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Two methods to observe tutorial

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1 Two methods to observe tutorial
Standard Method This method allows presentation to be resized to user preference. Slide Show Method (Example below) Presentation fills entire screen Click on Slide Show tab at top of screen Click icon <From Beginning> Note: Either method; to advance click the progression arrow in the bottom right corner of each slide or press the down-arrow key.

2 Welcome to BSIP 101 Transaction Procedures “Preventative Maintenance
Workorder Review & Printing” Instructor: Stephen Wright DPI Technical Consultant

3 Purpose: To review and print DP02 Preventative Maintenance work orders scheduled for your county.

4 One transaction is required to complete this procedure:
ZIP24 Let’s get started -

5 Your screen should look similar to the example at the right.
From the SAP R/3 Easy Access screen box type ZIP24 or from your favorites menu, select transaction ZIP24 – Maintenance Scheduling Your screen should look similar to the example at the right.

6 Maintenance Scheduling: Selection Criteria
A new window opens: Maintenance Scheduling: Selection Criteria Click on the Get Variant icon

7 A new window opens: Find Variant Click on the Get Variant icon Variant field = DPI* (Always) Created By field – This field will automatically default to the individual’s username who signed into the SAP program. Remove the username. Click the Execute icon

8 ABAP: Variant Directory of Program ZEV_RIMHIO00
A new window opens: ABAP: Variant Directory of Program ZEV_RIMHIO00 Double-click in the first column of the variant named DPI_PM.

9 Maintenance Scheduling: Selection Criteria
You are returned to: Maintenance Scheduling: Selection Criteria Maintenance Plant field – Enter your four digit plant code. (Ex: Alamance = 6001) Click the Execute Icon to launch the Preventative Maintenance Schedule Reports.

10 Maintenance Scheduling: Maintenance Scheduling Overview List
A new window opens: Maintenance Scheduling: Maintenance Scheduling Overview List Your screen should look very similar to the one shown; with the exception that the school buses listed will be for your county (Note: = Macon county used in example.)

11 Important Things to Understand
(Screen 1 of 4) Columns Maintenance item description – Bus inventory number and type of maintenance schedule. Order – Workorder number Due Packages – Last number in this field indicates what type of PM is due. Sort Field – (Optional) – Some LEA’s store in this field the mechanics name assigned to the vehicle.

12 Important Things to Understand
(Screen 2 of 4) Columns Counter Reading – Reflects last document entered for mileage at time of fueling. Next Plan Count Reading – Last possible counter reading before the PM is late. Total Count Reading – Reflects the total miles on the equipment master for the vehicle. Including vehicles with odometer replacements and odometers which have rolled over.

13 Important Things to Understand
(Screen 2 of 4) Columns Difference – Difference between the last mileage entered (Counter Reading) and the mileage when the vehicle will be due a PM (NxtPlan CountReading field). Work Order Status – (Important) CRTD = Created REL = Released TECO = Technically Completed CNF = Confirmed PRT = Printed NMAT = No material components MANC = Material availability not checked PRC = Pre-costed

14 Important Things to Understand
(Screen 4 of 4) Columns Maintenance Plan – SAP maintenance plan number for each vehicle (the schedule for when PM’s are due). Equipment – SAP generated equipment number of vehicle.

15 Making your Selection Three Methods Select individually – Click on the top box to the left (First red ← ). Hold down the CTRL key and click on other boxes to the left to make other selections. Select as a section – Click on the top box to the left (First red ← ). Hold down the SHIFT key and click on box to the left at the end of your selection. (Second red ← ). Select All – Click the Select All icon (Not Recommended).

16 Releasing the Preventative Maintenance Plans
With selection made click on Environment in the top level menu. A dropdown menu will be produced; double click on Orders.

17 Change PM Orders: List of Orders
A new window opens: Change PM Orders: List of Orders This window contains all of the Preventative Maintenance Plans selected from the previous screen. Click Select All icon Click Change Display icon Two new icons appear: Release Order icon Complete (Technically) icon Click on the Release Order icon to release the 30 Day inspections

18 Change PM Orders: List of Orders
A new window opens: Change PM Orders: List of Orders Depending upon how many plans you chose; the release process time will vary. When the process has completed – “REL” will be automatically displayed under the System Status column heading for each workorder selected.

19 Print Preventative Maintenance Plan:
Click Select All icon With selection made click on the button in the 3rd level menu.

20 Print Preventative Maintenance Plan:
The screen updates and shows the first PM Plan from the list selected. Click on Order in the top level menu. A dropdown menu will be produced; click on Print.

21 Print Preventative Maintenance Plan:
When you click on print in the first dropdown menu – a sub- dropdown menu is produced. Click on Order in the sub-dropdown menu.

22 Print Preventative Maintenance Plan:
A new window appears: Select Shop Papers The window automatically defaults to printing DPI 30 Day Inspection. You MUST click on the box to the left of the text to unselect it. Then you MUST click on the box next to Maintenance Order. Click the to initiate printing. Repeat as necessary.

23 Overview List: The workorders will update and show “REL” and “PRT” within the System Status column; identifying that they have been Released and Printed. Also confirmations will be displayed in the bottom verifying that process is saved. Press the Exit icon twice to return to main menu.

24 Questions

25 Thank You! Stephen Wright DPI Technical Consultant

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