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Title III Toolkit at a Glance

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1 Title III Toolkit at a Glance
Title III Consortium Conference January 2019

2 Disclaimer The Title III Consortium Conference has been funded with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education; however, the content shared by VDOE and other presenters does not necessarily represent the policies or views of the U. S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government. 

3 Overview Meet and Greet Why is The Title III Toolkit Important?
What is in the Title III Toolkit? Scavenger Hunt Jigsaw Read Gallery Walk Scenarios Professional Development

4 Meet and Greet Introduce yourself: Name Title LEA Time in this Role
EL Experience What makes you smile about an EL you know? You will be working as a team so take 5 minutes to get to know each other

5 What is the Toolkit’s Purpose?
The English Learner Tool Kit: Intended to help state (SEA) and local education agencies (LEA) meet their obligations to English Learners (ELs). Should be read in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights’ (OCR) and the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) joint guidance, “English Learner Students and Limited English Proficient Parents,” published in January 2015 Outlines SEA and LEA legal obligations to EL students under civil rights laws and other federal requirements such as The Dear Colleague Letter Who remembers when The Dear Colleague Letter was released in 2015? Hands up. What sent you into a panic attack? For me and my Title III Coordinator it was serving Kindergarten!! I remember saying to her shall we send out this letter to the ESL teachers and administrators and she said no, not until we have fixed it. Then a year later when were serving K and I became the Title III Coordinator I used the Dear Colleague PPT created by Stacy as the basis of my 5 year plan. I didn’t find the Toolkit until I started to plan for FPM and went into the VDOE website for a change.

6 Where is the Toolkit? The Title III Toolkit can be found on the VDOE Title III site. The Newcomers Title III Toolkit is also available. Did you know that there is a separate toolkit for Newcomers? Quick quiz – How many chapters are in the Title III Toolkit

7 What is in the Toolkit? Tools and Resources
Chapter 1- Identifying all ELs Chapter 2 - Providing ELs with a Language Assistance Program Chapter 3 - Staffing and Supporting an EL Program Chapter 4 - Providing ELs Equal Access to Curriculum and Extra Curricular Programs Chapter 5 - Creating an Inclusive Environment and Avoiding the Unnecessary Segregation of ELs

8 What is in the Toolkit? Tools and Resources
Chapter 6 - Addressing ELs with Disabilities Chapter 7 - Serving ELs who Opt Out of EL Programs Chapter 8 - Monitoring and Exiting ELs from EL Programs and Services Chapter 9 - Evaluating the Effectiveness of a District’s EL Program Chapter 10 - Ensuring Meaningful Communication with Limited English Parents Show of hands – who has read a chapter? All chapters? Do you know that when you call the state we will often refer you to a chapter?? Is this why I am giving this training?? Look at the number on your table. That is your chapter for the session.

9 Scavenger Hunt Check these resources as you find them:
Chapter Number and Title Chapter Description in Italics Key Points - Boxes ESSA Update - Boxes Green Subheadings Tools #1,#2,#3,#4 Samples (Chapter 1 only) Resource Pages Links to 3 minutes How is the organization? Easy for quick facts? Color coded. Did you know they were all organized in the same way? When you get used to the level of information you need you can hit ESSA Update which is a law quote. Or Key Points which is explicit and too the point. Or you may need to dig deeper into the background and read a few pages under the green subheadings. Or you may need to start backtracking to USED through the links. Or you may want to assign reading from the resources linked. Or you may say how will this help me move a step closer to my goal and for that you may develop a working document from a tool.

10 Jigsaw Read Key Points and ESSA Updates
Green Subheadings (review the 1st two pages) Tool #1 Tool #2 Tool #3 Tool #4 Now it is time to dig in. Divide the team into Key Points and ESSA. Subheadings. Tools #1/2. Tools #3/4. Take 8 minutes to read and make notes as you go on the handout. Then you will have 4 minutes to discuss what you noted as shown on the next slide.

11 Share With Your Group How easy was your section to read?
Could a content teacher, administrator, registrar, or parent understand this section? How practical was this section? Key point(s) Who needs to know? Immediate action step required 4 Minutes

12 Create a Gallery Walk Choose a scribe. Divide the paper into quarters.
Write a heading in each quarter. Add your jigsaw read information. Chapter name and number Key points Most useful #tool(s) Immediate action steps for your LEA Go to your sticky note, with your jigsaw notes and choose a scribe. Read through directions. Give 6 minutes. Stop and share out. 15 minutes.

13 Walk through the gallery.
Gallery Share Out Choose one person from your group to share the following with the audience: Chapter name and number Key points Most useful #tool(s) Immediate action steps for your LEA Walk through the gallery. Share out 15 minutes. Walk the room take photos 6 minutes.

14 Training Scenarios Using the Gallery Walk and your binders find the answers to the given scenarios Discuss as a group which chapter number/name you would refer Page reference Discover the answer as a team Now you have heard from all the chapters and you have your binder I am going to give you some FAQs and would like you to find the answer as a group in 2 minutes.

15 Scenario One The reading specialist approaches you and states that a newcomer EL cannot have EL services through the language arts block at the elementary school. She states that the EL needs to be served through elective periods. Chapter____ Page ______ Answer ____ Work as a group to find the answer if you have time note the chapter page answer or put a sticky note in your binder. I will ask someone to share out.

16 Scenario Two A new student is registered and Spanish is given as an answer to one of the HLS questions. The registrar lets the parent know that their child will take the WIDA Screener. The parent goes to the Superintendent to argue there is no need for this test. Chapter____ (additional Chapter___) Page ______ (additional Page _____) Answer ____ (additional support for the parent _____)

17 Scenario Three The principal at the middle school requests a meeting to know why ELs that speak English need to have an EL teacher push in/pull out in Algebra 1 and Language Arts. The ELs are between level 3.0 and 4.3. Chapter____ Page ______ Answer ____

18 Scenario Four The special education teacher asks why a new EL student has been put forward for a child study when the child cannot speak English. Chapter____ Page ______ Answer ____

19 Create Your Own Scenario
Every division will encounter its own set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Use your chapter and determine the questions that you get asked most frequently. Take a minute to reflect. Write a ‘training’ scenario that can be used in professional development to answer your most FAQ.

20 Professional Development
As a group decide: Which key point would you begin if you were to train on the entire chapter? Who would be the audience? When would be a good time to conduct this training? How long would you need? What would your training look like? How would you provide training on all ten chapters of the Toolkit? You are probably already thinking about the toolkit in terms of offering PD so take the last …. Minutes to outline PD on your chapter. Could you work with other LEAs at the table to combine resources when offering this PD? Could you do a regional training? Could you share PPTs?

21 Leave With a Plan Use the template provided to build a plan to train key stakeholders on the Title III Toolkit.

22 Louise Marks Title III Coordinator Office of ESEA Programs
Virginia Department of Education  101 N. 14th Street Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone (804)

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