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CUDA Execution Model – III Streams and Events

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1 CUDA Execution Model – III Streams and Events
©Sudhakar Yalamanchili unless otherwise noted

2 Objectives Become familiar with CUDA streams Use of CUDA events
Usage to overlap GPU computation and data transfers Usage to improve GPU utilization: multi-kernel execution on the GPU (for later devices) Use of CUDA events Usage in timing of GPU kernel execution

3 Reading Assignment NVIDIA presentation and links in class Resources page This presentation is in part a summary of that NVIDIA presentation See example programs (look on class Resources page) CUDA Programming Guide

4 Offloading Activities via Streams
Kernel Management Unit (Device) CUDA streams API operation Host Processor Kernel dispatch to SMs HW Queues CUDA Runtime commands by host issued through streams Operationally, a stream is a FIFO structure Commands in the same stream executed sequentially Commands in different streams may be executed concurrently Streams are mapped to hardware queues in the device Multiple streams mapped to each queue  serializes commands Default stream is stream 0 Need not be explicitly specified

5 Single Stream Synchronization Model
CUDA stream cudamalloc() cudamemcpy() Kernel<<<>>> Host Processor GPU Synchronous API calls Enqueue call into the stream and wait for completion Asynchronous API calls Enqueue call into the stream and return Host execution is overlapped with call execution Kernel calls are asynchronous How do we know when are all calls are completed?

6 Single Stream Synchronization Model
cudamalloc() cudamemcpy() Kernel<<<>>> Host Processor GPU cudastreamSynchronize() Host waits until the stream is empty Performance gain primarily with host/device overlap

7 Creating Streams cudaStream_t stream; cudaStreamCreate(&stream);
Declares a stream handle  cudaStreamCreate(&stream);  Allocates a stream  cudaStreamDestroy(stream);  Deallocates a stream  Synchronizes host until work in stream has completed  The stream ID is an argument to API calls kernel<<< blocks , threads, stream>>>(); Show the vector addition code with streams

8 CUDA Events CUDA Stream cudamalloc() cudamemcpy() Kernel<<<>>> Host Processor GPU Cannot get accurate timing information with CPU timers  need to perform timing on the GPU! Create events used to record timestamps Place event into the stream Timestamps will be recorded on the GPU when the event is processed at the GPU

9 CUDA Events cudaEvent_t start, stop; cudaEventCreate(&start,);
CUDA stream cudamalloc() cudamemcpy() Kernel<<<>>> Host Processor GPU cudaEvent_t start, stop; cudaEventCreate(&start,); cudaEventCreate(&stop); cudaEventRecord(start, stream); cudaEventRecord(stop, stream); cudaEventSynchronize(stop); cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop); cudaEventDestroy(start); Create Events Place events in the stream Ensure stop event occurred Measure time & free

10 Event Synchronization
cudaEVentREcord() Host Processor GPU Need to ensure that this event is executed before reading the counters Use cudaEventSynchronize() on host Code Example:

11 See vector add example in repository
Example Code Segment cudaEvent_t start, stop; cudaEventCreate(&start); cudaEventCreate(&stop); cudaMemcpy(d_x, x, N*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); cudaMemcpy(d_y, y, N*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); cudaEventRecord(start); saxpy<<<(N+255)/256, 256>>>(N, 2.0f, d_x, d_y); cudaEventRecord(stop); cudaMemcpy(y, d_y, N*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); cudaEventSynchronize(stop); float milliseconds = 0; cudaEventElapsedTime(&milliseconds, start, stop); cudaEventDestroy (start); cudaEventDestroy(stop); See vector add example in repository Example from

12 Asynchronous Communication
cudamalloc() cudamemcpy() Kernel<<<>>> Host Processor GPU cudastreamSynchronize() Like kernel calls we want communication to be asynchronous Use DMA engines that operate concurrently with the host Would like to launch a cudamemcpy() and let the host continue DMA engines operate with physical addresses and we have a host with virtual memory and paged address spaces  operate with pinned memory

13 Using Pinned Memory Code Example: Pageable vs. pinned memory
GPU Host memory page DMA Transfer pinned DRAM Pageable vs. pinned memory Avoid page faults Can use physical address  direct memory access (DMA) Allocate pinned memory: cudaHostAlloc(); Overlap DMA with host execution Required by cudaMemcpyAsync( dst, src, size, dir, stream); Show the single stream code example for vector add from the repo Code Example:

14 Code Template ….. cudaStreamCreate(&stream1); -- create streams cudaMallocHost(&a, sizeof(int) * size) -- pin memory for each array cudaMalloc(&dev_a, sizeof(int) * size) -- allocate device memory cudaMemcpyAsync(,,,,steam1) -- asynchornous copy call vecAdd<<<GRID_SIZE, CTA_SIZE, 0, stream1>>>( ); -- kernel call …… cudaDeviceSynchronize() -- wait for kernel to complete cudaMemcpyAsync(,,, stream1) -- copy back data cudaStreamDestroy(stream1); -- remove stream cudaFree(dev_a); cudaFreeHost(a) -- free host and device memory

15 Performance Optimizations
With asynchronous operation how can we improve performance Multiple streams! Pipelining and concurrency across communication an computation.

16 Pipelined Operation: The Opportunity
GPU K1 H2D2 pinned D2H0 Pipelining execution of stream commands H2D0 K0 H2D0 Need for asynchrony between communication and computation H2D1 K1 H2D1 Degree of concurrency depends on GPU family, i.e., compute capability H2D2 K2 H2D2

17 Pipelined Operation: A Functional View
Break up a single problem into multiple chunks, or Concurrency across multiple kernels GPU K H2D pinned D2H

18 Multiple Streams Stream 0 cudamalloc() cudamemcpy() Kernel<<<>>> Host Processor GPU Stream 1 cudamalloc() cudamemcpy() Kernel<<<>>> Lets look at the vector add implementation parallelized across streams

19 Stream Level Concurrency
Break the vector up into chunks: a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, etc. Compute vector sum for each chunk separately e.g., a0[i] + b0[i] = c0[i], across the chunk Interleave chunk computations across the two streams Kernel for each chunk K0 K1 Vector a Stream 0 a0 How do we distribute API calls across streams? Vector b GPU Show the simple straightforward code that does not improve performance much b0 Vector c Code Example: c0 Stream 1 chunk

20 Using Multiple Streams
Hardware data transfer engines and the kernel scheduling queues are distinct entities Must maintain correct ordering of API calls between data transfer and kernel execution They are placed in two different hardware queues  be conservative! The driver sees a sequence of calls Does the sequence matter? Shw

21 Maximizing Concurrency
copy a0 copy b0 kernel call k0 copy c0 copy a1 copy b1 kernel call k1 copy c1 copy a0 copy a1 copy b0 copy b1 kernel call k0 kernel call k1 copy c0 copy c1 Stream 0 Application runtime call sequence on host Stream 1 Driver sees serial sequence of calls CUDA Driver CUDA Driver Hardware copy queue a0 Kernel dispatch queue a0 b0 a1 k0 b0 Hardware queues c0 b1 k0 Time a1 c0 k1 b1 c1 k1 Dependencies that must be honored c1 Example from “CUDA by Example,” J. Sanders and E. Kandrot, Chapter

22 Lessons Many subtle performance issues in using multiple streams
The number and form of stream support depends on the GPU generation Check device properties for more information on GPU capabilities Code Example:

23 Questions?

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