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Science Site Leaders November 16, 2013

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1 Science Site Leaders November 16, 2013
Science and ELA BFF Science Site Leaders November 16, 2013 Materials: D battery, 2 wires, 1 bulb per partners Packet will include: Claims/evidence sheet Evaluate paper: Explain how electricity flows in a circuit Flow map for writing CCSS? Write and pass ELA

2 Objectives - Understand the value of a 5e teaching model in the development of critical thinking -Make a claim and use a variety of evidence to support or refute the claim - Integrate literacy standards into science instruction and assessment Explain how science time is valuable since you barely have any time to teach science. The activities that we will do today will show you how you can get the most bang for your buck. The 5 E activity is something you can during your “science” block and how you can integrate that content with literacy.

3 5E Model 5 min

4 Explore with your shoulder partner. Record your results.
5E Science Activity Engage: How can you get a D cell to light up a bulb using all of the materials in the bag? Explore with your shoulder partner. Record your results. 10 min (This and next slide) Participants make a claim and support with evidence. Record in science notebook. 5 E Activity: Adapted from FOSS-Magnetism and Electricity Engage-How can you get this D cell to light up this light bulb using all of the materials in the bag? 2 wires, D battery, lightbulb Explore-Work in groups of 2 to solve this problem. Record your tests and observations Explain-Make a claim and support it with evidence. Fill in Claims/evidence t chart. Elaborate-Take what you know about circuits, now only use one wire to complete the circuit. Make sure it supports your claim. Evaluate-Describe how electricity flows in your circuit.

5 5E Science Activity Explain:
Make a claim based on what you observed. Support it with evidence. Share your claim with your table. 1st: Participants make a claim and support with evidence. CLICK: Share your claim with your table. Listen for: Evidence that is related to the claim How their claim and evidence is related to your claim and evidence Picture: Questions, Claims, and Evidence

6 Test your claim by using only one wire to complete the circuit.
5E Science Activity Elaborate: Test your claim by using only one wire to complete the circuit. 2 min Reiterate that this test needs to support your original claim. If it doesn’t you may need to rethink your claim.

7 Describe how electricity flows.
5E Science Activity Evaluate: Describe how electricity flows. 5 min

8 ELA Connections 10 min (4 slides)
Inform participants to take out standards to view make connections to ELA content.

9 Speaking and Listening in Science
Speaker: Share your group’s claim(s) and evidence Listeners: Listen critically, ask questions politely, and offer feedback Point out how speaking and listening were part of “Explain” in the 5 E activity. CLICK: Have participants find speaking and listening standards that were addressed. SL4.1, 4.3, 4.6

10 Reading about Science Check with the external experts
Show participants where to find reading resources from FOSS Materials for participants-Delta Science Reader “What is a Circuit” p.4 and The Light Bulb “How a Light Bulb Works” p Have participants highlight facts that address writing prompt. CLICK: Have participants find Reading: Informational Text standards that were addressed. RI 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 (perfect), 4.4, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 (perfect), 4.10

11 Writing about Science Pick one assignment:
Using your sources, write an essay explaining how electricity flows. Using your sources, write a sequencing essay describing how to set up a circuit. Emphasize that this is how the Writing Proficiency tasks are written-Read 2 passages, use sources to create an expository piece. Sources include internal and external as well as notes from science notebook. Participants: pick an assignment and jot ideas down on the flow map

12 Electricity flows in a circular path.
Travels through conductors Go back to the power source Power source metal wires battery terminal battery lead in wires Walk participants through the writing process that you would do with your students. CLICK: to view each step. CLICK: Have participants find writing standards that were addressed. W 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.9 (perfect), 4.10 filament diagram In order for electricity to flow through a light bulb, there must be a circular path.

13 Write and Pass: Reflection
How are you going to incorporate what you learned today into your everyday instruction? 6 min Write and Pass: Participants will write for 2 minutes on the following questions: How are you going to incorporate what you learned today into your everyday instruction? Pass packet to the right. Participants will read what was written and respond. (2 min) Pass packet one last time to the right. Participants will read what was written and respond. (2 min)

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