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A Review of the Competences to Teach Pupils who are hearing impaired, visually impaired, or both hearing and visually impaired.

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Presentation on theme: "A Review of the Competences to Teach Pupils who are hearing impaired, visually impaired, or both hearing and visually impaired."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Review of the Competences to Teach Pupils who are hearing impaired, visually impaired, or both hearing and visually impaired.

2 The Requirements for Teachers (Scotland) Regulations 2005
This Act came into force on 30 September 2005. The Regulations require that where an education authority employs a teacher wholly or mainly to teach pupils who are hearing impaired, visually impaired or both hearing and visually impaired, then that teacher must possess an appropriate qualification to teach such pupils. Prior to the implementation of The Requirements for Teachers (Scotland) Regulations in 2005 it was not mandatory for teachers of the visually impaired (TVI) to have any additional qualification in visual impairment. Traditionally, in Scotland TVI’s were able to complete a postgraduate diploma in additional Support for learning (visual impairment) offered at Masters level from The University of Edinburgh. This award, although not mandatory is recognised by the Teaching Councils throughout the United Kingdom.

3 What Constitute an Appropriate Qualification
Currently in Scotland the guidance is …..

4 The Main Significant Feature of the Guidance

5 Specialist Knowledge, understanding and skills – Competences!

6 Which ever route the authority deems appropriate

7 Post Grad Dip not necessary

8 Wholly and Mainly

9 5 Year rule

10 Quality Assured

11 Does not cover Grant Aid or Independent Schools: But is does really!

12 Acquiring the Qualifications

13 All Training must be equal to (Scottish) Masters Degree?? No?

14 Language and Communication

15 Braille and BSL!!

16 Adequate Breadth!

17 Responsibility lies with Authority

18 Competences as Specified by the Scot Gov (http://www. gov
Assessment Language and Communication Multi-agency/partnership working Medical/disability related knowledge Specialised technology Legislation, policies and advice for education and access Teaching and learning Braille / BSL (minimum levels)

19 Other Countries Both VI and HI
England HI VI but are being reviewed to match SEND code of practice Australia USA VI North Carolina Europe etc Leonardo HI

20 Consideration of Possible Conceptual Frameworks –
Mike McLinden, M., Ravenscroft, J., Cobb, R., Douglas, G., & Hewitt, R. (2017). The significance of specialist teachers of learners with visual impairments as agents of change: Examining personnel preparation in the United Kingdom through a bioecological systems theory. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 111(6), McLinden, M., Douglas, G., Cobb, R., Hewett, R., & Ravenscroft, J. (2016). ‘Access to learning’and ‘learning to access’: Analysing the distinctive role of specialist teachers of children and young people with vision impairments in facilitating curriculum access through an ecological systems theory. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 34(2),

21 For Example:

22 So what we need to do …… a) the development of a short life working group starting September. b) the inclusion of members of the short life working group. c) areas that the current competences need updating. 

23 Where? Meetings around the country Edinburgh Glasgow Aberdeen Dundee

24 Who? = Which Organisations
Scottish Government University of Edinburgh ADES Education Scotland GTCS Please suggest ………………….

25 When Start September 2018 Complete March 2019

26 What have I missed …..

27 Thank you

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