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Presentation on theme: "CYCLE SPEEDWAY GB DEVELOPMENT CAMP"— Presentation transcript:


2 Aims of session Today we will be looking at:- Training Diet
Racing day tips Hydration

3 First some questions ???????? How many of you have a drinks bottle by your side right now ? And why ? Are any of you vegetarians or have specific diets for health reasons ? Why is it important to drink ? Why do we need food ? What do you think makes a balanced diet ? How often/when do eat ? Do you always have breakfast ? Whats your favourite food immediately after training ? How many calories do you eat when training or racing ? What are you hoping to learn from this session ?

4 Right or Wrong ??? There is no right or wrong answer It’s about what you can do differently to help to enhance your performance. It’s not about making big changes but making small changes that can make a big difference

5 Aspirations and Goals You are all sitting here today because you want to achieve. You want to be the best cycle speedway rider you can be. You are hopefully aiming to travel to Australia in 2017 and what is your goal ??????

6 Within your power How I train What and when I eat
What and when I drink How I rest How I socialise How I prepare for races How I support others around me

7 A balanced diet Carbohydrates in the diet are the main ways to increase glycogen into muscles and the liver. If inadequate levels are consumed, then the body will use up the stores.

8 What do athletes need A balanced diet that supplies enough nutrients to support their health When active they need more calories to provide additional fuel Teen athletes may need between calories a day dependent on the activity, length, intensity and frequency Will need more carbohydrates and proteins than inactive people May need more calories in nutrient-dense foods or carbohydrates These foods help to maintain energy and weight for athletic competition Adequate diet also promotes effective recovery It is not possible to perform at you best or train at you best if you do not support your body with the right level of nutrients.

9 Impact of Inadequate Diet
Tiredness Lethargy Decreased stamina Not feeling able to train/missing sessions Under-performing in competition Weight loss Strength/power loss Feeling sick

10 Eat to Train – Train to Eat
The glycemic index (GI) is a scale used to rank the effect a foods carbohydrates has on raising blood glucose levels after eating. Blood glucose levels are sometimes referred to as blood sugar levels. This slide just outlines to you what happens when you start to consume food and impact for energy. You have heard the phrase of a sugar rush, and this can be effected, and is also impacted on insulin creation and depletion (after foods, and also after fasting (such as after sleep). The ideal once awake, is to attempt to obtain a straight line throughout the day, often best achieved by ‘grazing’

11 Eat to train – Train to Eat
Set breakfast times/routines (whether at school/work/on holiday) Plan meals/snacks – especially when away from home Food diaries -so you know what has worked for you Monitor your weight (gain and loss) Make slow changes to your food intake The more you do it, the easier it becomes Still eat the food you love, but only after the food you need

12 Recovery The quicker you eat/drink, the faster you start to recover
Within 20 mins of the activity try:- Milkshake and Banana Fruit and Yoghurt Sports drink and fruit Protein Shake An evening meal for recovery should contain:- Carbohydrates Vitamins and minerals Protein Fluids (not alcohol) Its not just about what you eat before training or before competing, but what you do to help your body recover

13 Nutrition for Competition
Its what has been eaten in the 2/3 days before that is key (so plan this and plan for the plane) Increase fluids Get plenty of sleep You may want to think about increasing your portion sizes in the few days before you travel to get some stores into your system Increase portion sizes a few days before any significant race events (if you have heats to be followed by finals)

14 Nutrition for Race Day Health Snacks may be:- Fruit Cereal bars
Healthy Flap Jacks Rice Cakes Nuts and seeds Foods that contain fat will take longer to digest and will be more likely to impair your performance

15 Nutrition for race day If you don’t go prepared, you’ll most likely rely on:- Vending Machines Cafe foods Burger vans Expensive/low nutritional foods Carbonated drinks

16 Hydration Q - What Percentage of our body is made up of water ? Q – How long can the body function without adequate water ? Q – When do you drink ? Q – How much do you drink ? Q – What are the signs that you haven’t had enough to drink ?

17 Make up of the body

18 Hydration

19 As dry as a

20 What affects Hydration
If you are thirsty you are already dehydrated Carbonated/Sugary drinks Too much Caffeine Alcohol Excessive heat and sweating Illness Poor nutrition/diet High Salt intake Air conditioning

21 Training Fluid Intake Pre Training:– Water Fruit Juice (1/2hrs before) Squash During:- Water Squash (watered down Fruit juice) Sports drinks (if Training for more than 1hr 30) After (alongside recovery):- Water Fruit Juice

22 Racing Tips Don’t change to drinks you don’t usually consume (keep to your training regime) Use Sports drinks as a recovery not pre-race (due to the glucose impact) Plan your drinks (in case fill up is not available) Plan drinks for journeys Drink more in the heat Gels/sachets/concentrated squashs Drinks bottles

23 Small Changes = Big Impact
Thinking about your current food/drink intake and race preparation/recovery:- Tell me one thing you think you already do well Tell me three things you thing you could change Are there any barriers to you making these changes How can you overcome these barriers How will you know that the change has been successful Where else can you look for information

24 Just a thought ?? Four riders at the gate. They are all the same ability, height, strength, age etc. The gates go up and they race for 4 laps. One of them wins Why ?

25 Why ?? You work hard as athletes in what you do on the track, but some of the ‘quick wins’ that are not about strategy, skill or ability are in the other things that take just as much effort and hard work. Making lifestyle changes and thinking as an athlete is not easy but it can make all the difference.

26 Because ....

27 Any Questions ????


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