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Modified version Nov 2016..

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1 Modified version Nov 2016.

2 Time is now 18:43


4 Never take away anyones hope, it may be all he has.

5 Make no decitions when you are angry.

6 Take care of your Body.

7 Never pay for a work, that is unfinnished.

8 Be wary of those who have nothing to lose.

9 Learn to say "NO", but with kindness and care.

10 Do not expect that life is fair.

11 Do not worry losing a fight, if it helps you to win the war!

12 Do not push on. Do what needs to be done.

13 Never be afraid to say, "I do not know“ or say “I am sorry ".

14 At least once a year, watch a “sun rise”.

15 Allways watch people in their eyes!

16 Loneliness is a Vegetable condition
Loneliness is a Vegetable condition.  You do not need other people to like yourself.

17 There is nothing good or bad in life, only choices. Choose wisely!

18 Treat others the same way
you want to be treated.

19 Live the moment. Life has soo much to offer in the Moment!

20 Do not be so strict with yourself
Do not be so strict with yourself. You came to this world in order to learn everything about yourself.  Enjoy the experience!

21 Always tell the truth !

22 Do not believe everything you hear  and do not say everything you think.

23 Much of your personal greatness you reach through hardships and challenges.  Embrace it, because you know you get better, stronger and wiser through it.

24 Learn to listen, it is an art.

25 Life is pure energy.  Attempt to follow it: it is around you and within you.  Distinguish positive  from the negative energy.

26 Enjoy the beauty of nature around you.

27 Never race, breathe deeply.

28 In life there are no coincidences or fate.
Everything - whether small or large -  is there for a reason. So be careful!

29 Meditate every day for at least half an hour.

30 Enjoy your free time.

31 Take care, and receive your friendships.

32 Live more in the heart than in the head.

33 You have a right, to be happy!

34 Get rid of hatred and bitterness, they only hurt you.

35 There are things in life that never come back: the spoken word, the past and special occasions.

36 There are two dominant Emotions in life: Love and Fear. 
Love concers everything.  Watch out for the night in fear.  There is nothing to fear, it brings  only chaos.

37 Love your body. It knows what you think.
Your Emotions cause health or disease.  Always send  positive signals.

38 Be careful and cautious with your choice of words , because with them you manage realities.

39 One day you look back on everything you have done in your life
and you die with a smile ...  See also Just Orchids II-Autumn Rose

40 A Human Rescuing Love Story!
 Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubators. Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs, had trouble breathing, heart problems and other complications. She was not expected to live.

41 Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle’s health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator.

42 She left the twin girls to sleep and when she returned she found a sight she could not believe.
She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw (refer to the picture above).  As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister.

43 From that moment on, Brielle’s breathing
and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal. From then on, they decided to keep both babies together, because when they were together they kept each other alive. And today (2016) they are 20 years old. Google for Rescuing Hug

44 Comment: Force of Gods Love, Life- + human vitality-elements
From Spirit Body/World 1 Yang 1 3 From Natural World Yang 2 2 From Physical Body Yin Yin Slide from DP Level IV New Style Presentation, modified You are like two people in one. Comment: Force of Gods Love, Life- + human vitality-elements from the precious Sister saved Brielle’s life  End

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