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Mike Bennett FOIS – JOWO Cape Town, South Africa September 2018

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1 Mike Bennett FOIS – JOWO Cape Town, South Africa September 2018
Hypercube Ltd. Conceptual Ontology Engineering Tutorial Session 3: The Data Dimension; Top Level Ontologies Mike Bennett FOIS – JOWO Cape Town, South Africa September 2018

2 Session 3 The Data Dimension
Introducing Top Level ontology (Upper Ontology) Some popular TLOs

3 The Data Dimension Introducing data to ontology Things versus Strings
Truth makers and data surrogates What about real things that are data? Information kinds versus datatypes Values modeling

4 Introducing Data to Ontology
Things Information Type A set specification for a kind of Independent Thing that generalizes all towers (e.g., “a tall narrow structure”) A set specification for a kind of Dependent Continuant that is a record structure containing tower observations (e.g., a “TOWER” table or a “#Tower” class) Sets One of many sets of independent things that generalize all towers One of many sets of dependent continuant record structures containing tower observations (e.g., in that database there) Member A member of zero or more sets of all towers (E.g., the actual one we call the “Eiffel Tower”) A member of one or more sets of record structures containing tower observations (E.g., one that represents the actual Eiffel Tower) “#tower123” Represents Jim Logan, NoMagic

5 Data surrogate versus Real Things
Look for signatures in data that imply the presence of real world, identifying matter Frame the necessary conditions for membership of a class (in a logical ontology) in terms of what would be found (true) in data when the class of thing is there Inference as distinct from meaning in the original sense From the data you can infer that a thing exists in reality Real meaning – by definition mostly does not rely on data!

6 Examples Meaning of Bank: framed in terms of legal capabilities and rights Data surrogate: banking license Ownership and Control Confer certain rights and involve certain capabilities These are social constructs not data Data surrogates: documents, deeds, shares etc.

7 Conceptual and Physical Ontologies
Business Conceptual Ontology (CIM) Business The Language Interface Extract and Optimise Technology Operational Ontology (PSM)

8 Types and Datatypes Business Technology Business Conceptual
Ontology (CIM) Business The Language Interface Extract and Optimise Technology Data types Operational Ontology (PSM) Platform specific matter

9 Data as Real Things There are also things in the real world that are made of information Information Construct as a high level class of Thing Names, publicly issued IDs, ratings, codes, documents, messages etc. These are on the “real world” side of the Rhombus There will also be data “about” these

10 Other implications Names: Dates and Times Value Types
Name as an ontological class of thing Name as text Dates and Times Temporal matter XSD datatypes for Date, DateTime etc. What is “Date”? Value Types

11 Data: The T Box Things the data is about about Data-focused Extensions
represents Data-centric Intensions

12 Data Delta ẟD about Things the data is about represents
Data-focused Extensions ẟD The Real Things

13 Data Delta: ẟ => 0 ẟD => 0 about Things the data is about
represents The Real Things ẟD => 0

14 Information Kinds Names Textual material Dates and Times
Yes or No (or maybe) Numbers Whole numbers Numbers with decimal places Positive Numbers Fractions Percentages URL Pictures Sounds Words Letters And many more…

15 Datatypes Text Dates and Times Boolean Numeric datatypes URL/URI
Restricted text Unrestricted text Dates and Times Boolean Numeric datatypes Integer Float Positive integer, positive float URL/URI Other information kinds are rendered in files, for example vector graphics, rich text, video and sound formats

16 Relating information kinds to datatypes
Different kinds of information need to be stored in a computer Datatypes determine how these are stored for optimum memory usage XML datatypes differ on this, in that textual conventions are used to render different datatypes, which must then be translated to application datatypes for processing if needed Numeric datatypes allow for arithmetic calculations on the data Textual datatypes allow for alphanumeric sorting

17 Implications for Ontologies
OWL ontologies use a rather restricted sub-set of the XML datatypes set These are chosen in line with operational constraints on reasoner applications These constraints have no place in a conceptual ontology We need to translate real world kinds of information into OWL XML datatypes for any onward processing in operational ontology applications Just we also will if using the ontology to derive applications in other architectures Also a conceptual ontology must be presented to the business for validation in their own terms SMEs not only do not know about technical datatypes, they officially don’t care! Let’s look at some example comparisons

18 Names A name identifies a person or a thing
A name typically consists of a set of sounds and a corresponding set of letters making up the spoken word which is that person’s name Translating to datatypes Names are generally rendered as textual datatypes, often with a length limitation to suit the application Now in the real (conceptual) world a name may be infinitely long, whereas in computer systems we come up with some sensible length limit. A name may be in any alphabet, while in computer systems it must be rendered in some alphabet supported by Unicode or something similar. So for instance the Scottish name Menzies can't be accurately represented because the Scottish letter Yau never made it into these computer alphabets (someone correct me if this is somewhere in Unicode) and so it is generally rendered with a Z - and has been for so long, including in typewriters, lead type etc. that the use of Z has become the accepted rendition.

19 Scotland’s Missing Letter
The Scots alphabet has one more letter than the English alphabet Yogh: This never made it onto the typewriter and so is missing in the ASCII character set and many others Notes from The last letter, usually referred to as yogh, still appears in Scots personal and place names, though is usually written Z z. This has lead to the spelling-based pronunciations of names like Menzies [mɛnziz] - should be [mɪŋʌs], Dalziel [dɪjəɫ] and Monzie [mɔne]

20 Names: Some edge cases The Artist Formally Known as the Artist Formerly Known as Prince Name rendered as a symbol only Music press shortcut (using ASCII): "Prince changed his name to the unpronounceable glyph O(+> in 1993, which he used until During that time, he was more frequently referred to as "the artist formerly known as Prince," and his new symbol was not embraced by most fans."

21 Answers and Booleans Business (reality)
There are certain kinds of question for which the answer is Yes or No Yes, No, Maybe Yes, No, Maybe, don’t know, it isn’t as simple as that… Some propositions necessarily require a binary answer “Is today Wednesday” only has two valid answers The “don’t know” option is covered under the Open World Assumption Others do not Computer A boolean returns the truth value of a proposition Usually a good match for many of these question types It does not mean strictly the same thing though Many data sources use booleans where a binary choice of values exist in the data Contract: isNegotiable (boolean) It either is or it isn’t.

22 Dates and Times Business (reality) Computer OWL
A date is simply an index to a day The first of September 2014 6 Elul, 5774 The calendar is the scheme which defines that index Computer Date DateTime OWL DateTime only (for some egregious reason) Therefore the data which is fed in has to have values set as midnight (making them indistinguishable from things that actually happen at dead of night) The day I wrote this slide

23 Values

24 Core Definitions (JCGM 200:2008)
Quantity : property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed as a number and a reference Value of a quantity: value number and reference together expressing magnitude of a quantity Also DOLCE/Guizzardi “Quale” Measurement unit (unit of measurement unit) :real scalar quantity, defined and adopted by convention, with which any other quantity of the same kind can be compared to express Kind of quantity (quantity kind): aspect common to mutually comparable quantities Also DOLCE /Guizzardi “Quality Space”

25 Why Model Values, Quantities and Units?
Many models have “int” and “String” as the types of Characteristics of things This does not represent their semantics, only how they are represented in the computer Values have semantics beyond their representation as strings or numbers E.g. a social security number has source, uniqueness and identity implications E.g. An exchange rate on the London and N.Y. exchanges are not the same Programming example: Assigning a “description (string)” to a “name (string)” is an error. Examples of unit confusion are well known E.g. First mars lander crashes due to unit confusion When consuming, federating or translating data it is dangerous to be unsure what the data represents Different representations of the same concepts may use or expect different units expressed in different ways So to federate, integrate and translate – value kinds & units as well as the concepts they represent must be clear and consistent across independent models But, specifying units in conceptual reference models is over-commitment and ignores “local needs and conventions” Making values, quantities and units “first class” in a language encourages use and consistency. Using the MDA (Model Driven Architecture) pattern allows implementation diversity libraries of common value types and units allows for interoperability and reuse

26 Quantity Kinds & Units in SMIF Profile
For numeric characteristics, we want to know what it means (e.g. Temperature), not the kind of number (Real). <<Quantity Kind>> is an aspect common to mutually comparable quantities represented by one or more units. A “unit value” represents a quantity kind, there are multiple units representing temperature. A physical representation would then represent the unit as some kind of number in a specified unit. 4/7/2019 Threat & Risk

27 Data represents concept
Mapping Rule Represents STIX XSD Concepts Green line is “Represents” Rules specify mapping details 11/18/2015 OMG Threat & Risk for STIDS 2015

28 Conceptual Extensions
Mid Level Ontologies Domain independent concepts Reusable Semantics from other domains Aim to identify and re-use available academic work on conceptual abstractions where these exist Subject to their fitting within the same set of theories as your conceptual ontology (or adapt as needed) A considerable body of such work exists in the applied ontology field © Hypercube 2015

29 Semantic Abstractions
Inevitable by-product of the “What kind of Thing is this?” question Ontologies are built around a classification hierarchy (“Taxonomy”) of kinds of thing This is key to meaningful ontologies Enables disambiguation across business contexts Not a technology activity Examples: Contract, Credit, Asset etc. © Hypercube 2015

30 Semantics Re-use Research and identify re-usable content semantics
In formal published ontologies Business models in non ontological (non FOL) formats Technical / messaging standards to “reverse engineer” into semantics Pre-requisite: identify abstractions needed to support the specification concepts Examples: Transaction semantics Legal / contractual etc. Real Estate (for mortgage loans) © Hypercube 2015

31 Upper Ontology Examples
Independent Relative and Mediating Things Continuant and Occurrent things Others

32 Approaches to Context Context as a Class Kinds of Context
Mediating Thing partition Kinds of Context Who What When Where hoW Why? Everything as Context

33 Upper ontologies Overview Relative Things (qua entities)
Partitions v Geometries Relative Things (qua entities) Time sensitive things General UO choices Oher partitions Information construct Dispositions, other philosophical stuff we probably don’t need

34 Partitioning In general there seem to be 2 things to consider with top level ontologies: How the world (the domain if discourse) is divided up: Partitions How these concepts are framed: Treatments 4D v3D / 3D+ Endurantism v perdurantism Mereology (parts and wholes) Dimensions, values, quantities etc.

35 Stance Consider the ontological stance of the ontology
Possible stances (not exhaustive) Realist: the ontology only represents things that have some extension in time and space in some real or possible world Idealist: Ontology must be able to represent concepts whether or not these have physical or temporal extent For risk, business planning, commitments etc. concepts are essential Risk event is avoided in any world in which it is a risk event Plans, commitments, Prescriptive processes etc. Realism may also include social constructs

36 Relative Things Added Pontoon
This is another thing you can land a boat on Some jetties you can’t land or unload, they are just for managing tidal currents What jetties are for versus what they are What pontoons are for (always built fo that purpose) What does it mean to be something defined by its function:

37 Landings – a Relative Thing

38 Upper Ontology Partitions

39 The ‘Relatives’ Partition
Everything which may be defined falls into one of three categories: Thing Independent Thing Relative Thing Mediating Thing “Thing in Itself” e.g. some Person Thing in some context e.g. that person as an employee, as a customer, as a pilot… Context in which the relative things are defined e.g. employment, sales, aviation

40 Definitions: Sowa Independent categories are characterized by monadic predicates defined in terms of some entity x by itself (including its inherent parts and properties) and not in terms of anything external to x. Relative categories are characterized by dyadic predicates that relate an entity x to some external entity y that can exist independently of x. Mediating categories are characterized by triadic or higher predicates that show how an entity x mediates two or more entities (y,z, . . .) and thereby establishes new relationships among them.

41 Definitions: FIBO Conceptual Framework
Independent Thing: a thing in its own right Relative Thing: A thing defined specifically and only in relation to some context. Mediating Thing: A thing which brings together two or more independent things into some relation, usually resulting in their being defined as Relative Things.

42 The ‘Relatives’ Partition
Thing Independent Thing Person Relative Thing Employee Customer Pilot Mediating Thing (context) Employment Sales Aviation “played by” relationship: That which performs the role of the “Relative Thing”

43 The ‘Relatives’ Partition
Thing Independent Thing Person Relative Thing Employee Customer Pilot Mediating Thing (context) Employment Sales Aviation “In context” relationship: Context in which the Independent Thing performs the role of the “Relative Thing”

44 The ‘Relatives’ Partition
Thing Independent Thing Person Relative Thing Employee Customer Pilot Mediating Thing (context) Employment Sales Aviation “played by” “In context” Everything which may be defined falls into one of these three categories In order to complete a model of business terms and definitions, all three are needed This extends beyond conventional ontology applications into a full and legally nuanced conceptual ontology

45 Subsequent Refinement
Thing Independent Thing Relative Thing Mediating Thing (context) “played by” “In context ” Actually playedBy relation may sometimes be another Relative Thing inContextOf is sometimes an Independent Thing Promoted both to Thing Comparable with BFO Not all contexts are “Mediating Thing”

46 Mediating Thing as Context
Not all relative things are relative to a thing that we would consider as a mediating thing, but contexts always create relative things Mediating Thing is one kind of context in that it brings together 2 or more things in defined roles or functions Includes business areas, process workflow, customer ad client relationships etc.

47 Hierarchy of Contexts: Pilot
Person Pilot Aviation played by In context Commercial Pilot In context Commercial Aviation Pilot of M101 In context Flight MH101 John Your pilot today In context Flight MH101 on 18 Oct 2017 played by

48 Hierarchy of Contexts: Customer
Legal Person Bank Client Bank Client Relationship played by In context Retail Customer Retail Customer Relationship Natural Person Organization Current Account Holder Current Account Relationship Loan Borrower Loan Relationship

49 Ontology Partitioning 2
Continuant and occurrent Things Also known as Endurant and Perdurant Ref: Guarino and Welty

50 Ontology Partitioning 2
Thing Continuant Occurrent

51 Ontology Partitioning 2
Thing Continuant Occurrent Continuant: where it exists it exists in all its parts Even if these change over time Occurrent: the concept is only meaningful with reference to time

52 Ontology Partitioning 2
Thing Continuant Person Contract Pilot Occurrent Event State Etc. Continuant: where it exists it exists in all its parts Even if these change over time Occurrent: the concept is only meaningful with reference to time

53 Ontology Partitioning 2
Thing Continuant Person Contract Pilot Occurrent Event State Etc. Things which are independent or relative are also either continuant or occurrent

54 Ontology Partitioning 2 Example
Thing Continuant Me Occurrent My life Me: where I exist I exist in all my parts Even if these change over time My life: happens over a period of time and cannot be defined without time

55 Ontology Partitioning 3
Thing Concrete Abstract

56 Ontology Partitioning 3
Thing Concrete Abstract Concrete: A physical thing Or a virtual thing in some reality Abstract: the concept is only meaningful as an abstraction from reality

57 Ontology Partitioning 3
Thing Concrete Pillar of Stone Financial Instrument Wheelbarrow Abstract Goal Resolution Desire Not as simple as physical v non physical Concrete: not limited to 3D physical reality Abstract: no physical or virtual expression

58 Some Popular Upper Ontologies

59 Sowa KR Lattice

60 Sowa Partitions (FIBO* and Semantic Shed)
* Developed as part of conceptual framework for FIBO but not published as part of the FIBO standard


62 TUpperWare

63 A View on GFO Ontology Summit 2018, Feb 07




67 BFO

68 OBO ~2005 initial OBO Foundry suite TO TIME GRANULARITY CONTINUANT
RELATION TO TIME GRANULARITY CONTINUANT OCCURRENT INDEPENDENT DEPENDENT ORGAN AND ORGANISM Organism (NCBI Taxonomy) Anatomical Entity (FMA, CARO) Organ Function (FMP, CPRO) Phenotypic Quality (PaTO) Biological Process (GO) CELL AND CELLULAR COMPONENT Cell (CL) Cellular Component (FMA, GO) Cellular Function MOLECULE Molecule (ChEBI, SO, RnaO, PrO) Molecular Function Molecular Process ~2005 initial OBO Foundry suite

69 Questions? Next: Deep dive into some upper ontology partitions

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