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Nuclear Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Physics

2 Isotopes and Nuclides the jargon

3 Binding energy per nucleon

4 Models of the nucleus Liquid drop model

5 Alpha particle model Strong Points: Weak Points:
Explains why only alpha type nucleons leave May explain peaks in binding energy curve Weak Points: Can’t explain why radioactivity Can’t explain g,b radiation In trouble with N not divisible by four Not much about spin etc. Whoof!

6 Non-central force Spectroscopic model Strong Points: Weak Points:
g, BE, spin etc. well & radioact. fuzzy size Weak Points: Radioactivity a, b fission, fusion Which potential? Problem: which potential ??

7 Decay Law: Half life Blue Stable elements;   Green   Radioactive elements with very long-lived isotopes. Their half-live of over four million years confers them very small, if not negligible radioactivities;      Yellow Radioactive elements that may present low health hazards. Their most stable isotopes have half-lives between 800 and years. Because of this, they usually have some commercial applications;       Orange Radioactive elements that are known to pose high safety risks. Their most stable isotopes have half-lifes between one day and 103 years. Their radioactivities confers them little potential for commercial uses;       Red Highly radioactive elements. Their most stable isotopes have half-lives between one day and several minutes. They pose severe health risks. Few of them receive uses outside basic research;      Purple  Extremely radioactive elements. Very little is known about these elements due to their extreme instability and radioactivity.

8 Radioactivity a, b, g decay
The number of radioactive nuclei of an isotope varies in radioactive decay according to where N is the number of nuclei at t=0, N0 the remaining number at t, and l is the decay constant. T1/2 is the half-life, the time from t=0 when half the original nuclei remain. a, b, g decay Units Gray [Gy] absorbed dose: energy deposited per unit mass of medium [J/kg] Sievert [Sv] risk from ionizing radiation rad radiation absorbed dose rem roentgen eq. mammal (to gauge bio effects) Becquerel [Bq] the activity for which one nucleus decays per s Curie (today) decays per s ~ moles * t1/2 [yrs] Isotope Half life Mass of 1 curie Specific activity (Ci/g) 137Cs 30.17 years 12 mg 83 60Co 1925 days 883 μg 1,132

9 What does [kBq/kg] mean? … moles, etc.
Weighting factors WR for equivalent dose: how dangerous are types of radiation? Radiation Energy wR x-ray, g-ray, e-, e+, m 1 n < 10 keV 5 < 100 keV 10 < 2 MeV 20 higher < 20 P > 2 MeV 2 a, fission fragments, heavy nuclei 20 What does [kBq/kg] mean? … moles, etc.

10 Safety After low to moderate radiation poisoning [1-6 Gy]
within hours nausea and vomiting diarrhea possibly headache and fever With increasing dose cognitive impairment Mortality 5-100%; above 6 Gy > 50% Primary dangers: (whole body exposure) immunodeficiency destruction of bone marrow shortage of white blood cells



13 . Penetration Depth The energy of radiation is typically measured in MeV, mega electronvolt: If a beam of photons with intensity I0 traverses a layer of material of thickness x, the intensity emerging from the layer is where m is called the linear absorption coefficient. It is related to the cross section s for photon absorption by where NA is Avogadro’s constant and r is the density of the material.


15 Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation
Criterion for a radiation more readily fulfilled for excited states Coulomb barrier keeps a particles from leaving - tunneling Probability of penetration of the barrier Probability to leave the nucleus s-1


17 radiation expression via multipole-expansion of the radiation field
wavelength must be large compared to size of emitter Transition P for spontaneous emission from b decay emission probability n/b ‘the neutrino hypothesis This is a crude summary of the final ideas. Reality is more complicated as spin, selection rules, etc. play a role.

18 Gamma Experiment, preliminaries
When radiation interacts with matter cross sections represent the area of the scatterer projected onto the plane normal to the incoming ray. n dx scatterers will appear per unit area in thickness dx of the material and the probability of scattering is dP = s n dx. Nuclear cross sections are Similarly, the differential cross section is depends on all energies

19 From this we get to the absorption coefficient m that appears in the basic
law for penetration of radiation into matter: The P for scattering within depth x k is called the absorption coefficient

20 A Spherical Gamma Emitter:
w/o attenuation flux rate = no. g’s from dV s-1 per steradian Per area element dS = fluence rate. with attenuation fluence rate at surface of sphere: And for a detector at some distance D: which can be extended to a spectrum of g energies by a S { }

21 for photons in matter Photoelectric effect contribution: Thomson cross section from Plane polarized EM wave cross section

22 Compton Effect contribution
Pair Production contribution

23 Decay schemes: 137Cs

24 Decay schemes: 60Co


26 60Co spectrum

27 The Compton Effect

28 Classically, the differential cross section is given by the Thomson cross section:
Averaged over all directions of polarization Integrated over the angles With quantum mechanical corrections


30 Half- Life Measurement
Source: Pasco manual

31 Background Radiation

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