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Conducting Board and Trustee Assessments

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1 Conducting Board and Trustee Assessments
Ohio Department of Higher Education Trustee Conference November 9, 2017 Columbus, OH

2 HBCU Governance and Leadership Institute
Facilitator Karen Bearden Board Member, AGB Chair, Kentucky State University Board of Regents

3 Objectives Understand the purposes, processes, and methods of board and trustee assessment Discuss how to use feedback from board and trustee assessments to improve board effectiveness Share good ideas and answer questions

4 Agenda Assessment as a Tool to Facilitate Fiduciary Responsibilities
Research on Assessments Discussion of Board Culture Small Group Discussions Sample Assessments Wrap-up

5 Discussion Question What are the barriers to board and trustee assessment? Institutional history and traditions Perceived burden to volunteers Lack of board training and development Perceived personal and fiduciary risks

6 Cycle of Performance Improvement
Set goals and expectations Assess performance Learn, change, improve

7 Trustees as Fiduciaries*
Fiduciary – One who holds some asset(s) in trust for another and is charged to act beneficially on behalf of the other in managing that asset. The Asset – The college/university you govern, including mission & identity, property, human resources & educational product. For Whom – Founders and sponsors, students and families, donors, alumni, (public) *AGB Statement on Fiduciary Duties

8 Fiduciary Duties* Duty of Care
Act in good faith for best interests of institution Act reasonably, competently and prudently Duty of Loyalty Put interest(s) of institution above all else Do not act from self interest; no self-dealing Conflict of loyalty Duty of Obedience Obligation to advance mission Duty to act ethically and consistent with law Serve a Public Purpose *AGB Statement on Fiduciary Duties

9 What is board culture? How healthy is your board’s culture?
Discussion Question What is board culture? How healthy is your board’s culture?

10 The Significance of Culture
Culture defines the character of the group Structure channels activity in certain directions; culture determines how we behave “Culture eats structure for lunch,” Dick Chait May enable or undermine effectiveness Most visible board fiascos arise from dysfunctional cultures Healthy culture is critical to board effectiveness

11 10 Habits of Highly Effective Boards
Create a Culture of Inclusion Uphold Basic Fiduciary Principles Cultivate a Healthy Relationship with the President Select an Effective Board Chair Establish a Strong Governance Committee Delegate Appropriate Decision-Making Authority to Committees Consider Strategic Risk Factors Provide Appropriate Oversight of Academic Quality Develop a Renewed Commitment to Shared Governance Focus on Accountability

12 How to Create and Support a Healthy Board Culture
Statement of mutual expectations for board behavior Systematic reviews of the effectiveness of the board, committees, and individual trustees Well-managed committee structures and agendas Effective process for trustee selection Robust orientation program Continuing education Mechanisms for self-discipline

13 Ongoing communica-tion
Effective Boards Governance committee Individual assessments Strategic plan Ongoing communica-tion

14 When are Assessments Conducted? (Public Boards)*
*2014 AGB Survey of Higher Education Governance

15 Strategies for Creating Climate of Continuous Assessment
Boards should serve as models for institutions Board evaluations are consistent with accreditation standards Board evaluations can inspire confidence in leadership, affirm mission, vision and values

16 Execu-tion of Fiduciary Duties
Tone for Assess-ments Mission focus Climate of trust Execu-tion of Fiduciary Duties Values in action

17 The Approach and Process
Boards must create a strategic plan of work and values Assessment must be embedded in the work of the board Invite personal assessments Empower and support the work of the Governance Committee Empower and support the work of the Chair as champion for board effectiveness

18 Trustee Self-Review Highlighted Statements from Illustrative Statement of Commitment and Responsibilities* Stewardship: Act as stewards of the institution’s mission and values. Governance: Provide oversight and review and approve strategies, policies, and plans for implementation while deferring to the college’s president and administrative staff to manage day-to-day business. Participation: Attend and participate in the plenary meetings of the board, and actively contribute as a member of at lease one committee of the board. General Conduct: Recognize that members do not act as individuals but as collective members of the board and that their obligations include the avoidance or full disclosure of conflicts of interest and even the appearance of conflict. *AGB Press, The Governance Committee (Independent Institutions)

19 Assessment of Board Members
(see complete form in Resources section)

20 Ongoing Conversations
After the Assessment Ongoing Conversations Individual Trustees Board Chair Governance Committee Chair

21 Assessment of Meetings
Quick survey at end of meetings Executive session (if allowed) Observation by outside expert

22 Assessment of Committees
Strategic focus Right people on the bus Materials, preparation, participation Leadership Relationship to board (See sample)

23 Assessment of Board Chair
Timing—new practice, start with new chair Governance or executive committee Job description/expectations as basis Developmental—improve incumbent and position Interviews, focused survey, or items in board assessment

24 Board Assessment Mission and Strategy Leadership and Governance
Institutional Sustainability Quality of Educational Experience Board Performance Board Culture Board Member Satisfaction Policies and Practices (See sample--Handout)

25 Resources AGB Publications AGB Board Assessment Service
Institute for Board Chairs and Presidents Other AGB members

26 Resources RESOURCES AGB Sample Board Assessment Survey 2016 (AGB, 2016)—Handout “Appendix D: Illustrative Board Member Assessment.” The Governance Committee. AGB Press 2013. Davis, Mary G. “Rx for a Successful Board: A Healthy Board Culture.” November/December 2014. Holtschneider, Dennis H. “The Incalculable Benefits of Revitalizing Your Board.” Trusteeship. May/June 2013. Legon, Richard D. “10 Habits of Highly Effective Boards.” Trusteeship. March/April 2014.

27 Thank You We value your feedback. JP

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