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Effective Standardisation

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Standardisation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Standardisation

2 What is Standardisation?
The process of Ensuring that all assessors (and IVs) share a common understanding of the standards prior to assessment Ensuring the consistency and reliability of assessors’ judgements

3 What are the benefits of effective standardisation?
Assessors feel more supported Assessors become more competent Assessors become more confident Assessors make better judgements Centres become more successful in external verification

4 Methods of effective standardisation
Profession discussion Evidence Review Blind marking/Dual marking Quiz Case study

5 What resources are available?
Unit Specification CASP External Verifier Report Candidate evidence

6 When should standardisation take place?
Before assessment takes place, it is essential that all assessors share a common understanding of the standards.

7 When should standardisation take place?
After an assessment has taken place, standardisation exercises should identify any discrepancies between assessors and allow adjustments to be made to remedy these.

8 When should standardisation take place?
All the time – it is an ongoing process! It is particularly helpful when: You are delivering a Unit for the first time Unit specs or standards change You are using a new assessment instrument A new assessor starts External verification has identified issues with 4.6


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