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Differential Diagnosis for Poverty Reduction

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Presentation on theme: "Differential Diagnosis for Poverty Reduction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Differential Diagnosis for Poverty Reduction
Based upon The End of Poverty by Jeffrey Sachs Guiding Question: What conditions drive people to emigrate?

2 Guiding question Based upon the conditions of your country, what conditions need to be remedied in order for development to occur?

3 You will want to use: CIA World Factbook
United Nations population division Nation Master World Bank

4 I. Mapping Extreme Poverty?
% of extreme poverty? Households that lack access to infrastructure Where does poverty lie (country/city/specific places)? Female/Male/Child poverty? What types of jobs are available to the poor?

5 II. Economic Policy Describe gov’t spending on the people (schools, disease control, family planning, public health) How much of the country is covered by key infrastructure (roads, power, water, transport services)? To what extent is it Free Market or Protectionist? Is the country ready to attract trans national capital?

6 III. Fiscal Framework Percentage of GDP Spent on public welfare (schools/education/infrastructure). And money spent per person by the gov’t. How much debt exists and does this stop the gov’t from spending more? How much might debt relief help the gov’t spend more on poverty reduction?

7 IV. Physical Geography Are population centers close to seaports and airports, rivers, roads and railways? How much? Are people rural or urban? Are people on the coast or inland? Length of the growing season? Fresh water for irrigation? What are the native and sustainable crops? How is the biodiversity being maintained? Deforestation? Climate Change? Rising Sea levels? Prevalence of disease (Malaria, Sleeping Sickness, Giardia)?

8 V. Governance patterns and failures
Democracy or despotism? Lawlessness or Rule of Law? Waste and Fraud in public Services? Corruption (if so, where)? How and how smoothly is power transferred? Are there racial or ethnic groups that dominate politics and access to power?

9 VI. Cultural Barriers Class, Caste, ethnic or gender divisions?
Women's rights, voting and education? Women’s health care and reproductive rights? Can women own and inherit property? Are minority groups genuinely included in the political process? Interethnic war or violence?

10 VII. Geopolitics How is the country in relation to:
other countries around them? U.S., China or Russia? Are there trade sanctions on this country? Security Threats like war or terrorism? Migrant influx? Is there a regional trade group or trade bloc? Is it free market or protectionist?

11 Complete your research.
Your work for today: GQ: Based upon the conditions of your country, what conditions need to be remedied in order for development to occur? Complete your research. Edit your most important and understandable information. Make sure you have citations for your facts Make sure you understand and can explain your terms in context (ex. Why does GDP per- capita matter? What is fiscal policy have to do with poverty?) 3. Share your most pertinent ideas in your research areas.

12 Necessary information for Nation-State Presentations
Must have an overarching thesis for your group. 1-1.5 minutes per topic Compiled and completed ppt. due to Lazzaro by 8pm Monday night (a day classes) and Wednesday night (B day class). 1 notecard and one slide per person/topic NO reading from slides. Print your citations next to your facts on your slide.

13 Necessary information for Nation-State Presentations (cont.)
First slide includes country, thesis and group members. Print your citations next to your facts on your slide. Words on your ppt. kept to a minimum Graphics on your ppt. must help our understanding and not distract. The speaker is the storyteller.

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