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Skeletal System.

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1 Skeletal System

2 Skeletal System Consists of Connective Tissue
Three types of connective tissue: 1. Bone Hard elements of the skeleton 2. Ligaments: Dense fibrous connective tissue Attach bones to other bones 3. Cartilage: Specialized connective tissue, fibers of collagen and elastic in a gel-like ground substance

3 Bones Are the Hard Elements of the Skeleton
Bones: hard elements of the skeleton Five important functions 1. Support 2. Protection 3. Movement 4. Blood cell formation 5. Mineral storage Calcium Phosphate

4 Bone Contains Living Cells
Bone: hard inorganic matrix of calcium salts Compact bone: forms shaft and ends, contains marrow space Yellow bone marrow (mostly fat) in marrow space Spongy bone: trabeculae form lattice-like support Spaces may contain red bone marrow Cells: osteoblast, osteocytes, osteoclasts Types: long, flat, irregular Osteons/Haversian system: cellular arrangement Periosteum: connective tissue covering


6 The Living Bone

7 How strong is a bone? When it comes to weight, it is actually stronger than steel! But that doesn’t mean they are indestructible

8 Ligaments Hold Bones Together
Function: attach bone to bone Made of dense fibrous connective tissue Provide strength in joints yet enable movement

9 Cartilage Lends Support
Function: support under pressure Types Fibrocartilage Intervertebral disks between vertebrae Menisci in knee joints Hyaline Forms embryonic structure which later form bone Covers and protects ends of long bones in joints, providing protection, reducing friction Elastic cartilage Flexible, outer ear, epiglottis

10 Bone Development Begins in the Embryo
Early fetal development: cartilage model forms Formed by chondroblasts (cartilage-forming cells) Later fetal development: osteoblasts replace cartilage with bone Childhood: primary and secondary ossification sites formed Adolescence: elongation at growth plates

11 Bone Development Is Regulated by Hormones
Preadolescence Growth hormone stimulates bone lengthening Early Adolescence Estrogen and testosterone stimulate bone lengthening Late Adolescence Estrogen and testosterone cause replacement of cartilage growth plates with bone

12 long bones move farther apart and osteoblast activity continues just
Figure 5.2 Adolescence Cartilage growth plate Childhood Fetus: At 2–3 months Fetus: First 2 months Developing periosteum Compact bone containing osteocytes Blood vessel Chondroblasts form hyaline cartilage, creating a rudimentary model of future bone. The periosteum begins to develop and cartilage starts to dissolve. Newly developing blood vessels transport osteoblasts into the area from the periosteum. Osteoblasts secrete osteoid and enzymes, facilitating the deposition of hard hydroxyapatite crystals. The growth plates in long bones move farther apart and osteoblast activity continues just below the periosteum.

13 Osteoblasts convert cartilage to bone at the inner surface
Figure 5.3 Osteoblasts convert cartilage to bone at the inner surface Chondroblasts deposit new cartilage at the outer surface Joint cartilage Growth plate

14 Mature Bone Undergoes Remodeling and Repair
Remodeling: changes in shape, size, strength Dependent on diet, exercise, age Weight-bearing exercise increases overall bone mass and strength Bone homeostasis depends upon balance of osteoblast and osteoclast activity Osteoporosis: loss of bone mass due to prolonged imbalance of osteoblast and osteoclast activity

15 Cells Involved in the Development and Maintenance of Bone
Chondroblasts: cartilage-forming cells Osteoblasts: young bone-forming cells Osteocytes: mature bone cells Osteoclasts: bone-dissolving cells

16 Bone Cells Are Regulated by Hormones
Parathyroid hormone (PTH): PTH secretion increases when blood levels of Ca++ fall Stimulates osteoclasts to secrete more bone- dissolving enzymes Calcitonin: Calcitonin secretion increases when blood levels of Ca++ are high Stimulates osteoblasts to add calcium and phosphate to bone

17 Bones Undergo Repair Bone fracture Hematoma forms at site of fracture
Fibroblasts migrate to area to begin repair process Tough fibrocartilage callus is formed at site of fracture by chondroblasts Osteoclasts remove dead damaged bone and remnants of hematoma Osteoblasts deposit new bone in area of fracture Repair process takes from weeks to months

18 The Skeleton Protects, Supports, and Permits Movement
206 bones Four types of bones Long (bones of limbs and fingers) Short (wrist bones) Flat (cranial bones, sternum, ribs) Irregular (coxal bone, verterbrae)

19 Skeleton Organized into Two Groupings
Axial skeleton—midline of body Skull, sternum, ribs, vertebral column, sternum Appendicular skeleton—bones of the appendages and their attachment structures Pectoral girdle, arms, pelvic girdle, legs

20 The Skull: Cranial Bones
Function: protect the brain Cranial bones: Frontal bone Parietal bones Temporal bones Sphenoid bone Ethmoid bone Nasal bone Lacrimal bones Occipital bone

21 The Skull: Facial Bones
Maxilla Palatine bones Vomer bone Zygomatic bones Sinuses—air spaces within several cranial and facial bones

22 Axial Skeleton: Vertebral Column
Protects spinal cord Regions: Cervical (neck): seven vertebrae Thoracic (chest): 12 vertebrae Lumbar (small of the back): five vertebrae Sacral (sacrum): five fused vertebrae Coccygeal (coccyx): four fused vertebrae Intervertebral disks: cushion vertebrae; assist in movement and flexibility

23 Ribs and Sternum: Protecting the Chest Cavity
Protect lungs, heart 12 pair 10 pair are attached to vertebrae in back, sternum in front Lowest two pair are “floating,” attached to vertebrae but NOT attached to sternum Sternum Protects heart Breastbone

24 Appendicular Skeleton: Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs
Pectoral girdle: shoulder Clavicles (collarbones) Scapulas (shoulder blades) Arms Upper arm: humerus Forearm: radius, ulna Wrist: carpal bones (8) Hand (palm): metacarpal bones (5) Fingers and thumb: phalanges (14)

25 Appendicular Skeleton: Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limbs
Pelvic girdle (hip): Coxal bones (2), sacrum, pubic symphysis Legs Upper leg (thigh): femur Knee cap: patella Lower leg (calf): tibia, fibula Ankle: tarsal bones (7) Foot: metatarsals (5) Toes: phalanges (14)

26 Joints (Articulations) Form Connections Between Bones
Classified by degree of movement Fibrous joint: Immovable Example: joints between flat bones of skull Cartilaginous joint: Slightly movable, cartilage connection Example: joints between adjacent vertebrae Synovial joint: Freely movable Bones separated by fluid-filled cavity

27 Synovial Joints Joint capsule: synovial membrane + hyaline cartilage
Synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid as a lubricant Hyaline cartilage acts as a cushion Types of synovial joints Hinge joint Ball and socket joint Tendons—join bone to muscle

28 Ligaments, Tendons, and Muscles Strengthen and Stabilize Joints
Ligaments: attach bone to bone in a synovial joint Example: ACL (anterior cruciate ligament in the knee) Tendon: attach muscle to bone Example: Achilles tendon Both tendons and ligaments are composed of tough connective tissue containing collagen (strong, flexible) Muscles further stabilize joints

29 What can our bones tell us?
Male Female

30 Diseases and Disorders of the Skeletal System
Sprains: Stretched or torn ligaments Heal slowly (few cells and poor blood supply) Bursitis and tendinitis: Inflammation of bursae or tendons Arthritis: inflammation of joints Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoporosis: excessive bone loss

31 A scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of normal bone.
Figure 5.16 A scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of normal bone. SEM of a bone showing osteoporosis.

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