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The PMI Strategic Plan… Plotting a Course for the Future

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1 The PMI Strategic Plan… Plotting a Course for the Future
Board of Directors November 16, 2005 Katherine Shawver, PMP © 2005 Project Management Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. “PMI”, the PMI logo, "PMP", the PMP logos, "PMBOK", "Project Management Journal", "PM Network", and the PMI Today logo are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc. For a comprehensive list of PMI marks, contact the PMI Legal Department.

2 The PMI Strategic Plan
The PMI Board initiated its strategic planning activities during a strategic retreat in September 2001. In March 2002, the Board and senior staff met to consider strategic questions about the organization’s future, and to begin the process of developing a strategic long-range plan to ensure that PMI remains a viable and highly responsive organization to its members. The function of PMI’s strategic plan is to set direction for PMI and to realize our envisioned future. In June 2002, the PMI Board continued development of the strategic plan and a Draft Strategic Plan was presented for feedback to a global cross section of about 5500 PMI members and leaders, as well as the Corporate Council members. The results were used to finalize the plan. The working strategic plan was adopted by the PMI Board of Directors in October 2002. Since its adoption, the Board of Directors has refined this plan, which is viewed as a living document. From time to time, revisions may be necessary so that the Institute remains valuable to its growing global membership. In December 2004, the Board agreed to ‘freeze’ the Strategic Plan to ensure that we had an opportunity to begin executing on it before we changed it again!

3 PMI’s Strategic Planning Process
This is the sequence of elements that make up PMI's Strategic Plan.  PMI uses the Balanced Scorecard methodology to identify the strategic goals and objectives, which in turn provide the critical strategic direction to staff for the development of the Program Plan and Budget.  And, as you can see on this slide, other critical pieces of information are important for this entire strategic planning process and the creation of the Strategic Plan.

4 PMI’s Core Purpose To advance the practice, science and profession of project management throughout the world in a conscious and proactive manner. Our core purpose: to advance the practice, science, and profession of project management throughout the world in a conscious and proactive manner – the key word being the profession of project management We see project management as a dedicated profession with all the hallmarks of a profession including education, research, ethics, mentoring, societal focus, etc built from the Institute’s articles of incorporation and bylaw

5 PMI’s Core Values Value of PM to Business Knowledge
Importance of Business & Government Educational Excellence Value of PM to Business Standards-Setting Consideration of All Cultures Thought Leadership Diversity Sharing Information Openness with our Stakeholders Knowledge Constructive Synergies Honesty Member Participation Ethical Behavior Inclusiveness Competence Community & Volunteerism Professionalism

6 Envisioned Future - A Look at the Four Planning Horizons
A real, but yet unrealized vision for PMI in the future. Through the defined perspective of our core purpose and values, PMI envisioned a future with which to align all of our current work. This envisioned future conveys a concrete, but yet unrealized vision for the organization. It consists of an envisioned goal - a clear and compelling catalyst that serves as a focal point for effort, and a vivid description - vibrant and engaging descriptions of what it will be like to achieve the envisioned goal.

7 Envisioned Goal (10-30 years in future)
Worldwide, organizations will embrace, value, and utilize project management and attribute their success to it.

8 Vivid Description of PMI’s Envisioned Future
Project management is a unique competency for organizations. Organizations employ individuals who possess skills, knowledge, and experiences that are specifically required in managing projects, programs, and portfolios and whose performance can be measured. Organizations follow globally recognized project management standards. Organizations have established educational, experiential, credentialing, and performance requirements for individuals engaged in specific project management roles. Organizations have clearly established career paths, including one in project management that allows individuals to advance to the highest levels of leadership. The envisioned goal that was defined is that WORLDWIDE, organizations will embrace, value, and utilize project management and attribute their success to it. A key word is “worldwide.” It is not enough to have organizations in one country or one hemisphere embracing project management and its value. We must look at organizations around the world. With this envisioned goal, the vivid description contains such compelling statements as the ones you see here: Project management is as visible and recognized as other professions globally.

9 Purpose of Strategic Principles (5 - 10 years in future)
Foundation for sound, consistent, and values-based decision-making while maintaining strategy and being able to respond to changes Changes in the needs of PMI stakeholders Changes in the global environment Not bound by one specific time horizon of the strategic planning process Influence strategy through development of all strategic plan elements

10 Strategic Principles Use best business practices
Use market research, business case, and life cycle management for all products and services Involve right subject matter expertise and volunteers /components while managing time-to-market Recognize a broad project management community Focus on project management professionals Connect needs of practitioners with needs of business Be creative, adaptable, and flexible in adjusting structures and offerings to accommodate needs of stakeholders around the globe

11 Value Proposition (3 - 5 Years)
Eminent Influence has been established as PMI’s unique position to be achieved within the project management profession and appropriate for all of its markets. Simply put, a value proposition describes the unique contribution that an organization intends to make … that “special something” that sets the organization apart from like or similar organizations. It embraces an organization’s core strengths … and also addresses what matters most to the organization’s stakeholders. At PMI, our value proposition is at the heart of our working strategic plan, driving this organization toward its envisioned future. Eminent Influence has been established by the PMI Board as the value proposition of the Institute for the 3- to 5-year horizon in all of its markets. But what do we really mean by Eminent Influence? Eminent Influence speaks to PMI’s ability and commitment to playing a principal and influential role as an advocate for the profession and its practice.

12 Eminent Influence Value Proposition: Differentiating Statements
PMI establishes a premiere reputation as a credible resource and innovator for Project Management knowledge, trends and practices. PMI establishes a reputation as the preferred partner for strategic alliances for advancement of the profession and its successful practice. PMI establishes itself as the leading and respected advocate for the mature practice of project management integrated throughout organizations. PMI leads the evolution of the profession and the maturity of its practice. Having clearly defined strategies is one thing. Implementing them, however, is quite another. The Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map, which I’ll show you shortly, aligns PMI strategy and operations. The Balanced Scorecard, as a measure of organizational performance and as the illustration of corporate strategy, looks at financial performance, along with three other perspectives: customers; internal business processes; and learning and growth. In considering its strategy, PMI adjusted the titling of the four main perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map to be: Stakeholder Intimacy Internal Business Processes Internal Culture and Capabilities, and Resources The highest perspective on the Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map is that of stakeholder loyalty. The intents contained in the four differentiation statements of the value proposition are thought leadership, profession enablers, partnerships and advocacy and are the basis for driving PMI’s Internal Business Processes.

13 PMI Strategic Goals Superior Practice of Project Management
Global Acceptance of Project Management Obviously, the sustained acceptance of project management is dependent on the superior practice of project management. They are clearly interlinked. To achieve these two goals, PMI must and is launching the following internal business initiatives …

14 PMI’s Strategic Objectives: Four Perspectives
Stakeholder Intimacy Internal Business Process Culture and Capabilities Resources Obviously, the sustained acceptance of project management is dependent on the superior practice of project management. They are clearly interlinked. To achieve these two goals, PMI must and is launching the following internal business initiatives …

15 PMI’s Strategic Objectives: Stakeholder Intimacy
Strengthen Stakeholder Intimacy Demonstrate Benefits from Project Management Provide Knowledge and Tools with Great Service Obviously, the sustained acceptance of project management is dependent on the superior practice of project management. They are clearly interlinked. To achieve these two goals, PMI must and is launching the following internal business initiatives …

16 PMI’s Strategic Objectives: Internal Business Processes
Thought Leadership: Facilitate innovative thinking and exchange of ideas Profession Enablers: Provide the means to improve the practice of project management Partnering: Develop/enhance mutually advantageous and trusting relationships Advocacy: Champion project management adoption and maturity PMI will: Facilitate innovative thought leadership and exchange of ideas about all aspects of project management and related business practices. Provide practitioners, suppliers and consumers with the profession enablers to continually improve their ability to effectively and efficiently practice project management through knowledge, process, methodologies, tools, techniques and networking opportunities … for the betterment of themselves and the profession. Develop trusting and vibrant partnerships, alliances and formal/informal networks in order to influence organizations to adopt and utilize project management and/or assist in its further development. Through advocacy, improve the process of building and promoting the value of project management as it relates to achievement of strategic business initiatives to decision-makers. Let me give you just a couple of examples of key PMI initiatives within each of these strategic themes.

17 PMI’s Strategic Objectives: Culture and Capabilities
Make PMI a Customer Centric Organization Make Leadership Excellence a Strategic Competency within PMI Make Market and Business Development a Strategic Competency within PMI PMI will: Facilitate innovative thought leadership and exchange of ideas about all aspects of project management and related business practices. Provide practitioners, suppliers and consumers with the profession enablers to continually improve their ability to effectively and efficiently practice project management through knowledge, process, methodologies, tools, techniques and networking opportunities … for the betterment of themselves and the profession. Develop trusting and vibrant partnerships, alliances and formal/informal networks in order to influence organizations to adopt and utilize project management and/or assist in its further development. Through advocacy, improve the process of building and promoting the value of project management as it relates to achievement of strategic business initiatives to decision-makers. Let me give you just a couple of examples of key PMI initiatives within each of these strategic themes.

18 PMI’s Strategic Objectives: Resources
Leverage Resources /Investment in the Marketplace Maintain Financial Viability PMI will: Facilitate innovative thought leadership and exchange of ideas about all aspects of project management and related business practices. Provide practitioners, suppliers and consumers with the profession enablers to continually improve their ability to effectively and efficiently practice project management through knowledge, process, methodologies, tools, techniques and networking opportunities … for the betterment of themselves and the profession. Develop trusting and vibrant partnerships, alliances and formal/informal networks in order to influence organizations to adopt and utilize project management and/or assist in its further development. Through advocacy, improve the process of building and promoting the value of project management as it relates to achievement of strategic business initiatives to decision-makers. Let me give you just a couple of examples of key PMI initiatives within each of these strategic themes.

19 PMI Strategy Map Eminent Influence
Global Acceptance of Project Management Stakeholder Intimacy Internal Business Processes Culture and Capabilities Resources Superior Practice of Project Management Eminent Influence Worldwide, organizations will embrace, value, and utilize project management and attribute their success to it. Maintain financial viability Leverage resources/investment in the marketplace Facilitate innovative thinking and exchange of ideas Provide the means to improve the practice of project management Strengthen stakeholder loyalty Provide knowledge and tools with great service Demonstrate benefits from project management Volunteers and Staff Stakeholders: Practitioners, Suppliers, Consumers Thought Leadership Profession Enablers Partnering Advocacy Champion project management adoption and maturity Develop/enhance mutually advantageous and trusting relationships Make market and business development a strategic competency Make leadership excellence a strategic competency Make PMI a customer centric organization The Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map tells the condensed story of our Strategic Plan - starting with the Envisioned Goal of Worldwide organizations will embrace, value, and utilize project management and attribute their success to it , and the Value Proposition of Eminent Influence, They are followed by two critical and interlinked Strategic Goals - Superior Practice of Project Management and Global Acceptance of Project Management, which, when they are achieved, it should be easy to understand how they will cause the attainment of the Value Proposition and how they will create significant progress toward the Envisioned Goal. In helping link strategic direction with operational action, the Balanced Scorecard methodology enables the thinking about strategic objectives through the view of four perspectives, which PMI has chosen as Stakeholder Intimacy, Internal Business Processes, Internal Culture and Capabilities, and Resources. And, as you can see on this Strategy Map, there are significant cause and effect linkages between the perspectives and among the strategic objectives shown in the white ovals, all of which drive the most senior objective of Strengthening Stakeholder Loyalty. These objectives are then used to identify the initiatives that drive the content of the Program Plan and Budget.

20 Working toward a future where worldwide organizations will embrace, value, and utilize project management and attribute their success to it. By Building a Superior Practice Or said a different way, how is PMI helping project management reach its potential? And the answer is, by being the global advocate for the profession. More specifically, by making a commitment over the next ten to 30 years to ensure that … “Worldwide, organizations will embrace, value and utilize project management and attribute their success to it.” …And Gaining Global Acceptance …Through Strong Leadership and Community

21 Questions? (Thanks chapter leadership and audience for the opportunity to present.) At this time, I will be pleased to respond to any questions and listen to any suggestions.

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