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Summer Research Internship 2007

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1 Summer Research Internship 2007

2 Get your hands dirty…. Summer Research Internship (SRI) 2007 Course
Objectives To help undergraduates understand how a research is done ! Get your hands dirty…. Remember This is not an Industrial Internship that you have done !

3 To expose students to the research culture, such as
o How to conduct literature survey o How to identify a research problem o How to look at a problem in a variety of ways o Explore number of approaches to solve a given problem, how to arrive at an optimum solution, design the solution, and reach to an affordable best solution

4 Scope Explore in an independent environment o Theoretical research
o Experimental research o Conceptual development of some product

5 o Meeting targets of some sponsored research and development project
o Carrying out his/her research o Meeting targets of some sponsored research and development project o Writing some book, monograph, review article o Writing some research proposal o Carrying out some product survey to identify technical specifications in the direction of patent application o Conducting survey on already patented products/technologies of some relevant area

6 Nature Primarily On-campus or in any research led university / Institute worldwide. In industrial research labs such as Microsoft research lab, IBM research lab, Google research lab etc. Credit: Pass/Fail course.  Schedule At the end of B Tech 3rd Year Duration 6 – 8 weeks

7 On-campus SRI Mandatory for students who apply for Integrated M Tech Program and who register in Summer Semester for some other course  Contract O Student shall interact with concerned faculty and finalize the broad area of work during this program. O Faculty may associate such student with a Research Scholar working under him/her. O As far as possible each student shall work individually. Logistic issues may allow that team size may go up to three students.

8 o Contract between student and faculty shall be agreed upon by 3rd week of April. Deliverables must be signed-off much before beginning of the actual work. Faculty shall inform about the student working under him/her and respective deliverables to the Coordinator – SRI course. o Actual work related to internship shall start from 14th May 2007. o In case Intern is registered in Summer Semester for some backlog course, the duration of SRI cannot be less than 8 weeks.

9 Expectation from an Intern
o Identify a research area o Carry out detailed literature review o Analyze current problems of that area and identify gaps o Explore possible approaches to fill these gaps (how, what is learnt in the classroom/labs, could be carried further in a specific problem area in a research mode) o B Tech project could be identified and specified at the end of the internship.

10 Off-campus SRI Institute is not obliged to arrange off-campus SRI.
Students may arrange for the same on their own initiative provided they feel that o The organization encourages/involves in high quality research in ICT o The organization is ready to assign a mentor/advisor to the interested student o At least the broad area of research is defined and advisor is identified prior to the student’s reporting to the organization In case such contract is finalized between student and the desired organization, it needs to be approved by the Coordinator – SRI course.

11 Expectations from an Intern
Contract o Between student and the concerned organization o Student, while seeking approval for such internship, shall inform the Coordinator – SRI course about his/her Advisor/Mentor, deliverables, start and end dates, location of work etc. Expectations from an Intern o It is organization’s prerogative. o Institute may encourage complying at least with (to the Off-campus Advisor/Mentor) what is expected from On-campus Interns. o Coordinator – SRI course shall intimate the above to the Off-campus Advisor/Mentor.

12 This is applicable for Off-Campus internship.
Output of SRI Course B Tech project could be identified and specified at the end of the internship in consultation with the organization This is applicable for Off-Campus internship. In this way, almost 8 months could be spent on the B Tech project.

13 A weekly report (not more than 1 page) shall be submitted by the Intern to the Advisor/Mentor indicating the sequential development of work. Intern must complete a Research Report in latex format at the end of the tenure of this program. Same shall be submitted to respective Advisor/Mentor. This step is the formal end of the program for the Intern. You should your report to in pdf and latex format. Instructions are in the academic folder and submit a hard copy to Ranjit Chauhan by July 31, Any report not in latex format will be rejected. In case of Off-campus internship, Research Report shall be submitted to the Coordinator – SRI course by the Intern. Report should formally be signed by respective Off-campus Advisor/Mentor.

14 Intern should try to get a research publication accepted in an international reviewed journal or apply for a patent. Intern should submit a research publication based on his/her work during this course to some international conference.

15 Evaluation Coordinator – SRI course will evaluate the report submitted by Intern with the help of other faculty members.

16 On-campus Internship o Report should be evaluated on the merit of technical/scientific content of the work. Categories are Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied o Advisor/Mentor shall send a separate report (in form of a response to a Questionnaire provided by Coordinator – SRI course)

17 Off-campus Internship
o Coordinator – SRI course shall obtain a formal report from the Off-campus Advisor/Mentor on sincerity, punctuality, motivation, understanding, consistency, learning skill, zeal-to-explore, problem solving skill, drive-to-conclude. o Research Report shall be sent to some faculty. o Report should be evaluated on the merit of technical/scientific content of the work.

18 There will be a poster presentation sessions at DAIICT for each project done in SRI2007 workshop during last week of July or first week of August 2007.

19 Some Possible ICT Research Places
IIT’s, IISc Bangalore, IIAR, IIIT Hyderabad, IIIT Bangalore, NCBS, IGIB A worldwide top 500 university list is at A list of Research Labs in Industry is at In India, Microsoft Lab, Google Lab, HP Labs etc…

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