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UT-Austin FSRDC Grand Opening December 13, 2017

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1 Using Census Bureau Data at the Federal Statistical Research Data Centers
UT-Austin FSRDC Grand Opening December 13, 2017 Barbara Downs, FSRDC Director Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau

2 Agenda Research Environment Census Bureau Data at FSRDCs
Economic Demographic Projects Using Census Bureau Data

3 FSRDC Environment

4 FSRDC Environment Physical Security
Secure Census facility within host institution Census employee on-site at all FSRDCs Authorized personnel only Researcher Special Sworn Status Requires moderate level background check Oath of confidentiality is for life Data accessed via secure connection from thin client device to Census data facility in Bowie, MD Printing strictly controlled No internet access

5 FSRDC Environment Collaboration
Each project has “home” FSRDC Researchers may collaborate across FSRDCs Projects may move “homes” as researchers relocate FSRDC Administrator Coordinates project access across FSRDCs Coordinates review of output

6 FSRDC Environment Collaboration

7 Census Bureau Data Economic
Economic data Collected at establishment and/or firm level, admin data is at the Employer Identification Number (EIN) Detailed geography (latitude/longitude for later years, address for all) Linking or Matching data Across censuses or surveys Over time Across entities (establishment to firm) To external data (e.g., Compustat, patent data) via business name and address matching or EIN

8 Census Bureau Data Popular Economic Data
Economic Censuses (EC) , every 5 years Covers most industries at detailed levels Industry-specific questions on sporadic basis Census and Annual Survey of Manufactures (CMS, ASM) Detailed information about manufacturing establishments Measures costs and revenues, calculate productivity Detailed materials and product information 1963, 1967, Longitudinal Business Database (LBD) All US establishments with at least 1 employee Covers most industries Possible to aggregate to firm level Identifies establishment births, deaths, and continuers

9 Census Bureau Data Popular Economic Data

10 Census Bureau Data Economic Data Products
Integrated Longitudinal Business Database (iLBD) Merges non-employer with employer (LBD) data Enhances study of entrepreneurship Linked Foreign Trade Transactions Database (LFTTD) Shipment level information for imports/exports Link to import/export enterprises Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) Link UI and QCEW data with Census demographic and economic data

11 Census Bureau Data Economic Research
A QJE article from February by Giroud and Mueller that combines data from the LBD with Zillow and Compustat data to examine firm leverage, consumer demand, and employment losses during the Great Recession. September AER article by Antras, Fort, and Tintelnot that uses our import transaction data, together with the Economic Census and LBD, to examine firms’ decisions to import. June JPE article that uses LEHD data to examine the long-term impacts of early childhood exposure to air pollution on labor force participation and earnings in adulthood. Forthcoming JPE article by Akcigit and Kerr that uses our LBD and R&D databases, as well as data on patents, to examine firm size and the nature of innovation.

12 Census Bureau Data Demographic
More details than Public Use Files No top-coding Uncollapsed variables Finer geographic detail Match to external sources Other public use or macro-level data Link by geography or PIKs

13 Census Bureau Data Popular Demographic Data
Decennial Census ( ) Short and Long Form data through 2000 (not sample) Finer geographic detail No personally identifiable information American Community Survey Similar to Decennial Long Form; smaller sample size Produce more timely information than Decennial Survey of Income and Program Participation Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (March Supplement) Food Security (December Supplement) American Housing Survey

14 Census Bureau Data Demographic Research
“Legacies of the War on Poverty” Martha J. Bailey, Sheldon Danziger, Editors Inside the Labyrinth: Segregation and the Path to Fair Housing, ” Richard Sanders, Jonathan Zasloff, Yana Kucheva 2017 Demography article “America’s Churning Races: Race and Ethnic Response Changes between Census 2000 and the 2010 Census.” Liebler, Porter, Fernandez, Noon, Ennis

15 Thank you! More Information Contact
Barbara Downs

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