Campaign Policies and Violations Election Violation Complaints Expenditure Reports After the Election: Results

4 Role of ASG: Who are we? "A student-led organization that acts as an organized voice for all undergraduate students and strives to effectively represent undergraduate student interest."

5 Role of ASG: Vision "To represent the common interests and voice of all undergraduate students, the Associated Student Government provides an educational experience of shared governance in the University’s decision and policy making process."

6 Role of ASG: Purpose "The Associated Student Government shall act as an organized voice for all undergraduate students of the University of Arkansas, to effectively represent undergraduate students in the University’s decision and policy making process and to provide a broad educational experience for undergraduate students, while promoting citizenship on campus and in the greater community.  In doing so, ASG knowingly and responsibly recognizes the students’ roles in the shared governance of the University of Arkansas."

7 Fall 2018 Election Timeline
August 13th: Applications for Senate made available at 9 a.m. via HogSync August 23rd: Candidate Orientation Session, Arkansas Union Theater (ARKU 424), 6 p.m. August 27th: Applications and Quiz (if you did not attend the Session) must be submitted online by Noon CT. Late applications and quizzes will not be accepted. August 30th: Election Campaigning begins at 6 p.m. and/or upon notification from the ASGJ Chief Justice

8 Fall 2018 Election Timeline Cont.
September 4th: Senate Vacancy Election Begins at 9 a.m. September 6th: Senate Vacancy Election Ends at 4 p.m. Election results will be announced via ASG website & social media after ASGJ has reviewed all expenditure reports and confirmed results. September 7th: Election Violation Complaints and Expenditure Reports MUST be received by Noon (CT) to the Office of Student Activities (ARKU 665). Expenditure Reports may also be submitted online in place of a physical report by noon via HogSync at

9 Role of Senate: Duties & Expectations
Represent the voice of the student body Propose bills and resolutions to solve issues on campus or support campus improvements Serve on senate committees focused on specific issues Attend weekly senate meetings, every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Meet with fellow senators outside of senate as needed to collaborate on legislation Communicate with administrators, faculty, and staff about legislation ideas and campus issues Support fellow ASG branches by attending ASG and partner events, tabling, and volunteering

10 Eligibility Requirements
Be verified by OSA for participation in co-curricular activities as outlined in the Student Handbook Submit an application by August 27th at Noon (CT). Attend this meeting or pass online candidate quiz on HogSync by August 27th at Noon (CT). Upon taking the quiz, you will be notified within 48 hours if you passed or failed by the Chief Justice

11 Election Procedures & Voting
Election will be conducted via electronic vote, administered by Computing Services and OSA Voting will take place between September 4th at 9 a.m. and September 6th at 4 p.m. Electors will be able to vote for the number of candidates equal to the number of vacant seats available in the senate, but can vote for less than that number of candidates Students can vote online at via Qualtrics or by paper ballet at the OSA office (A665) during office hours (8 a.m.-5 p.m.)

12 Campaign Policies and Violations
Campaigning begins August 30th at 6 p.m., and/or upon notification from the Chief Justice All campaigning must comply with the ASG Code and ASG Constitution, the Standards of Ethics, University Policy, the Code of Student Life, the Election Rules, and the Code of Computing Practices Do not use trademarks in your Senate campaign. A list of trademarks identified by the Licensing Office can be found here:  organizations/forms.php 

13 Campaign Policies and Violations Cont.
Campaigning must not occur within 25 feet of a campus computer lab Candidates may not set up computers for the purpose of establishing a polling station (only judicial may set up designated polling stations) Candidates may not use departmental property for the purpose of campaigning Campaign materials must be removed by 4 p.m. on September 6th Candidates are responsible for the actions and conduct of their campaigns Senate candidates may not campaign together

14 Rules & Regulations All candidates must follow rules outlined in the Elections Packet and ASG Code & Constitution, especially Article VI, Section 2 of the ASG Constitution and Title VII, Sections 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 of the ASG Code Take time to familiarize yourself with the Elections Packet and go over ASG's policies on Elections

15 Election Violation Complaints
General Complaint Forms can be found attached to the Elections Packet, on the ASG website, and at the OSA Office.  Complaints must be submitted in writing to the OSA office during regular office hours (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) within 24 hours of the alleged violation or awareness of the violation Complaints will be sent to ASGJ as soon as possible Complaints are due by September 7th at Noon (CT). If a candidate is found in violation, possible sanctions include: loss of votes, written apology to offended party, disqualification, etc. 

16 Election Violation Complaints

17 Expenditure Reports Expenditure reports are due to the OSA Office (A665) no later than Noon (CT) on September 7th. Candidates may also submit expenditure reports online by Noon (CT) via HogSync. If no money was spent during a campaign, a written statement or electronic expense report with the candidate's signature is still required. Senate candidates may not spend more than $310 on their campaigns. Expenditure Report forms can be found in the Elections Packet or online via HogSync at

18 Expenditure Reports

19 Expenditure Reports

20 After the Election: Results
Once ASGJ has reviewed all expenditure reports and confirmed results, official results will be published on the ASG website and social media

21 Questions?

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