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VACS Risk Index Refinement and further validation

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Presentation on theme: "VACS Risk Index Refinement and further validation"— Presentation transcript:

1 VACS Risk Index Refinement and further validation
Janet Tate VACS Scientific Meeting Washington DC April 9, 2010

2 Composite biomarkers

3 Remove non-standardized elements

4 Initial development Validation in ART-CC
Development cART Internal validation, cART No restriction on detectable viral load Validation in ART-CC The Antiretroviral Cohort Collaboration

5 Validation in ART-CC Baseline = first cART date
1 January 1997 to 31 December 2005 Exclude if HIV RNA < 500 Baseline labs < 6 months before cART date Complete cases only (thus far) Not adjusted for gender Not adjusted for year Used all cohorts that had any of target labs One marker at a time, then in combination

6 ART-CC* = 9 cohorts Member cohorts with any of target labs

7 Cohort characteristics

8 Heterogeneity

9 Correlation

10 CD4 and age are attenuated
Hemoglobin Fib4

11 Hemoglobin <10, men and women

12 Hemoglobin <10, men only

13 FIB to 3.25

14 FIB 4 > 3.25

15 eGFR <30

16 Anemia and liver disease
153 deaths

17 Anemia, liver disease, renal disease
77 deaths

18 Thank you for your attention. Questions?

19 Cox Model  Risk Score Log hazard ratio x a constant
point value for each parameter is a positive integer discriminates between levels of a given parameter 0 to 100 scale

20 Mortality vs Risk Score

21 Mortality vs Risk Score
VACS 1863 deaths ART-CC* 77 deaths

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